Chapter 57

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Tanvi's POV:

Its Sunday today, everyone is home. Mamma made upma for breakfast. Pappa said he will be cooking lunch today. Shiva said that he will assist pappa. They are currently cooking in the kitchen since an hour.

Mamma was resting in her room while my sister was studying in her's. I was putting the washed clothes from machine to dry in the backyard. I was humming a classic song when I felt a kick in my stomach. I gasped. It was the first time the baby kicked. I ran inside to the kitchen.

"Tanu, what happened? why did you run inside?" pappa asked.

"Tanu you could have got hurt. Why were you running?" Shiva asked.

I smiled at them.

"It is not funny putta." papa chided.

"The baby kicked." I said with tears in my ears. Shiva dropped the spatula in his hand. None of us spoke for a couple of seconds, all of us in shock.

"What happened? Why are you people making so much noise in here." mom entered the kitchen.

"Why is everyone silent." She looked at us.

"Ma, the baby kicked." I repeated to her. Her eyes became wide.

"Chutki!!!" she called my sister.

"What happened ma?"

"The baby kicked!!" ma and I said in unison.

"Let me feel it." she came with her hands towards me.

"No, I will feel first." ma came in.

"I will feel it." Chutki started bickering with ma.

"Ok, now stop. Give me your hands." I took both their hands and kept on my stomach. But the baby didn't kick. Both of their faces fell.

I looked at Shiva, his eyes were glistening. I smiled at him. He smiled back.

In the dinning table, I sat next to Shiva. We were having lunch.

"Can I place my hand on your bump?"

"Of Course." He placed his hands delicately.

Right then I felt a kick. We both looked at each other. He laughed.

"Did the baby kick?" chutki asked.


She got up from her seat and came across to touch my belly. Shiva removed his hand so Chutki could keep her hand. The baby didn't kick.

"Why won't the baby kick when I place my hands?"

"It's ok Chutki, I will call you when I feel the kick."

Shiva kept his hand back, and there I felt it again.

"Chutki, the baby is kicking." I called out.

"I think baby kicks only when Shiva keeps his hand." pappa said teasingly.

Everyone came one by one and felt the baby kick while Shiva's hands remained.


After one week

Shiva reads stories to the baby every night. It is his nighttime routine. After story time, we tell the baby about our day. Shiva ends it a kiss on my bump. The baby kicks every time he kisses as if he/she is acknowledging it. It has brought us closer. I am having weird cravings these days. I wake up in the middle of night craving something to eat. 3 days back I woke up for pizza. We sneaked out of the house to eat and got caught while we came back. Ma understood although she was not happy that I ate fast food. So now we have stocks of all favorite ice-creams, Choclates, vegetables, pizza dough, pav (in case I crave for pav-bhaji). Shiva has decided to work from home completely from next week. He would take meetings virtually and Kishor can come here to get files signed.

It is Sunday again. Today, I and Shiva are going to the store to bring vegetables and fruits. wanted to go for a walk since the store was nearby, we decided to bring vegetables as well.

I saw my relative there, she looked at me, then at my bump and then at Shiva.

"Hi Tanvi, I heard that you were pregnant. How are you?"

"Hi aunty, I am good. How are you?"

"I am good. I heard that your husband was engaged to someone else. Is it true? I heard that girl was from rich family. Then how come he married you? " She was speaking a Shiva was not standing there listening to all these.

I knew this day would come. We might remove the news articles, but the news would have travelled from mouth to mouth.

"I married to Tanu because she is a beautiful human with a pure heart and not many of us have it, right aunty? I appreciate you not bringing up the past. We are happy now. That is all that matters." Shiva said in a don't mess with me tone.

"Ayyoo, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just curious."

"It's ok aunty, I understand. How is your son? He finished degree this year right. Did he get placed in any company?" I asked her with my voice laced with curiosity.

"No Tanvi, this time the placements were tough."

"My neighbor's daughter also goes to the same college but she got placed with 9 LPA aunty. These days not many have skills to clear the interview. It is getting late bye aunty." Aunty gaped at us. Shiva laughed at my sass but covered it with cough when I showed him eyes.

"You were so sassy there Tanu." Shiva said on the way back proudly.

I don't take shit from people anymore. There is no point in sulking about what happened in the past. I cannot change it. People will purposefully bring it up to taunt me. But I refuse to give them any heed. My focus is my family. Shiva is trying his best to prove that he is a good father with his gestures.

"I think it is hormones talking." I replied.

"Did you feel bad Tanu when she asked?"

"I knew this question would come Shiva. We cannot stop them from asking but we can make sure they don't poke their nose in our matters again."

"Yeah, that's true."

"This is how relatives are. Ma will be making bajjis now. Let's go and have them."

The aroma of bajjis hit me as soon as I entered the house.

I went to the kitchen and tried to take a bhajji from the plate. Mumma hit my hand.
"How many times should I tell you to wash your hands before eating? Your bhajji's will be here only, go and wash your hands first."
"She is having a kid herself yet never stops acting like one." she says to herself. I sneered at her and went to my room.
"Tanu, where did you go? Come eat bajji!!" I heard pappa shout from the dining room.
"I don't want bajji." My eyes welled up. I was hungry, she could have said sweetly, right? Why should she scold me?
'See baby, your grandma scolded me. Bajji is my favourite, you know. That is why I couldn't control the urge to eat it. Now I am not in the mood to eat it.'
"Tanu, why are you sitting here? Pappa and mamma are calling you." Shiva entered the room.
"Are you crying!! Hey what's wrong?"
"Mumma scolded me."
"She was asking you to wash your hands before eating."
"But I was hungry."
"It's ok come, let's have it now."
"No, I won't come. You go and have it."
"Are you not hungry now?"
"I am, but I won't come."
"Ok then, I will feed you bajji from my plate. Say aaa"
I ate bajji from his hands.
"You are so good Shiva." I hugged him.
"I know Tanu baby."
"Bajji is so tasty. This is the best one I have ever had." Shiva commented.
"mumma's bajji is quite famous in the neighbourhood." I said proudly and the evening ended with smiles on our face

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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