Chapter 55

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Shiva's POV:

I reached our penthouse first and showered. I needed it right now to calm myself. I wore sweats and packed toiletries and some essentials for Tanu. Ramya aunty had already packed the dinner for five people and kept it on the dining table. I took it and left for the hospital.

Once I reached Tanu's ward, I saw papa reading a magazine. Tanu and ma were talking. I asked Kishor to have dinner along with us. Once we finished having dinner.

"Ma, it is getting late. Kishore will drop you and papa to our house. Ramya aunty has made the guest room ready." I spoke.

"No Shiva, I will stay with Tanu here. You and Prakash can go to the house to rest."

"Ma, you and papa are tired today from traveling. I will stay here with her."


"Ma, Shiva is right. You both rest today. You can stay with me the whole day tomorrow." She assured ma.

Mom agreed to that.

She kissed on Tanu's forehead before leaving and papa patted on her head and asked her to take care.

Nurse came and checked her vitals. After that it was just me and Tanu in the room.

"Tanu, I need to tell you something."

"If this is about you justifying your mother's actions with some crap, then I am not interested." 

"No, I can never justify what my mother did. I just want to let you know that she won't be troubling us anymore."

"Let's be practical here Shiva, she is your mom. She will be part of your life no matter what."

I hesitate to tell her.

"What are you keeping from me?" she looks quizzically at me.

"Actually, I broke ties with her."

"WHAT!! Are you kidding me? This is not something to joke about."

"I know. I am not joking. I went to meet mom in the evening and confronted her about it." 

"What did she say? How did she take it?"

"She is not ready to listen to me Tanu. She thinks she is doing the right thing. I didn't have any other option. I cannot risk your life or our baby's life. So, I broke things off with her. She still needs some time to come in terms with it."

"Shiva come here." she opened her arms to me. 

She hugged me. 

"How are you feeling right now?"

"I don't know Tanu. I don't know what to feel anymore. Being betrayed by my mom. She fooled me. I never thought that a day might come where my mom would do this to me. She is not a little bit sorry about it. I had never seen this side of her until today. I still can't believe any of this. I am sorry Tanu. You suffered because of my blind trust in my mom. I used to think that she would accept you one day. She hurt you so much. I can't take it anymore. You matter to me, our child matters to me. I will not let anything get you both. You are my life."

"Everything will be alright." I pulled myself back.

"I hope so. How are you feeling?"

"I feel better. I am happy that papa came to see me."

"I am happy about it too. Sleep now. Don't stress yourself. I will be beside you."

"Yea. Goodnight Shiva."

"Goodnight Tanu." I kissed her palms. I watched her sleep. I couldn't sleep. Just then I remembered that I had to call dad.

I called him thinking that he would be awake. He picked after some rings. I walked out of the room to talk.

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