Chapter 16

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Rahul (Chimmi's husband) took my suitcases from chimmi and kept them inside the boot of the car.

Chimmi helped me sit inside the car. She sat beside me, I turned towards Rahul and said, "I am sorry for disturbing you this late."

"No problem Tanvi, you are like my sister. I would have done the same thing if it were her," he started driving.

I slept on Chimmi's lap, I couldn't stop my tears. She didn't ask me anything, she kept on stroking my hairs.

I started thinking of the first time Shiva confessed his feelings to me. We were still in college. I don't know what went wrong in our relationship that he decided to get married to someone else. 

All the promises he made, all those confessions he made, were lies after all. He was just using me all this while and I was a stupid woman who believed all his lies. But why would he do that to me?

If it was all lies, then why did I feel that his words were true when he told them to me. Was I that blind in his love that I couldn't see the red flags?  What was my mistake? I always put his needs before mine. That was the very reason I decided to move in with him to the penthouse although it was very far from my previous job.

Never once did I think that a day like this would come in my life when he would leave me for someone else. Last night when I asked him about our marriage, he said it was not that simple, but it was so simple for him to agree to marry his bestfriend. Afterall, amma was right, he picked his mom's chosen bride over me. Maybe I should have also listened to my mom when she asked me to break up with him.

This day would have never come then. Why does it hurt so much? How shall I face my parents now? How shall I tell them that I am pregnant by a man who abandoned me? The car came to a halt and I got down from the car.

Rahul insisted that he would bring my suitcases. I thanked him before going with Chimmi. It was 5 A.M when we went inside their house. 

Rahul and Chimmi's apartment

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Rahul and Chimmi's apartment

Chimmi took me to their guest bedroom. Rahul brought my suitcases to the guest bedroom.

"Take some rest Tanvi. Chimmi, I'll be in the room." he left saying this. Chimmi nodded at him.

 Chimmi nodded at him

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The Guest Bedroom

"Tell me now, what happened. I didn't ask you earlier because I knew you wouldn't be comfortable to share it in front of Rahul."

I broke down crying thinking about that mail. "Shiva and alia are getting married."

"What the fuck, no way. Are you kidding me?"

"No, see this." I showed her the mail.

She read and her face too paled out. "This looks legit. Did you talk to Shiva about it?"

"Last night, I told him that I am pregnant. Do you know what was the first thing he said? He was like, we used protection, how is this possible and then he told me that he was not ready. Before I could ask him anything further, he left from there telling that he had to go somewhere. Then at 12 A.M I receive this mail."

"Oh my god, he is such an asshole. How are you holding up? I know this is quite early to ask this, but what are you going to do?"

"I honestly don't know Chimmi, I am still in the shock that he betrayed me. I need a distraction right now. I can't even call sick to my office. It's my second day tomorrow."

"Don't worry Tanu, we will figure it out. You can stay here as long as you want. But I can't help but notice one thing here. Why would the HR send a mail in such odd hours? Do you think Varsha aunty is behind this. Maybe this could be her plan to separate you both."

She was right, why would the HR director send mail at 12 A.M, "Chimmi, even then, his words from last night can't be justified."

"Its 5 already, try to get some sleep. I'll be in my room. call me if you need anything."

"What would I do without you?" I hug her tightly. She kissed my head. 

"Well, I am never going to leave you in this lifetime."

My eyes welled up, "Hey, tanu what happened?"

"He used to say the same words. Look where I am now" I smiled sadly.

"Just forget about it Tanu, remember you have a  child inside you. You should be strong for the baby."

"Yes, I will be strong for this baby, you go and take some rest."

She left and I lied on the bed. I wanted to sleep, my body was tired but sleep was far away. When I closed my eyes, his picture pops up. I cannot go on like this. Like Chimmi said, I should be strong for this child. He made his decision and it's high time I make mine.

I don't know what to say when my mom gets to know that Shiva betrayed me. I will I break my pregnancy news to her? What will my parents think of me? I still remember when I told my parents that I will be moving in with Shiva. My mom made a disaster out of it, but Shiva spoke to them. I don't know what they talked about. After talking to him my parents didn't oppose my decision, but I remember my dad telling me, 'Chinnu, you are a grown up now. We are not going to oppose you living with him but please don't let us down and make me regret about it later."

I let him down today. Well not today but the day I trusted Shiva over my parents was the day I let him down. I hope I never see Shiva again.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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