Chapter 48

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Tanvi's POV:

"Don't call me pappa. I feel ashamed to call you my daughter."

Tears started flowing from my eyes hearing this.

"Prakash, she is our daughter."

"Really Vinutha, are you really sure she is the daughter we brought up in our house. Because I feel like I don't know her anymore. My daughter would never do something like this."

"Pappa please forgive me. It is all my fault." Shiva said pleadingly at pappa.

"Do you want me to repeat myself. She is no longer my daughter, so don't you dare call me with that name. Remember you sat in the same sofa and convinced us to let her move in with you. What did you say at that time? 'Uncle, I really love your daughter. I want to marry her, but right now I am focusing on building the company but after 2 or 3 years I want to settle down with her'. Did you forget all that before announcing your marriage with some other woman? Have you ever thought about what would happen to our reputation if this thing would have got out? We have another daughter. And we are not rich like you people, so that I could make people shut their mouth with my money. For middle class people like us reputation is everything. And you Mrs. Tanvi, didn't you ever think about what would happen to us if the word had gotten out that you are pregnant with his child before marriage?"

"Prakash please calm down. I know they have made a mistake, let's sit and sort this out. She is our daughter at the end of the day." mom pleaded.

"Vinutha you were right. We shouldn't have trusted this man. They don't care about others. All they think about is themselves." Dad said.

"Pappa, I love Tanu with all my heart. I know that I made a mistake, please give me a chance to rectify it." Shiva spoke.

"What is there to rectify? If this news spread from people to people, everyone will start gossiping about this. Everything I earned till now will turn into ashes. How can I walk around people when they talk about how I failed to raise my daughter right. And that she went behind a rich man who was already getting married to someone."

"That is not true pappa. It was a lie to help my friend." Shiva spoke.

"But the world doesn't know that right. They will think this woman standing right here went behind you even after knowing that you were about to marry someone else. Do you want me to go to each one of them and tell them about what actually happened? Even if I tell them whose words are they going to believe mine or internet. Or are you going to issue a statement about what actually happened?"

"Issuing a statement will only draw attention towards the news. I had actually got them taken down, but I don't know how they are back there. I will check about it, Pappa. But please forgive us pappa. We never wanted to hurt you. It was the circumstances."

"Pappa, please forgive us. I never want anything bad to happen to you all." I said.

"You should have thought about that before getting pregnant without a wedlock. I feel ashamed to even see your face. Will you please do me a favor?"

"I will do whatever you say pappa." I said wiping my tears.

"Please mix some poison in some food and give it to me, Vinutha and Chutki."

"PAPPA, I am sorry. Please don't talk like this." I cried sitting beside his feet.

"Don't come near me. What is left for us to live. You have destroyed everything. Please do me this one favor and then go away with your husband."

"No, pappa I won't do that."

"You won't do?"


"Then never show me your face again in this life. Even when I die, I don't want you to come. From today onwards I only have one daughter. Leave immediately and take all your belongings. If you have left anything behind, we will burn them."

"Prakash, she is our daughter. I know whatever she did was a mistake. But they are sorry about it now. Let's not drag this anymore. She is pregnant right now. Don't say such harsh words. She has already suffered enough, let's not make her suffer more. At least for the sake of baby, please forgive them."

"Vinutha, I have decided. If you want to support them. You can leave along with them."


I kneeled down in front of pappa and pleaded him not to disown me.

"Please pappa. I am sorry. I can't live without you guys. Please don't disown me."

"I am not going to listen to anyone . She has done whatever she wanted to do. Now I am doing whatever I want to do." saying that pappa left to his room.

"Prakash.. Prakash." Mom kept calling him. He didn't look back at us nor stopped but made his way to the room.

I was not able to breathe. I held support of the table.

"Tanu.. Are you alright?" Shiva asked me trying to hold me.

"Akka, take a deep breath." I heard Chutki's voice. My vision got blurred because of tears.

"Chutki go and bring some water to your akka." mom spoke. Her voice was shaky, she must be crying as well.

"yes ma" Chutki left.

"Tanu, please calm down. Take a deep breath." Shiva spoke holding my hand. I squeezed it. And tried to breathe. Mom was rubbing my shoulders, I couldn't stop crying.

"Mom, water." Chutki gave water to mom.

"Calm down Chinnu. I am there with you here right. Calm down my baby." mom said.

My breathing slowly relaxed.

Mom helped me drink some water. We sat down like that for a minute or two.

"Mom has pappa really disowned me?"

"No Chinnu. He is just angry on you. I will talk to him. He needs some time to accept this news. Let us give him that. Till then you don't think too much about this. Take care of your health. Remember that you are going to be a mother now."

"Really right? You know that, I can't live without you people. I know that I made a mistake, you guys can give me any punishment but not this. Please mom."

"Tanu, my dear. Even we can't live without you. You and Chutki are our lifelines. Always remember this. Don't overthink. Time heals everything. I will call you tomorrow. Take a leave from office tomorrow and rest. I have packed some namkeens and some food items which are good for pregnancy."

"I will bring our bags." Shiva got up and went to my room.

"Chutki go and bring the bag in the kitchen."

"Yes mom."

"Tanu, don't forget to eat food on time. Whatever happened has happened. There is no point in overthinking about it. So just take care of yourself and the baby. I am just a call away." she kissed my forehead.

"Mom we will take our leave. Take care of pappa, I know that I am not in a place to ask for forgiveness. But still I want to let you know that I am really sorry for what I did and how I handled the situation. We will call you once we reach." Shiva said.

"Everyone of us do mistakes. Like I said let's give Prakash some time. You guys take care and reach safe."

Shiva held my shoulders and started taking me to the car.

"Mom, I will go and say bye to pappa."

"Tanu, he is angry right now. It is better if you don't meet him. I will see his condition after sending you both off."

I nodded understandingly.

"Akka take care." Chutki said while hugging me and I hugged her back.

"You too take care Chutki. Take care of mom and pappa."

She nodded at me. I hugged mom once again and got inside the car.

The driver started driving. We were silent throughout the drive. I was looking out of the window. Shiva was holding my hand and drawing circles on it. I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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