Chapter 49

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Tanvi's POV:

I woke up and looked around. I was in our room tucked inside the blanket. Shiva must have carried me in here I thought to myself and got up from the bed to freshen up. I remembered what happened in my parent's home. My eyes welled up. I didn't think this would happen when I left from here yesterday. 

"Tanu, when did you wake up?" Shiva appeared inside the room.

"Just now."

"Freshen up and come. Let's have dinner."

"I am not feeling hungry. Did you call mom and inform her that we reached?"

"Yes Tanu, I called mom and told her. She also told me to not let you sleep tonight without having dinner. I actually came to the room to wake you with." 

"But Shiva..."

"No buts. Please Tanu, skipping dinner is not good for you or for the baby. Freshen up and come like a good girl now."

I freshened up and went to the dining room reluctantly.

Shiva served me some dinner. He had prepared dal khichdi. I ate few spoons and decided to ask Shiva something that was bothering me.

"Shiva, you told me that the news was taken down. Then how come pappa found them out?"

"I asked Kishor to look at it. He will inform us once he gets some concrete information on it."

"Ok." After finishing dinner. I washed the dishes to take my mind off this topic.

I finished doing it and was wiping my hands. Shiva received a call.

"Yes, tell me Kishor."

"What!!! Are you sure about this?"

"This is unbelievable. I want you to cross check this information again."

"I don't care if you have checked it twice already. Do it one more time."

He cut the call and looked in disbelief. I was wondering what Kishore said that had shocked Shiva so much.

"What did Kishor say? Are you alright? Do you need some water?"

"He has information of who has leaked the news again."

"Who is it?"

"I asked him to recheck it again."

"Who is it Shiva?"

"He says Alia has done it."


"But I want to get it confirmed once again. I am not able to believe that she did something like this Tanu. I mean, why would she do something like this? I have helped her in financing for her designer company."

"I don't think Kishore would have told this to you if he wasn't sure about it."

"I know. Even if I accept that she is the one behind it. She alone can't do this. Someone powerful has helped her with this. Either her father or Mahir but I doubt Mahir would do something like this. I will talk to him once about this once I receive a call from Kishore."


Shiva does have a point. Alia can't do all this on her own. She must have had someone powerful to back her off. Now we need to find out who that person is. Because I am not going to let this thing slide. 

Could it be her dad or Mahir? But why would they do that? Shiva has helped Alia in all the ways he can. Infact they should be thankful to Shiva and must have stopped her when she was going to do this. 

Another person who could be behind this is Shiva's mom. She must have helped her to get back at me. But I can't say this to Shiva. Even if I say also, he isn't going to believe me. Let's see what's going to happen.

"Tanu, let's go and sleep. It is getting late."

My phone started ringing. 

"Shiva, mom has called me. I will take this call and come to room." He nodded at me and left to the room.

"Mom, did you have dinner?"

"Yes Tanu. I had. Did you have dinner?"

"Yes mom. Did pappa and Chutki have dinner?"

"Yes Chinnu. I made him eat his dinner. You don't worry about him. Take rest now, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Ok mom. Good Night."

"Good night Chinnu."

I cut the call and went to the room. Shiva was sitting on bed working with his laptop. I took my vitamin tablets and sat next to him.

"Tanu, I need some time to finish this task. You go ahead and sleep."

"Ok. Good night, Shiva."

"Good night, Tanu." he kissed my forehead. I lied down on the bed with my back facing Shiva.

Sleep was far away to me. I started thinking about the events that happened today. My worst nightmare came true today. I can't think of what worse can happen to me. Will everything get back to how it was before? Or will pappa never talk to me again in life? He is right in his part. I broke his trust, and he has reacted in the same way any other person would have if they were in his place. I too pushed Shiva away when I got to know that he had betrayed me. He is the best father anyone could have. He always supported me in realizing my dreams. He told me at that time that he had faith in me that I would make right decisions about my life. He supported me when I told them that I was in love with Shiva. He also convinced mom when she didn't agree for me to move in with Shiva. But what did I do in return? I brought shame to him. If other get to know they will taunt him. He used to say that he is proud to have a daughter like me. I don't think he will ever say that again. How will mom and pappa face all this? It will affect Chutki's life too. Tears were flowing and wetting my pillow. 

"Tanu are you not asleep yet?"

I shook my head, not wanting him to know that I was crying.

"Are you crying Tanu?" he turned me towards him. I moved reluctantly.

"Tanu, I am there with you. We will face this together." shiva spoke hugging me.

"Baby please don't cry."

"Shiva, I brought shame to pappa and mom."

"Tanu, it is not your mistake. Please don't blame yourself."

"Finally I thought everything was going right and this happened Shiva."

"I know, I am still not able to believe the events that happened today."

"What if pappa never talks to me? I won't be able to live Shiva."

"No, my baby. Please don't talk like that. He will definitely forgive us. Let's not give up on the hope."

"Why would Alia do something like this? What have I ever done to her."

"We will find out soon Tanu. I promise you that I will make sure whoever is behind this gets punished."

"Really? Even if they are very important to you?"

"Yes Tanu, I promise. All those things are taken down forever. They will never resurface again on the internet again."

"You said the same thing last time also. But that didn't stop Alia from releasing it. What if someone else brings it on next time."

"I have made sure that all those files are destroyed along with their copies. Sleep Tanu, it is getting late. We will talk more about this tomorrow."

I nodded at him and tried to sleep.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------- 

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