Chapter 51

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Tanvi's POV:

I wake up to a new day and see Shiva's note. He went to the office for an important meeting. I want to be alone right now and process my current situation. I still can't bring myself to accept that my dad disowned me. My stomach rumbles, reminding me that I have a little baby inside me, and I need to have breakfast. I push the bedcovers and move to the bathroom. I look at my disheveled state. My hair looks like some bird's nest, my cheeks have stains of tears, I shower and get dressed up in sweats in 15 min.

I head to the kitchen to find the breakfast ready. Ramya aunty was cleaning the shelves in the living room. Her eyes soften when she looks at me. Shiva must have told her about yesterday's event. She drops the cloth on the floor and asks me how I am feeling while heading to the kitchen.

"I don't know what to feel anymore aunty. I don't know why all these are happening to me."

"I don't have an answer to that, my child. Time heals everything. Give your dad some time to digest this news. Parents are the only people who love us unconditionally." I liked how aunty talked positively to me rather than pitying my situation.

"Let's hope your words come true aunty. I don't want to picture myself away from them for the rest of my life."

"OfCourse Tanvi Putta. Now wash your hands and sit down. I will serve you breakfast."

I nodded at her and sat down.

After having breakfast, I go to the garden. I sit on the couch there and stare into the plant and zone out.

'Who is working along with Alia?'

'Is it Shiva's mom? I have a feeling that she is the one behind it.'

'If she is the one behind it, will Shiva still go with his word and punish his mom, or will he let this thing slide?'

'How did she plan all this so perfectly?'

'Why can't she just accept me? I know I am not from the ideal background that she was expecting for Shiva's wife to be. But I will learn and try to do my best.'

'Why does she see me as if I am behind Shiva for his money? I was with him when their company had declared bankruptcy and I continued to be with him while he built his empire and expanded it.'

'Will she make it a habit to keep on doing this? Always trying to disturb the peace in my life? Do I want to live in such a toxic family? Does my child deserve all this?'

I want answers to all their questions, and I can't get them until we get to know who is really behind this fiasco.

'Has Shiva found out something about this?' I think I should call him to find out about it or should I wait until he comes home in the afternoon. He might be busy in the meeting right now like he mentioned in the note, so it is better to wait for him to come home. I heard my phone ringing.

I picked it up and saw that mom was calling.

"Hi ma."

"Hi chinnu. How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling better than yesterday."

"Did you have breakfast and take vitamin tablets?"

"Yes ma, I did. How is pappa? Did he have his breakfast and take his tablets?"

"He is reading a book right now. He had his breakfast and I made sure he takes all his tablets."

"Is he still angry on me ma?"

"Tanu, he still needs some time to accept all this. Don't give up. Have patience."

"I know ma, I know. But it is so hard to accept the fact that pappa doesn't want anything to do with me and I don't have anybody to blame but me." Tears fall from my eyes and I don't bother to swipe them.

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