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I wonder why shiva gasped looking at the dining table. 

" What's wrong Shiva" I ask him.

"Who ate all of my apples, they were all there in the morning" he questions while drinking water. He behaves like a child when it comes down to 'his apples'.

"Actually... I... ate... those apples" I smile sheepishly at him. He spits all of the water in his mouth.  

"You did what?"

"I am sure you heard me the first time."

"I did, although it's hard to believe. Since when you started eating my apples"

"I felt like eating them, so I did. And what is it with calling them yours, they are not yours ok"

" No, they are mine" he raises his voice pointing the fingers at him. 

Did he just raise his voice for a bunch of apples. My eyes get watered up, I turn my face away from him and continue to serve the food.

"Hey tanu, are you crying??"
Shiva hugs me from behind and keeps his head on my shoulder.

I don't respond to him, he turns me facing him and says," I am sorry tanu, I was surprised initially but I was just messing with you honey, please don't cry, is something wrong baby?? You don't normally cry over stuff like these."

I look at his eyes and he look genuinely concerned about it, should I tell him about the throw up incident, but it's trivial and I can tell him if it happens again.
"Nothing Shiva, I guess it's the hormones, my periods are yet to come."

He wipes my eyes and makes me sit on the dining chair, " makes sense, stay calm baby" he kisses my forehead.

We start eating dinner, when Shiva starts speaking,

" There is a charity event tomorrow for orphan children and its very important, So I won't be there for dinner Tanu." 

"It's been quite some time since you had been to such event. Who is organizing it by the way?" 

"The Aggarwal's are hosting it. You know Tanu, I wish to host one such event with you in our future."

"I would love to host such event with you. I have to attend my send-off party at Slink corporations tomorrow evening. "

"Finally, you are getting relieved from there. Did you get any update on your new job? By the way, why are you not telling me the company where you have given the interview?"

"Not yet I might be getting a mail from them tomorrow if I am selected. That'll be a surprise for you." I wink at him.

He shakes his head while smiling and continues eating.

I head to the bedroom as Shiva agreed to do the dishes today. I am very tired after this very long day. I do my nighttime skin care routine and wait for shiva on the bed when he comes inside the room and lies down next to me. I hug him and doze off.


I wake up after my alarm rings and find that Shiva's side of the bed empty. I freshen up and hit the gym in the house. Did I tell you that Shiva is such a gym freak that he got all the gym equipment installed in this house so he can workout whenever he wants? 

Although I am not so regular to the gym, I try to workout at least thrice a week.

Although I am not so regular to the gym, I try to workout at least thrice a week

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Tanvi's Gym outfit

After half an hour of workout, I run a cold shower and get ready for the day. I opt some sweats for the day as I will be staying in the house doing some decluttering till evening.

I go to kitchen to grab some breakfast and see that Ramya aunty has already prepared chapati and lady's finger curry.

I see her watering the plants in the garden, I serve my breakfast and go to the garden to have some chat with her. She smiles at me.

                                                                                  Their Garden

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                                                                                  Their Garden

 "Good morning Aunty" I greet her as I sit on the sofa and start eating.

"Good morning putta, how's breakfast?" 

"It's really yummy aunty, you are the best" 

She smiles at my compliment and continues to water the plants.

As I take the third bite into my mouth, I feel bile rising my throat, I place the plate on the nearby table and rush to the bathroom to puke. 

Thank god aunty came to assist me, she held my hairs as I threw up. After rinsing my mouth and washing my face, I followed aunty to the living room.

"Putta, you take some rest, I'll get you some lemon juice"

I nodded my head at her and lied down. I feel so exhausted, is my stomach infected or something?? I think I need to see the doctor.

After a couple of minutes aunty comes back with juice and gives it to me.
I started drinking the juice and aunty asked me, "putta what's wrong?" 

"I have no idea aunty, this is the second time I vomited. I think it might be stomach infection, but I have not experienced any loose bowels which is very unusual."

"Are you having your periods putta? "

"Not yet aunty", I am one of those girls who throw up during periods and aunty always pampers me during those days.

 I got up from the sofa to keep the glass in the kitchen, as I walked a few steps my eyes got blurry and I dropped the glass in my hand.

When I opened my eyes, I see a concerned look on aunty's face. "Are you ok putta?"

"I feel quite lightheaded aunty."

After remaining silent for a moment, she asks "let's call the doctor to house putta. You have never fainted before. I was so scared when you fainted putta. Shall I call Shiva?" She brushes my hair.

"No aunty it's fine, I'll drop by the clinic today myself, I think something is wrong with me." Shiva told yesterday that the charity event was important, I don't want to worry him about my health. 

"Shall I come along with you or shall I ask Shiva to come?" 

"It's fine aunty, I am alright now. Another thing, Shiva will not be having dinner at home tonight, so you can take your leave in the afternoon."

"Ok putta. Shall I make you something else to eat?"

"I'm fine with lemon juice for now, will you make me some porridge later?"

"Sure, putta anything for you."

"I'll be in my room aunty" I tell her and move towards my room.

"Ok putta, take some rest."

I walk to my room and call the clinic to take an appointment for consultation. I was asked to come at 4pm. 

It's still 11 am so I decide to take some rest, I'm in no mood to declutter now. I lie down on the bed and doze off.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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