Chapter 17

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Shiva's POV:

Today was a very hectic day and I feel very bad for not being there to wish Tanu on her first day at her new workplace. I have been caught up with a lot of things lately. I feel like things are not in my control, I hate it when things get out of my hand. I am driving home from office. I want to make it up to Tanu and also tell her about my talk with mom yesterday at Aggarwal's house. I parked my RollsRoyce in the parking lot.  

I kept my finger on the panel of main door.  The door opened and the first thing I saw was Tanu looking mesmerizing in the first saree I ever gifted her with my own money.
Can I fall anymore in love with her than I am already? She walked towards me, I couldn't stop smiling looking at her. Seeing her made all my worries vanish. She hugged me, I hugged her back and inhaled her scent. She smelled like jasmine flower, then I noticed those flowers in her hair. Are we celebrating her first day? But why do I feel like there is more to it. 

I kissed her head and whispered in her ears, "You look so beautiful my love. I am such a lucky man to have you."

"Are we celebrating your first day at work today?" I bet there is more to it.

"Yes, and that's not all. There is a surprise for you. Umm, no no. Not one but two surprises", see I told you. "I'll be right back" I went to freshen up.

I was thinking about what the surprise could be? one of them has to be her company name and second one I couldn't figure out. What could it be? 

I walked to the dining table to see it set up in a romantic way.

"Someone is looking smoking hot", she said and I smirked, I know I am hard to resist.

 "You can take a picture, it would last longer" and smiled at her.

"Same old dialogue. Why would I be needing it when I will have you beside me throughout my life", as soon as she said that I remembered my conversation with mom.
I couldn't think of a way to break it to Tanu yet. I obviously don't want to spoil her mood today. This news can wait.

"Let's have the dinner before it turns cold." her words brought me out of my thoughts. 

Again I was surprised when she served me the food items, all of them were my favorite. 

"Tanu, these are all my favorites"

I tasted them and I knew who prepared it and my eyes widened. 

"You made these?"she nodded her head and giggled.

"They taste so delicious. I am loving it. Come on, you too start the dinner" I served her plate.

I couldn't hold it any longer, so I asked her, "What's the occasion Tanu. I am very curious now. This must be really big thing. These cotton sarees look so good on you Tanu. I will buy you these in every color."

She looks beautiful in every dress she wears but this cotton saree adds more beauty to her and honestly, I can look at her all day if she is wearing these sarees.

She laughed at my words, "First finish your dinner, I'll tell you the about the surprise later."

We finished our dinner.

"Tanu, enough now tell me about the surprise."

She went to the kitchen and brought a gift-wrapped box. I grabbed it from her hands and opened it hurriedly. 

When I opened the box, on the top cover of the box was written, "hello daddy?"

Is this some kind of her kinky fantasy? But she is more of a vanilla girl than kinky. Then why is it written daddy? I wondered before I looked at the contents of the box and I found a pair of baby shoes and a pouch. Baby Shoes!!! my heart started racing.

This is bad, I am not ready to have our baby at this situation. This messes up everything.  This is not how I planned it to be. We had talked about it, that was why we were always using protection.

 "How is this possible, we used protection." Before I knew it, the words had left out of my mouth.

I regretted saying it as soon as I heard her words, "Are you fucking kidding me right now?? Are you even for real Shiva? I tell you that I am Pregnant and the first thing you tell is 'we used protection'. What is wrong with you?"

Dammit!! I shouldn't have said it out. A baby was the last thing I wanted in this situation. I can't go back on my promise to mom, but at the same time with this baby coming I can't keep the promise. 

"Tanu, I...I am not ready for this." 

There was a look of horror on her face, I didn't know what to do now. I wanted to tell mom about the situation. I needed to think this through. There is a lot of things at stake here.

"I..I don't understand Shiva, what do you mean by you are not ready?" her eyes were filled with tears now.

No, I can't do this to her. I will never be able to forgive myself then. I need to talk to mom right away.

"Tanu, I am sorry, I need to go somewhere now. I'll talk to you when I am back."

"Are you kidding me right now? You will leave after we finish talking. I need to know why you are not ready for a child now?"

If I tell her about my promise to mom, she will be devastated. I don't want to lie to her as well.

"Tanu, I want to be married before I have a child." 

"So, what is the problem, we can still get married now."

"It's not that simple Tanu, mom still hasn't accepted you."

I try to reason out with her.

"My mom was right about you. You were just messing with me all this while. Were you?"

She misunderstood the whole situation. I cannot wait until next morning, the earlier the better. Maybe this will be the first time I will ever be breaking a promise to my mom, but a life is at stake here. The life of a baby which I dreamt of having with my Tanu. Yes, this is the right thing to do. 

"Tanu, you are misunderstanding the whole situation. We will talk once I come back".

Saying that I left to my parents' place. I called my mom on the way and told her that there is something important that I want to discuss with her right now. 

Damn It!!!! Why does it have to be like this? Why is my life so fucked up right now? I am driving at 140 km/hr now, I feel like shit. Today should have been the best days of my life, the love of my life is pregnant with my child. But, here I am driving like a reckless man to my parents home. 

Only if I had not promised my mom yesterday, everything would have been fine. I love my mom very much, I never say no to her. She always thinks in my best interest. She has been the best mom to me. I know she will be very hurt when she will know that I am breaking the promise I made to her.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

Hi guys, hope you liked this chapter.

Next chapter will be about the promise Shiva made to his mom.

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