Chapter 22

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Third Person POV:

It was a beautiful morning for the Aggarwal household. They had got to know that the marriage announcement was out last night. Alia's happiness had no bounds today. Finally, the day she was awaiting since she was a teenager is coming true. 

Shiva was her best friend since her childhood and had a tiny crush on him. She never knew when this teeny tiny crush turned out to be love. It crushed her heart to know that Shiva was taken by another woman. But she didn't give up. When she got to know of the dislike that varsha had for Tanvi, she made use of it and formulated a plan to get married to Shiva.

She thought that behind their deep friendship there was love hidden somewhere. She knew that once Shiva tie knots with her, then she will make him discover that love and forever forget about that woman Tanvi. 

Her faced scrunched up thinking of her. What did Shiva even see in her? She is just a normal girl. No way she was a match for someone like Shiva. She chuckled devilishly thinking of how it would hit Tanvi when she gets married to Shiva. Her thoughts were broken up when her phone started ringing.

Her face smiled looking at the name, it was Varsha Geonka. She picked the call and started talking, "Good morning Aunty, or should I say mom?" She chuckled in the end.

"Good morning to you too sweety, did you see the news?"

"Yes mom, finally our plan worked. I am so happy right now."

"Me too dear, but there is a problem."

Worry lines appeared on her forehead as she asked, "What's wrong mom?"

"Tanvi is pregnant."

"What?" Alia was not able to process what she heard right now. Tanvi is pregnant. That classless woman has not left any stones unturned to destroy her dreams. Alia wanted to be the one to give the joy of fatherhood to Shiva. Now this woman snatched her of that too? Just when she thought that she was happy, this had to pop up? 

"Last night Shivu came to my house and broke the news to me and he is also backing out from this whole thing. Hence, I informed the PR team to release this last night itself."

Alia's face paled hearing the news. "What is Shiv planning to do now mom?"

"He wants to get married to her. But now that the news is released, I am not sure of how he is going to handle this. I really hope he ditches that girl and move on with our plan."

"I hope so. I am feeling scared now mom." she was not scared but seething with anger right now. She felt like squeezing the life out of that Tanvi and her unborn child. But she couldn't say that out loud.

"ok beta, Shivu is calling me now. I will call you back later."

Alia threw her phone on the wall. She heard her mom calling her for breakfast.

She went to the dining table and took her usual place. She looked at everyone's face. 

"Good morning everyone, PR team of Geonka's have announced the news."

"I am happy for you Sweety" her dad spoke.

Her mom smiled at her. Mahir spoke, "are you sure this sweety, this should not draw a wedge between Shiva and Tanu." Alia felt angry, her brother was supporting that woman. 

"Mahir, don't think so much about it."

Somewhere deep down, even her mother also agreed with Mahir but right at that moment her daughter's happiness was all that mattered to her.


In Goenka's house:

Varsha knew that this was going to happen, when she saw Shiva's incoming call. She picked the call, and spoke, "Good morning Shivu. When did you leave? Why didn't you wake me up? I would have prepared your favorite breakfast."

"Mom, I left early in the morning. Did you know that the PR team was going to release it last night?"

"I told you yesterday itself right, that PR will be releasing a press release today. But apparently, they released it 12 A.M. It came as a shock to me as well Shivu. How is Tanvi feeling now?" she was testing the waters and urging him to tell, what happened between them after he went back from here.

"Mom she left me. I am yet to find her now. I want the news to be taken down."

"What? Oh my god, why did she leave? What are we going to answer to the media if we take the news down? We need to give them a valid reason."

"Mom, all I need right now is to find Tanu and get her back. I don't care about anything else right now."

Varsha felt angered, why is her son behaving this way, like a love sick teenager. 

"I can understand your situation. Take your time and think about the whole situation. But since the news was broken out from the PR team itself. We cannot deny it or take it down easily. I know you are hurt right now, but do not forget that this involves the names of two big shot industries in it. Don't make a decision in haste."

"OK mom, I will think about it and call you back." The line went dead.

varsha's face broke into a grin. This is exactly what she wanted. Finally that devil of a woman has left her son's life for good.


Shiva's Penthouse:

It was late afternoon when Kishore entered the penthouse with some documents in his hand. 

"Sir, these are the information we have about Chimmi and her husband Rahul. Right now, Tanvi ma'am is staying in their house. This is their house address sir."

Shiva took the documents from Kishore's hand. He opened the file and saw the photo of a man, who he remembers as Tanu's best friend's husband. He had attended their wedding as well. All the other details seemed irrelevant to him at this moment, because all he wanted was to bring his Tanu back. He is ready to beg her, if it comes down to that. 

He never thought this day would have come in his life. Since morning he kept on calling her numerous times, but she didn't pick any of his calls. He was on empty stomach since morning. He didn't feel like eating anything. HW just wanted to hug his tanu. 

"Getthe car ready Kishore, we are leaving to their house."

Shiva said with a determined look on his face. He was going to bring her back today.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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