Chapter 37

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Tanvi's POV:

Is he trying to intimidate me? Because it is working.

"What... did... you...  just... say" he said one word at a time gritting his teeth.

I gulped looking at his glaring eyes. I should not back down now, I thought for myself and spoke.

"I said that I wish to me married to someone else." I said by keeping eye contact with him.

"You are fucking mine." he said sucking my earlobe.

My legs felt weak. He moved to my neck and started biting my skin there me there. I tried wiggling out of his hold.

A low moan escaped from my mouth before I could stop. I regretted instantly. He knew my weak spot and he purposefully targeted there. Asshole!!!

"Your heart is mine." he kissed on the place where he bit to soothe the pain.

"Your body is mine." "Your soul is mine." he kept on kissing on the same place after saying each sentence.

"Understand baby?" He looked at me in the eye. His pupils were dilated.

"Fuck you." I rebuked at him.

"I will gladly oblige to that, but I suggest we ask the doctor first before we make love. We don't want to trouble our little baby, do we." He said keeping his hand on my stomach. He moved towards my face. I thought he would be kissing me, but he kissed on me on my forehead.

"Stop touching me." I am so used to his kisses and touches. It is hard for me to say no to it. But I must be strong right now.

"Then stop triggering me. You know that I am possessive about you. So don't even think of another guy in your dreams. I will fucking destroy them, Tanu."

He sounds like the male leads that I read in my fictional novels. Why am I comparing this asshole to them. They are so them and he is so he. He cannot destroy those fictional characters anyways.

"Ok fine. Move away before I throw this milk on your face."

He went and sat on the couch.

"Tanu, I wanted to discuss something important with you and your stuff has arrived from Chimmi's house. It is in the closet. Come and have a seat."

"I don't want to hear you."

"Tanu please!!! It will hardly take 10 minutes."

" Ok let's get this over with. Before that, have this." I said referring to the milk glass.

"You drink it first." I drank the whole glass in one go.

"Wait. You drank the whole thing?"

"Yea. Do you have a problem with that."

"Ahh.... No, leave it." I knew he wanted to take the glass from me after I drank half of it and continue drinking the other half. That is why I drank the whole thing in one go.

"I wanted to talk to you about our home."

"What home?"

"I think that we need to spend some time together to get over the past. We cannot do this if we are staying here or in the penthouse. Both these places have a lot of bad memories for you. I don't want you to remember them every time you walk or sit somewhere in the house. So, I discussed with dad about shifting to a new place. I want you to choose the place and designs you want for the house and the house will be ready within months."

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