Chapter 46

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Tanvi's POV:

I went to my room and saw Shiva typing furiously on his laptop and muttering something under his breath. I thought to play with him for a while.

"Shiva, mom's calling for dinner." I said and started unpacking our outfit for tomorrow.

"I don't have an appetite. You go and eat."

"Arey, why so suddenly? You can finish this after dinner too. Did something happen?" I asked him innocently.

"I don't like this Madhav guy."

"Why? he is such a sweetheart."

"He is a what?" he closed his laptop and looked at me like he is going to gobble me down.

"I mean, why would you say that. He has been anything but nice to you."

"I don't like the way he talks to you."

"How does he talk to me according to you?"

"He talks to you as if he is your boyfriend. What is with that nickname, Twinkle Tanu? Who the hell is he to give you nicknames. I was this far from breaking his face when you said he wanted to marry you."

"We are childhood friends. You don't have to go all hulk on him. We met after a long time, so we were remembering the old times and laughing. As far as marriage is concerned. He is not a bad option, right? If I was not married to you, I might have considered him." I chuckled inside. He got up from the bed hearing my words. My heartbeat quickened. Although I was saying all these to get on his nerves. I felt he was too pissed off for my own good. He walked towards me and reached me in quick strides.

"What.. did.. you.. just.. say..?" he repeated each word while keeping his hands on both sides of me. I didn't want to look scared although I was feeling scared.

"You heard what I said." I said looking in his eyes. He lifted me and wrapped my legs around his torso. I looked at him bewildered. Just when I was about to speak, he smacked my butt. I yelped at his act.

"Why did you smack me?" I asked him. He smacked the other side now.

"What the!!"

He cut me off by saying. "You are fucking mine Tanu. Mine for the next seven lives. I dare you to tell something otherwise."

"What are you going to do?" I asked him while drawing a line with my finger on his face.

"Tanu, don't play with me. You know how possessive I am about you. You will definitely pay for saying that you would ever consider him or anybody other than me."

"Oh, what are you going to do? Smack me a couple of more times?"

"You wish. When we return back, you will get to know." he kissed me saying that. I kissed him back. We parted after a minute or so.

We went to dinner after making ourselves look presentable enough.

Dinner went smoothly with dad and Shiva talking. I was talking with Chutki regarding her studies and career options.

After dinner, we went back to our respective rooms and called it a night.

Next morning

I woke up early next morning to get ready for the puja. I came back to the room to wake up Shiva before wearing the saree. But he was sleeping too peacefully, and I thought of waking him up after getting ready. I wore the saree that my mom had bought for today's occasion. I was pinning my pleats when I looked up and saw Shiva's eyes opened.

"When did you wake up?"

"I woke up when you started getting ready." he winked at me.


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