Chapter 24

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Tanvi's POV:

The sound of my slap resounded in the room. 

"Are you asking me to be your mistress? Do you think I am so cheap?"

His eyes widened at my words.

"Tanu, you are mistaking me again. That's not what I mean. Please let me explain once."

"Just go away, I am not interested to hear to you. I don't want to see your face ever." I say him in a defeated tone.

I am not interested to hear his explanations now. He has hurt me already with his words when I broke to him about the news of my pregnancy. I don't think I can ever get over his words or actions.

"I will not leave this place until you listen to me." He is being a headache to me now. I sigh, I don't have the energy in me to fight.

"Ok fine, go on." I say.

He narrated the whole thing, about how he was called to Aggarwal's house and how he agreed to the plan of announcing the wedding to help his best friend and how he went to his mom and asked her to stop this thing because I was pregnant.

"I know you are hurt because of all these, but I did it to help my best friend. And also mom told me that she would be accepting you if I did this. I had no other option. Please try to understand me."

This was too much to take in. I was silent for a couple of minutes, trying to process all that he told. He was looking at me expectantly.

"Let me for a moment think that whatever you did was out of good will to help your friend. Why didn't you ask me before telling yes to this whole thing. Didn't you think that this decision involved my consent as well?"

"What?" he looked confused for a moment.

"Even if you would have broken the engagement later and get married to me, what do you think I will look like in the eyes of people, a homewrecker? because people have no idea that we were dating and given the circumstances with Alia, you don't want them to know as well because that would expose why you did this whole drama in the first place. How is it fair to me? Have you ever thought about how this could affect my parents' reputation? Your parents will make this issue disappear with your money, but it is not the same way for my parents. They will have to live with it. Tell me honestly Shiva, have you even for once thought about all these when you said yes?"

"No, I didn't, but mom said that she will accept you if I do this. You know how much that means to me right? So I said yes."

"So, if your mother would not have accepted me then would you have ever married me?"

He didn't say anything, then it flashed to me, he didn't propose to me till now because his mom had not accepted me yet.

"Is that why you never asked me for marriage? because your mom has not accepted me yet?"

He stayed silent. "Answer me." I gritted through my teeth.


I felt like a lightning struck me. I thought of this as a possibility but it being the reality hit me really hard. My love meant nothing to him. All my sacrifices meant nothing to him. All these while I used to think that he is not asking me about the marriage because he was busy building his company, but actually he was waiting for his mom. 

"Say something please. You will forgive me right?" he brought me back from my thoughts.

"No, I don't want the decisions about my life to be taken with someone's acceptance. If you were so concerned about your mother's acceptance then you should have never approached a middle class girl like me. You were playing with me all along."

"No Tanu, I would have made my mom accept in some way. Please don't say that I was playing with your feelings."

"I can see, what you did for that. Can't you understand what I am saying? I don't want that. If it bothers you so much, then you should go with your mom's choice. I don't want my marriage to be dependent on the decision of your mom. The decision should be taken by us not them. For your information, even my mom never approved of you. She thinks that you are using me and have told me millions of times to end things with you. But that didn't make me break up with you, did it? Maybe I should have listened to her, then we would not have been in this position ever." I said placing my hands on my stomach. Tears dripped from my eyes.

His eyes moved to my stomach.

"I cannot live without you. Think about our kid, don't you want the baby to have a family?"

"You don't deserve to be this baby's father. I am more than enough to raise this child on my own. Or I will search for someone better than you to be his/her father."

"Like hell, I will let you do that. Don't forget that it's my kid. I am never leaving it or you. We will see about whether I am deserving enough to be it's father or not. Just come back to me please." He started off with a loud tone and ended softly.

"Why should I come with you? You have already announced the engagement. Go and marry her."

"I don't want to marry her Tanu, you are the one I want."

"Is that so? Are you going to do anything to make me come back to you?"

"Yes Tanu." He said affirmatively.

"Ok then, release a press release right now that you are not marrying Alia and you were dating me and want to get married to me. When I say right now, I mean it."

"Tanu, I..I can't make such decisions suddenly. It involves the future and reputation of two companies." he tried to reason out.

"Can you listen to yourself? You out righteously rejected my offer just now and you expect me to trust you and go back with you. Just get lost from here. You are a selfish jerk. You have never put my needs above yours, nor will you ever be able to do that. So, fucking get lost from here." I shouted.

His face fell. I went towards the door and opened it. He took the sigh and left from there.

I slumped on the bed lost in my thoughts.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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