Chapter 14

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Tanvi's POV:

I decided after speaking to Shiva in the morning that I will be breaking the pregnancy news to him today. And also tell him that I joined Goenka Infrastructure.

I called Ramya aunty and told her that I will be preparing the dinner tonight. She insisted that she will assist me in cooking. I obliged to her, after all she treats me like her own daughter.

I decided to make Shiva's favorite dishes, which include mushroom biriyani, kheer, rot hui with panner butter masala, sambar. Ramya aunty helped me in cutting the vegetables. After cooking all the dishes. I went to freshen up. 

Today is the most special day of mine and Shiva's life. I am breaking him the news that we are expecting. I am thinking of all the possible reactions he could give me, will he pick me up and twirl me around or will he pepper me with kisses or will he cry out of happiness. Oh my god, I can't wait for his reaction.

I ran a shower and it was time for choosing an outfit. I was looking through my closet and found the first saree that Shiva ever bought to me. He bought it out of his stipend which was his first salary. He was doing his internship as an assistant engineer in an IT company. I love cotton sarees because they remind me of my mom.

Being in a middle class family, my mom was not able to afford the designer sarees, so she used to always wear cotton saree. And when I wear a cotton saree I feel like I am hugging her. He knew it, so he bought me a cotton saree. I don't think I'll ever find a better occasion to wear that saree if not today. So I wore that saree and did minimal makeup.

 So I wore that saree and did minimal makeup

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Saree that Shiva bought for tanvi

While coming back from office I bought some jasmine flowers, I wore them on my hairs. Many woman love roses but I love jasmine. 

After getting ready, I went out and arranged the dining table by lighting the candles and setting up the table

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After getting ready, I went out and arranged the dining table by lighting the candles and setting up the table.

After getting ready, I went out and arranged the dining table by lighting the candles and setting up the table

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Dining table setup (ignore the dishes inside the plate)

I had picked a pregnancy reveal gift for Shiva, nothing fancy just a gift box with a pair of shoes in it along with a bunny.

I had picked a pregnancy reveal gift for Shiva, nothing fancy just a gift box with a pair of shoes in it along with a bunny

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I kept the box closed on the kitchen table. after some time the main door opened. Shiva stepped in, he looked tired. His eyes met mine and I saw that his breath hitched. I smiled at him and went towards him. I hugged him and he hugged me back. He kissed my head and whispered in my ears, "You look so beautiful my love. I am such a lucky man to have you." 

"Enough of your praising, go and get freshened up. I'll be waiting for you."

"Are we celebrating your first day at work today?"

"Yes, and that's not all. There is a surprise for you. Umm, no no. Not one but two surprises."

"I'll be right back" he went to freshen up. He came back after a couple of minutes wearing his sweats.

 He came back after a couple of minutes wearing his sweats

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Shiva's sweatshirt and sweatpant

"Someone is looking smoking hot."

He smirked at me and replied, "You can take a picture, it would last longer" and smiled at me.

"Same old dialogue. Why would I be needing it when I will have you beside me throughout my life", as soon as I said that his smile haltered, but he masked it well. But I noticed it. why am I getting bad vibes from this behavior.

"Let's have the dinner before it turns cold." I made him sit in his seat and served his plate.

"Tanu, these are all my favorites" he tasted them and his eyes widened at me, "You made these?"

I nodded my head and giggled. 

"They taste so delicious. I am loving it. Come on, you too start the dinner" he served my plate.

We started eating our dinner when he interrupted, "What's the occasion Tanu. I am very curious now. This must be really big thing. These cotton sarees look so good on you Tanu. I will buy you these in every colour."

I laughed at his words, "First finish your dinner, I'll tell you the about the surprise later."

We finished our dinner. "Tanu, enough now tell me about the surprise."

My heartbeat fastened. I went to the kitchen to bring the gift box. He looked curious, and before I could give him the box. He grabbed it from my hands and opened it hurriedly. Sometimes he acts just like a kid. 

He looked inside and looked back at me. Then the realization hit him. This was the moment I was waiting for. To see what he would do. 

It was as if like the time had paused, I felt that my heart would burst out any moment because it was beating so fast.

His face paled. He looked shocked. The first words that come out of his mouth were, "How is this possible, we used protection." He dropped the box on the floor.  I lost it.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?? Are you even for real Shiva? I tell you that I am Pregnant and the first thing you tell is 'we used protection'. What is wrong with you?"

He was silent for sometime, it looked like he was thinking of what to tell me.

"Tanu, I...I am not ready for this." His words stabbed my heart and tore it apart.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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