Chapter 29

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Shiva's POV:

I need to do something. I need to stop Tanu from getting this abortion. Why is Tanu not able to understand my situation? I called Mahir and dad to my penthouse.

I am calling off this marriage right now, it is not worth the life of my child. This child is the symbol of my love for Tanu. I have realized my mistake and I will not let my child to be punished for my mistake. 

I asked Kishore in the car. "Kishore, what was Tanu doing in the Goenka Infrastructure today?"

My mind was racing with so many questions. Did she come there to meet me? But how come she knew that I was going there for inspections? Nobody other than myself and Kishore know about the inspections.

"Sir apparently, Tanvi mam is working there as assistant director since a couple of days."

I was surprised. "How come I didn't know about this?"

"Sir, I am sorry. I got to know about this today itself."

"No issues, but make sure you don't miss out on such details from next time." 

"Sure sir." We reached the penthouse.

When I reached my floor, Mahir was already waiting for me outside the penthouse.

I opened the door and let him in. This is the first time for him to come inside my penthouse. 

"Is everything alright Shiva?"

"I have made a decision, I wanted to let you and dad know about it. I am waiting for him arrive. You don't have any important meetings, right?"

"Sure, no issues. I am postponing today's schedule to tomorrow."

Dad arrived after some time.

"Sorry guys, I was in an important meeting, and I had to wrap it up. Mahir's here too? What's up Shiva?" dad asked.

"I have made a decision dad. I am planning of getting married to Tanu tomorrow."

"What!!!" Mahir was shocked at my words.

"Care to elaborate?" dad asked me.

"Vinutha aunty has come to Bangalore. She has come to know that Tanu is pregnant, so she is asking Tanu to get the baby aborted."

"Tanu is pregnant. Since when? And who is Vinutha aunty" Mahir asked.

Dad explained him everything from the beginning.

"Then why the hell did you allow your team to announce the wedding?" Mahir asked me.

"I know I made a mistake Mahir, I am trying to correct it now." I told him.

"You call this a blunder? You are playing with lives here. Think about Alia's life if you get married to Tanu now. This is so fucked up."

"I will make arrangements for her fashion line's launch."

"Then we could have gone with the same thing from the beginning, right? Why this mess up?"

"Long story short. Mom would accept Tanu if I did this thing."

"This is what I had feared from the beginning. Her parents' reaction to the news of your marriage and then Tanu's pregnancy. Has her dad also come here? Are you sure Tanu would agree for this wedding?"

"Dad, I don't have a lot of options here. Either I make a decision within a day or lose my child."

"But Shiva, why is Tanu's mom so adamant about abortion?" 

"She thinks I betrayed Tanu, and I am getting married to Alia, so she wants to get this baby aborted and take back Tanu to their town. And.." I feel my blood boil even thinking about it.

"And what?" Mahir urged me to complete.

"Get her married to some guy over there." I said through gritted teeth.

Dad walked over to me and kept his hands on my shoulder and said, "Son, you don't worry. I will take care of everything else. You go and get married to Tanu."

"Yes Shiva, if you would have told us in the beginning itself about Tanu's pregnancy, then all these things could have been prevented. I will talk to my parents, you get married to Tanu."

"Thanks dad." I hugged him and broke the hug and hugged Mahir. 
"Thanks Mahir."

"Dad, what about mom?" I asked him worriedly.

"Shiva right now, you have to think like a father who is trying to protect his child. You have been a wonderful son to your mom all these years and you will always be one. But, now act like a father. I am proud of you, my son."

I nodded at him.

Tanu's POV:

At the hospital

I opened my eyes and saw the interiors of a hospital. The last I remember was waiting for elevator in the office. How come I am here? When I thought of waking up from the hospital bed, a nurse came in with a smiling face.

"Good afternoon miss Tanvi. How are you feeling now?"

"Better I guess. What was wrong with me?"

"You fainted. It is common during pregnancy."

"Is my baby alright?" I asked her keeping hands on my stomach.

"Nothing to worry about. I shall do a check up on your vitals and after that I will send your mom in."

"My mom is here?"

"Yes, she is waiting for you outside."

After checking my vitals, "Your vitals are normal. I will send your mom in."

I nodded at her.

After a minute mom came in. Her face fell seeing me in hospital bed. She had a form in her hand.

"Who brought me here mom?"

"Leave all that now. How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling better mom. What is it in your hand?"

Her face saddened, "Its abortion form."

My eyes welled up, I have to let go of this child. I hugged my stomach and started crying. Why does fate have to be so cruel? 

"Tanu, you should try to understand that, I don't want to kill this child. It is against the values that I instilled in you and Isha, but for the sake of my husband and the reputation of our family I am doing this. If there was another option, then I would have chosen that."

"I know mom, I am the one responsible for this, why are you blaming yourself? Anyways we cannot change it now, can we?"

Mom came near the bed and hugged me. Just then, mom's phone started ringing. It was dad calling her. She picked the call.

"Hello, yes she is doing well. She has gone to office now. She is busy these days it seems so she didn't pick our call...... Yes, I will ask her to call you when she reaches home...... Did you have lunch on time?....... What is Isha doing?......Ask her to call me later.......Ok I will keep the call now.... Bye"

"He is worried sick of you. He wants to talk to you. Tomorrow is your birthday, have you forgotten." oh shit, I had actually forgotten that it was my birthday tomorrow. 

Then I remembered that I am killing my child on my birthday. I started crying. 

Mom understood my thought and came forward to console me.

"Everything happens for a reason my child. Have faith in god." She coed to me.

I slept in her arms.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

What do you think Shiva will do tomorrow?

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