Chapter 15

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Just like that my world came crashing down. 

What does he mean by he is not ready for this? Is he kidding or something?

"I..I don't understand Shiva, what do you mean by you are not ready?"

"Tanu, I am sorry, I need to go somewhere now. I'll talk to you when I am back."

"Are you kidding me right now? You will leave after we finish talking. I need to know why you are not ready for a child now?"

"Tanu, I want to be married before I have a child."

"So what is the problem, we can still get married now."

"It's not that simple Tanu, mom still hasn't accepted you."

"My mom was right about you. You were just messing with me all this while. Were you?"

"Tanu, you are misunderstanding the whole situation. We will talk once I come back" by saying that he left from the living room.

I felt devasted, never in my worst nightmare did I think that Shiva would react like this to the news.

I let the tears flow, I sat on the floor hugging my knees.What am I supposed to do now? I am definitely not aborting this child and if he doesn't want the child, where does that leave me and Shiva in this relationship?

Everything is so messed up now.

I started hyperventilating thinking of all the worst possible scenarios in my mind. This is not good for my child. I should calm myself down.Breathe Tanvi, Breathe, everything is going to be alright!!! I repeated to myself. I calmed down after some time.

I felt exhausted, I lied down on the floor. I didn't have the energy to pull myself up and go down to the bedroom. I don't know when I dozed off.

I was woken up feeling cold. I realized that I had slept on the floor. I woke up and checked the time, it was 4 A.M.

I drank a glass of water and walked to the bedroom. There was a mail from the HR of Goenka Infrastructure. I opened it.

It read-


With immense joy the Managing Director and Executive Director of Goenka group of Industries have announced the wedding of our CEO Mr.Shiva Goenka with Alia Aggarwal.On this happy occasion, Mr and Mrs Goenka have arranged lunch and gift hampers for all the staff members.  We kindly request all the staff members to collect the gift hampers and enjoy the delicious lunch. 

Regards, HR.


There was a photo attached. It was a photo of Shiva and Tanvi together. This photo must be clicked on the charity event day. I remember their outfits from the earlier article. 

So, this was the news that he kept from me. My eyes blurred with tears. This was the last thing, I wanted after last night's incident.

My phone slipped from my hands and fell down.

I saw that Shiva was not home yet. It didn't matter anymore. After this news, nothing mattered to me.I just wanted to get out of this place. I felt suffocated here. I wanted to go somewhere far away from here.

I never want to come back here again.

I called Chimmi. She didn't pick the first time. I called her again, she picked this time.

"Tanu, are you ok?" she asked me in a sleepy voice.

I was weeping, "Chimmi, C..Can you pick me up?" I hicupped several times. I couldn't care lesss about it.

"Are you alright? why are you crying?"

"I..I'll tell o..once you pick me"

"ok baby stay there, I'll be there right away."

"I'll be waiting" saying that I cut her call.

I went to the closet and started packing up my stuff. I took away all the gifts shiva had given me until now and kept them on the bed.

I packed all my clothes and stuff into two suitcases. I wrote a letter to Shiva and I had one last look at the house. Memories of me and Shiva spending time with eachother came back to my mind.

The lazy mornings on weekends in bed, those late evening talks in the living room and watching the rain with coffee in the garden. I felt weak remembering all those things.

But I had to leave this place, after being betrayed by the one I loved and trusted my life with. I had nothing left to do in this house.

So, I closed the main door, I didn't have to bother worrying about the keys as the door was opened with fingerprint. And with a heavy heart I dragged my suitcase to the elevator and pressed the button to go down.

The watchman was surprised to see me walking out, I waited for Chimmi, she was there infront of the gate after 5 min. I saw her husband was driving the car.

She came out of the car and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back. I didn't want to cry infront of the apartment gate. "Come let's go." saying that she dragged my suitcase to the boot of the car.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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