Chapter 11

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Tanvi's POV:

I am shell-shocked and hurt right now. I started reading the article further. It had some of their pictures together. Their outfits are color coordinated. What is going on here? The article further stated that an inner source told that the families were discussing about their marriage. I need some air. My tears are flowing already. I am not able to breathe. "I...I need s...some a..air" I stutter.

Chimmi came over to my side and hugged me tightly. She paid the bill and took me to the car.

"Tanu let's not jump into conclusions. It might be a misunderstanding. Talk to shiva once."

I hugged her again. "What if this news is true. Is shiva going to break up with me? What if I am pregnant? What will I do then?" I started blabbering.

"Ushh tanu, breathe. Nothing will happen. Let's see what shiva is going to say about this." she started rubbing my back.

 My phone started ringing. It was my mom. I wiped my tears and was contemplating about answering the call. Is she calling me because of the article or did something happen at home. The line went off. After 2min it started ringing again.

I decided to answer the call, "Hello ma" my voice was still shaky from the crying. 

"Tanu, have you seen the article?"

Oh shit she knows, "Yes I did. How did you see that article?"

"Does it matter now? I told you, these rich kids are not reliable. What made you think that he will marry you? You trusted him and look what happened."

"Ma, I haven't talked to shiva yet. Give me some time. I trust him. He will never betray me."

She started crying, I can hear her sobs, "Tanu, we are middle class people. Think about our reputation in the society, if people come to know that you were living with him. Who will marry you? Who will marry your sister? Your father worked hard, day and night to give you and your sister good education. But look what you gave us in return. I was against you dating him from the beginning. These rich people will never marry someone from middle class..." I cut her off.

"Ma, I am sorry. Give me some time. Let me talk to shiva once."

"Tanu, if his mom doesn't agree for your marriage, he will not marry you. If he had to choose between you and his mother, he will choose his mother. I don't mean that he should not choose his mother, but what about you then. I am telling this because she never liked you. She still thinks that you are a gold digger. She will never let you get married to Shiva. I am worried for you. Remember Tanu, never lose your self respect. Your papa has come back from work, he still doesn't know. Sort it out fast. I'll call you some other time"

"Ma, please don't tell papa about this"

"I will not tell him, don't worry, bye."

I kept my phone inside my bag and sighed.

"What did aunty tell tanu?"

"She knows about the article. She is worried about me. She is telling me that Shiva's mom will not let me get married to him. Do you also think that Shiva will leave me?" 

"Tanu to be honest, I agree with your mom about his mom not letting you both get married. Shiva will be in a very difficult position if things get to the point where he has to choose between you or his mom. I hope that day never comes. But I can assure you that no matter what happens, I will always be with you. It's already 10pm let's leave."

She drived the car and took me home. She called her husband to pick her up from my apartment's parking lot.

After she left, I went to the private elevator and entered the password.

I went inside the house. It was dark inside. I walked to the master bedroom. The water was running inside bathroom. Looks like he is home.

I went to closet to change into something comfortable. I waited for him.

The door creaked open.

"Hey tanu" he came towards me to hug me.

"Hey" I gave him a small smile and went into the bathroom without hugging him.

After washing my face, I came out. He was sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"Tanu is something wrong?" The nerve I tell you.

"You tell me. I saw in an article that you were getting married to someone."

"Offo tanu, it's just a speculation. This has happened before too. These media people spread rumours around and you know it too. Why are you thinking so much about it?"

"Well because this time your mom said that she wanted you and Alia to get married."

"She said she will not have objection if I wanted to marry her. How does it matter? I want to be with you, not her"

"What if your mom doesn't agree to it? Then what will you do? break things off with me?"

"Stop thinking negatively. Don't you trust me? I will take care of it. It's late now let's sleep. Don't think too much about it. I will never let you go."

He came towards me and hugged me. I hugged him back. Maybe I am overthinking. I should believe in our love. There is so much on my plate already. I don't want to add another headache to it. I am so tired right now. I just want to sleep.

**Next morning**

The alarm woke me up. I turned it off. The bedroom's door creaked open and Shiva walked in with 2 cups of coffee.

"Hey baby, good morning. Come lets have our coffee in the garden."

It's our thing, usually during weekends both of us drink our morning coffee in the garden cuddling eachother. But I am not sure if I want to do it after last night's events.

"Shiva, I have some work. You can have yours there" I walked towards closet to pick my clothes for the day. He followed me inside.

"Tanu please don't let this issue get to our relationship. Trust me. You mean so much to me. I cannot imagine a day without you, let alone leave you forever. Alia is my friend that's it, I can never see anybody other than you as my wife. Come lets have our coffee. I know you don't have any work today."

"Fine you go, I'll freshen up and join you."

He went with the coffee to the garden and I freshened up.

My phone pinged, I opened it and saw that it was chimmi's message.

"Hey babe, I hope you sorted it out with Shiva"

"Yes babe, we are cool now. I'll text you later "

I saw 2 new mails. I opened them and saw one of them was from Goenka infrastructure about my joing date, they asked me to start from tomorrow. Another from the diagnostic centre regarding the pregnancy test. My hand started to shiver. I opened the mail and downloaded the report.

The report said.......

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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