Chapter 21

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Shiva's POV:

I reached my penthouse. It was 6 am already. I went inside and passed the dining room. I remembered the events of last night, how much I wish the circumstances were different and I was able to enjoy the beautiful moments with Tanu. 

This was the moment I was looking for since a long time. And when it did, I was not able to enjoy properly. What was the point of living this billionaire's life when I was not able enjoy the little moments of life. I want to make it up to Tanu.

 I am feeling extremely guilty for my behavior last night. I wanted to see Tanu. I went to our bedroom. It was empty. What? Why is it empty? She must be in the washroom, I guess. I went to check for her in the washroom and found it empty too. 

I was scared now, where did she go this early? I started checking for her in the whole house. I didn't call her name as I thought she must have slept somewhere. There are instances when she slept on the swing at garden or on the couch. I used to carry her to the bedroom during those times. I guess I have to do the same today.

I searched for her in the garden, then in the guest bedroom, my study, living room, but she was not there. I searched every nook and corner of the house but didn't find her anywhere.

I started to feel a pit forming in my stomach, thinking of a possibility that she could have left me. Given up on our relationship? But she has never done that before. No matter how big our fight is, she would either stop talking to me or make me sleep in the guest bedroom.

Not once have we ever let our fight get out of this penthouse. Where did she go then?I called her cellphone. I was switched off. Shit!! What to do now?

 I went to the bedroom. I was restless now. I walked in the balcony of my bedroom. I tried calling her phone multiple times but it said the same thing over and over.I messaged her, asking her to call me ASAP. I sat on the bed and found a paper in the side table. I took it from there, opened it and started reading.

*The letter*

Mr.Geonka, I have good news for you. I am leaving your life. Yes, you read it right, I am out of your life, I hope you are happy with this news. I am sure this is what you and your mom wanted. Don't show me your face ever again. Don't try to call or text me, coz I don't have anything to say to you. Have a happy married life with your sweety. 

With hate, Tanvi.

What does she mean by leaving my life? She must be kidding right? No! No! No! this cannot be happening, she cannot leave me. She is the air I breathe. I cannot survive without her. Wait a minute!! how is she aware of the fact that I was about to announce my marriage with Sweety? I have called it off, I need to clear this misunderstanding. I tried calling her again.

 It was ringing now but she did not receive the call. I thought of all the places she could be. She didn't have any relatives here. So, either she would go to a hotel to stay or to any of her friend's place. I called Kishore to come right away to my place. I called the reception of the apartment to ask for the CC camera footage. They told me that they would be sending the footage with an IT guy.

I was pacing around in the living room, when the doorbell rang.

I went to the door and opened it. I found Kishore along with the IT guy.

"Good morning, sir", Kishore greeted me. There is nothing good about this morning. I let them in.

The IT guy spoke, "Sir, this hard drive has the footage of the apartment from last 24 hours." while handing over the hard drive to me.

"Ok, you may leave now." I said to him. He left from there.

"Sir, is something wrong?" kishore asked me after some time.

"Tanvi has left the apartment. I need to find her."

"Sir, you could have called madam."

"Dammit, don't you think I would have done that already?" I blew out my anger on him.

"Sorry sir."

"I asked for the footage to know when she left this penthouse. connect it to the laptop and play the footage."

"Yes sir. There are media people outside the apartment. Since the news of your marriage broke outlast night."

"What marriage news?" 

what the f*ck is going on in my life. which marriage is he talking about? I groan in fraustration.

Kishore typed something on the keyboard and showed me the screen. What the freaking shit is this? My marriage with Alia?? I told my mom last night that I am not ready for this.

Then it flashed to me, this is why Tanu has left. She must have seen the news and left from here thinking that I was playing with her all this while. I saw the timing of the news and it showed that the news was out at 12:30 A.M.

"How did this break out?" I asked Kishore.

"Sir, our PR team released the news last night at 12 A.M. I thought you knew about this."

I was in my parents' house when the news broke out. I need to clear this confusion up. But first, I need to find out about Tanu.

"We will discuss about this later. Now let's back to searching Tanu."

"Yes sir" he started playing the footage from 12 A.M. It took us almost 2 hours to go through the whole footage in 2X speed. Finally, around 5 a.m. We saw Tanu coming out with her suitcase and waiting for someone. After a couple of minutes, her best friend and her husband arrived in their car and picked up Tanu.

"Kishore, this is her best friend Chimmi. I need to know everything about them and their address asap. Let me know once you find out about that."

"Yes sir, I'll be back with the information. Also, the press wants to talk to you about the wedding news."

"I will handle that, you don't worry." Kishore left from the penthouse and I picked up my phone to call mom.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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