Chapter 53

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In some of the comments, I saw that some of you had asked about how Tanu's parents had agreed for them to live together before marriage. The answer to that is Tanu wanted to live with him like a flat mate. Since they didn't plan on getting married early because both wanted to focus on their career, so they told her parents that they wanted to live together so they could share responsibilities in the house and understand more about each other. Since they were fixated on marrying each other, their parents agreed to it thinking it would help them as a couple.


Shiva's POV:

She stays mute to my words. I don't push her.

I inform the doctor that she is awake. They check her vitals.

"How are you feeling now? Any lightheadedness?" the doctor asks.

"I am feeling a little tired and hungry."

"I will ask the nurse to get you food. You should not eat any outside food. And I suggest you start meditating every day. It is good for relieving stress. I will be off now. You can contact me if there is an emergency."

"Ok doctor." Tanu speaks. Doctor leaves.

Soon after she leaves, a nurse enters with a plate full of food. I take it from the nurse's hand and start to feed Tanu.

"I can eat by myself. You can leave."

"I know you can eat, but I want to feed you."

"I don't want you to feed me Shiva."

"Tanu, you yourself said that you are tired. Why are you fighting this? I will feed you. Now open your mouth."

She obliged, I guess she was very hungry.

"I have informed ma (Tanu's mom) that you are admitted to the hospital. She wanted to come here. So, I sent Kishore to pick her up. They will be reaching here anytime now."

"Okay." As she finished the word, her mind wandered off somewhere. I decided to bring her back.

"How is the food?"

"Salt and spices are less. But manageable."

"I will ask Ramya aunty to send dinner."

"That will be better."

"Actually Tanu.." My words were cut off by Tanu's mom's voice.

"Chinnu (Tanu's nickname), what happened?" She swept across the room and came near Tanu.

"Ma, it is nothing." Tanu answers reassuredly.

The door opened again and her dad entered. I couldn't believe my own eyes.

Tanu looked at her mom.

"He couldn't stay away after knowing that you were admitted." ma said softly.

"Papa..." Tanu's eyes filled with tears.

"Tanu, I am still angry with you and your husband. I came here because I didn't want you to stress about our relationship anymore. Although I have still not forgiven you and your husband. As a parent who gave birth and raised you I can't watch you suffer."

Tanu's eyes were flooding with tears.

"Tanu, stop crying. We will be staying with you until you are discharged." ma said.

"Ma, I have some work. I will be back before dinner. Can you take care of Tanu till then?"

"Of Course Shiva, what is there to ask in it? You can finish your work and come back"

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