Chapter 52

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Shiva's POV:

I left for the hospital as soon as I heard that she fainted. My hands were literally shaking. I rushed to the reception.

"How may I help you sir?"

"I am here for my wife. She was brought here as emergency patient."

"May I know her name sir?"

"Tanvi. Tanvi Goenka." Her eyes widened as she realized who I was.

"She is in Ward No 305 on third floor, sir."

I nodded at her and ran to the lift. As I reached the ward. I saw Ramya aunty there. Tanvi was sleeping.

A nurse was making note of her vitals and as soon as she saw me, she asked.

"May I know who you are?"

"I am her husband. How is she and the baby now?"

"Both are alright now. She fainted due to stress. The OB-GYN doctor wants to talk to you."

"Where can I meet the doctor?"

"I will take you to her."

I looked at aunty. "I will stay here with her. You go and meet the doctor, Shiva." aunty assured me.

I went near Tanu and kissed her forehead.

I went to doctor's cabin.

"I am Tanvi Goenka's husband." I introduced myself.

"Please have a seat."

"How is her condition Doctor? Is the baby alright?"

"Her condition is stable right now. We performed an ultrasound to check on the baby. The baby is fine. When she arrived at the hospital her BP and heart rate were high. I suggest you keep her away from stress. It is not good for the baby. She should be on bed rest for a week, we need to monitor the baby and her. It would have been dangerous for the baby and Tanvi's life today if she was not brought to the hospital at the right time. Take care of her. Let me know if you need any help."

"Sure Doctor. Thank you." I got out of her cabin and went back to the ward.

I looked at Ramya aunty and signaled her to come outside.

"What happened aunty? How did she faint?"

"I had oiled her hair and massaged it. She felt sleepy after that. I went to wake her up after an hour to give her cut fruits. But when I reached the room, she was on call with someone, and her face was pale. I got worried and went near her to ask what happened. Before I could ask, she suddenly dropped her phone and fainted."

"Was she talking to her mom?"

"I don't know. She did talk to her mom before taking nap."

"Do you have her phone with you?"

"Yes Shiva, I brought it with me." she handed me Tanu's phone.

"Aunty, you head back. I will stay with Tanu here."

"Ok Shiva. Let me know if you need help."

"Ok aunty."

After she left. I sat by Tanu.

'Whom did she talk to?'

'What did that person say, that made her stress so much?'

'Did she talk to her parents?'

'Do they know that she is in hospital?'

I opened her phone to make a call to her parents and saw that the last call came from mom.

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