Chapter 34

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Tanvi's POV:

I stopped wiggling after realizing that it is pointless. He opened his room door with his legs and went in. His wedding attire was lying on the bed. He put me on the ground and went to the bed to pick his dress up.

"I forgot to put them in laundry basket." He knows that I like to keep things in neat and clean. His way of getting me to talk when we fought in the past was by throwing his clothes here and there, which would annoy me to an extent when I would start scolding him for that. But I don't care anymore.

I didn't react and went to the dresser to remove the jewelry. I removed all the jewelry except hair jewelry and the safety pins attached to my saree in the front. But I was not able to remove my hair jewelry and safety pins that was put to keep my saree intact with the blouse.I groaned in frustration when I was not able to remove them. Why does it have to be so difficult? I turned my back towards the mirror and tried removing it. It seemed pointless now. I was still not able to remove them.

Shiva came back from the bathroom right at the moment and chuckled at my attempts. Only if he knew how difficult it was. He started walking towards me and stood behind me.

"May I darling?" he asked.

"Ohh!!! so you have a habit of asking before doing something that involves me?" He sighed.

"Tanu, I was helpless."

"Is there an end to this? or you keep taking decisions on your own in the name of being helpless."

"You are tired now. We will talk tomorrow."

He started removing the safety pins first. I was tired as fuck to throw a fight.

The saree pallu was about to slip from its place, but I held it in place. He smirked looking at me. After removing all the hair jewelry. He looked lost staring at me with lust with my hairs open.

"Stop staring at me like that and leave the room, I need to change." That brought him out of his thoughts.

"I am your husband. I can stare at you all I want sweetheart. I can help you change if you want, all you have to do is ask." he winked at me in the end.

"Pervert." I scolded him and threw a comb him, he ducked in time and avoided getting hit by it.

"Only for you baby, your clothes are yet to arrive, so you can wear mine till then" he said.

"What other option do I have? I wish I had never met you in the first place, then I wouldn't be suffering at your mercy." His face fell at my words, and he left the room at once.

I know that my words might have hurt but this is nothing in front of what he has done to me. He has kept on inflicting his decisions on me without asking my say in them.

I am angry on him for deciding on things that involve me without asking me first. This helplessness is turning all my love for him to hate.

I went to closet to search for something comfortable to wear. I found a boxer and a T-shirt of his. I slept on the bed and dozed off.

Someone was calling my name and lightly shaking me. I tried opening my eyes but shut it immediately due to the brightness.

I held my hand as a shield and opened my eyes again and saw that Shiva was standing next to the bed with a glass of juice.

It took me a minute to remember the events that happened since morning. The sky outside was dark and lights were turned on inside the room.

"I brought juice for you. How are you feeling now?" Shiva asked me.

I didn't bother to answer him, but just nodded my head. He sighed again.

"Freshen up and come, we will go together for dinner."

I was hungry when he said it. I took the glass from his hands and drank it in one go.

I felt better after drinking it. I kept the glass on the tray he brought. I went inside the bathroom to get freshened up. After finishing the chores did I realize that I didn't have anything to wear. I couldn't wear the saree again, nor could I go to dinner with his boxer and T-shirt.

I walked out of bathroom and saw that Shiva was standing with a kurtha set in his hand.

"I asked Kishor to buy it. I didn't want to get your things from Chimmi's house without asking you first."

"That doesn't seem like you at all." I mock at him.

"Tanu I am trying to make an effort here." I scoff at his words.

"I want to talk something important with you after Dinner Tanu. Let's go now." I nodded at him and followed him.

The dinner went peacefully other than few angry looks from Shiva's mom. His dad looked happy and spoke a few words during dinner. He told me to call me dad and asked me to meet him in his study later.

I was the last one to finish eating, by that time only me and my mother-in-law were left in the dining room.

Shiva and Dad left to dad's study to discuss something. Being alone with my mother-in-law was the last thing I wanted now, knowing her hate towards me.

"How are you feeling as the daughter in law of Goenka house?" she asked me in a mocking tone.

"I don't feel any different than before." I wanted to add that my anger and urge to stay away from Shiva has grown exponentially now. But it doesn't concern her.

"Many women would die to be in your place."

"I don't think this place is worth giving your life."

"Although, I must say that you are very daring."I scrunched my eyebrows at her words, "As in?" I asked her.

"Given that you know my hatred for you. I will not sit idle and let you live happily with my son. Remember, I will do anything to take you away from his life."

"We will see about that. I have better things to do than talk nonsense with you."

"I would be worried if I were you, after all you are carrying a child inside you. You wouldn't want to risk its life now, would you?"

My blood froze at her words. I tried not to look scared. I got up from the chair and walked away. I never thought she would stoop that low to kill her own grandchild. Just thinking about the mere thought brought chills to my body. She is not the kind of woman who throws empty threats at people. I must be very careful as long as I stay here.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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