Chapter 54

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Shiva's POV:

"Mom, I can't do this anymore..." my words were interrupted by dad. He was in his formals. I think he came from the office just now.

"What is going on here?" Dad looked confused.

I sighed before telling, "Mom called Tanu and lied to her that I will take the baby from her after delivery. Guess what, she sided with Alia and leaked the news of my engagement with Alia on the internet. And now when I told her that I will not leave Tanu and marry Alia, she threatened me that she will make Tanu's life miserable."

I was expecting dad to look surprised, but his face remained stoic.

"Did you know about this dad? Were you along with mom in all this?"  I said sorrowfully. Did dad also betray me?

"No, I am not along with her in all this. But I knew she was capable of doing it given the dislike and hatred she had for Tanu."

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" I asked baffled.

"Because she threatened me about disclosing about the pregnancy thing to her parents. My son, you have no idea about the other side of your mom. You think she arranged your marriage with Alia to help Alia? How foolish of you to believe that. She planned along with Alia and played you. And you fell right into the trap. It was not a fake engagement, if things had gone according to their plan, you would have got married to Alia by now. You caught them off guard and got married to Tanu. Why do you think I asked you both to move into a separate home after you got married? I know how vicious she is. She would have never let Tanu be at peace here. Hence, I asked you to move into the penthouse. If I would have known she would have gone and did what she wanted, I would have told you everything before. I knew she was up to something, but I didn't think she would go to this extent of making Tanu's parents disown her."

"I can't believe that MY MOM, whom I loved so much, betrayed me and made a fool out of me."

"Shiva, I did all this for your own good." I didn't feel like looking at her face anymore.

"SHUT UP!!! Your hatred for Tanu has turned you blind. Look at what you have become. I will not stay silent anymore, because her parents already know about the pregnancy. You cannot threaten me with anything now."

"What are you going to do huh?" mom smirked. What is wrong with her? 

"I will remove you from the company's board right away. You will no longer be having access to our company's assets. All your bank transactions, messages and calls will be monitored. I will see how you will make her life miserable without using the name of Goenka Industries."

"You cannot do that to me." Mom exclaimed.

"Watch me do it." Dad sneered.

"Shiva, talk some sense into your dad." looking hopefully at me. But I have to burst her illusion bubble.

"He is right, mom. Like I said before, you need therapy. This thing is going to eat you if you don't address it now. You are intending to harm my wife and indirectly my child. I can't put them in a condition where they can be harmed by you. So, I am cutting my ties with you mom. Think of this as a wakeup call. You are in dire need of therapy. Please take this seriously. You will be well taken care of, even if I am cutting ties with you. But I won't be the one to do it. You need to let go of this toxicity mom. I can't let you be near my child or my wife while you are filled with so much hate and toxicity. I can't do this anymore mom. I will be doomed before I let something happen to them. I am sorry mom."

Mom's face paled at my words.

"You are joking right. Shiva, tell me that you are joking. You can't be serious about cutting ties with me Shiva. I am your mom. You can't just cut ties with me."

"Varsha, stop gaslighting him. You have already caused enough damage in his life. Let him live peacefully now. Shiva, you are big enough to make decisions on your own. You have taken Goenka Industries from getting bankrupt to one of the topmost companies in India. If you have decided to cut ties off with your mother, then I am sure you have thought through it. So, I will stand by your decision. Right now, you should focus on Tanu and the baby. How is she feeling now?"

"She is under bed rest." I didn't want to give mom the satisfaction of accomplishing her motive, so I kept from dad about Tanu being admitted in the hospital.

"I will call you later dad. Take care of you and mom." I started walking out of the garden.

I could hear moms voice shouting my name and rushing after me. I kept walking without looking back. Her cries got distant as I walked out of the house. I think dad held her back from reaching me. I am thankful to dad for it. I did what was best for Tanu and the baby. Mom should realize that she can't do whatever she wants and get away with it. I didn't want to punish her this harshly, but she should know the pain of separating a mother from her child. She won't understand this until I cut ties off with her. I know it was not an ideal thing to do to your mother, but she brought this on herself, and she has nobody to blame but herself. I might have given her a chance if she had agreed to apologize to Tanu and her parents, but she stood on her ground about trying to make Tanu's life miserable. When I married Tanu, I made a promise that I will take care of her and will keep her safe. I WILL NOT BREAK A PROMISE THIS TIME. I will keep her safe.

I looked back once at my childhood home. I might never come back here again. After staring at it for a few seconds I walked to my car and started driving back to the hospital.

I called Mahir on the way and filled him in on the information. To say that he was shocked would be an understatement. He said that I had made the right choice. He said that he would tell his parents about Alia. I didn't stop him, because Alia had an equal part in this, and she still had not paid for her mistakes. She did not just fool me but had fooled her parents and Mahir as well. I will not approach her like I did with my mom. But I will make sure she comes searching for me. I will make sure that she regrets hurting my Wife. My Tanu.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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