Chapter 26

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Tanvi's POV:

*ring ring.

Mom is calling me since morning. I am not able to face her. What shall I tell her? That I got betrayed and I was fool enough to trust a man I should not have trust. I gave him a chance to amend his mistakes, but he proved me wrong that he can never put me first.

Honestly, I don't think I can be with a man who doesn't consider me before taking a decision that involves me. I don't deserve that. But yet my heart bleeds every time I remember him.

 I wish I could put this chapter behind me.  But that is the least of my problems now. I need to tell my mom about the pregnancy. I want to keep this baby. I am sure they are not going to take this well. She might put me in a situation to choose between the child or her and dad. I really wish that day never comes in my life. 

I am going to figure out about how to break this thing to them. Before that I need to consult a gynecologist. 

"Tanu, come have some dinner." Chimmi called me from kitchen.

"Coming." I went to the living room, and we had our dinner there. Rahul left to their bedroom. Chimmi and I were cleaning the kitchen, when Chimmi asked me how the talk went.

I told her everything. "Tanu, right now don't think about Shiva. Think about yourself and the baby."

I hummed at her words and went to my room to sleep. 

After 2 days

I woke up as usual to get ready for office. But I could hear familiar voices coming from the living room. I slowly made my way to the living room only to find my mom sitting on the couch with her suitcases on the floor. I felt my heart dropping to my stomach. I was not ready to face her yet. What shall I do now? How did she get to know that I am staying here? Did she meet Shiva before coming here? All these questions were roaming in my mind.

She saw me and her face hardened. She got up from her seat and seeing her, Rahul and Chimmi excused themselves from the living room. I thanked them in my heart. My heart was beating so loudly that I could hear the heartbeats. 

"Do you remember me, my lord?" my mom asked sarcastically.

"Mom, please don't talk like that. I am sorry, I didn't answer your calls. But I was not in a condition to answer them."

"OfCourse, you will have a reason for everything. Do you know how scared we were thinking about you? The least you could do was talk to us."

"I am sorry again mom. How did you know that I was here?"

"I called Chimmi after you didn't answer. When she too didn't answer I messaged her asking your whereabouts. Finally, she gave in." I know how persistent my mom can be when she wants something from someone.

"I myself am staying in their place, I don't think it is a good idea for you to stay here as well."

"Chinnu, I have not come here to stay with you. I am taking you back to our town."

"Why so suddenly mom? I can't just wake up and follow you. I have a job here."

"I know about all that. Listen Chinnu, we have listened to all your dreams and never once have we stood in your way and stopped you from achieving them. But now at least once you listen to us and do as we say."

"Do what mom?"

She took a deep breath. I am feeling that she has planned for something.

"We have searched a groom for you. We want you to meet him. He is a nice guy and belongs to our background. I and your father think that you will be happy if you marry him."

My eyes widened at her words. She has got to be kidding me. I am just getting out of a relationship, and she has found a groom already? Didn't she even feel like asking me before contacting the groom's family?

"Mom, I have just got out of this relationship and you are expecting me to jump into another one?"

"You are not getting any younger Chinnu. We should also start searching groom for your younger sister if you remember. We waited this long because you were in love with that guy. But now, he betrayed you and is getting married to another one, what do you expect us to do? We care about you my dear. How long are you going to stay like this?"

"mom, but...but..."

"What but?" how shall I tell her that I am pregnant? 

She continued, "Chinnu, I know that you loved him with your whole heart, but he didn't deserve it. He took you for granted. You may think today that it is alright to be with someone like him but tomorrow you will regret it. I don't want you to feel that. You deserve the best. I and your father have never stopped you from doing anything, but today we are asking you to meet this guy. I know this is too early but Chinnu, you have lost so many years waiting for him and what did you get in the end? Nothing."

"I did get something out of it mom." I broke down crying.

"What?" mom looked clueless at me.

"I am p...preg...nant"

A slap resounded in the apartment, mom slapped me. It was expected, I have let them down.

"Are you joking?" she asked with fear in her voice.

I nodded my head negatively.

I didn't lift my head. Suddenly, mom fainted.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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