Chapter 36

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Varsha's POV:

My son has gone against me for the first time. He has always gone along with my decisions.

I was the sole decision maker for everything that involved his personal life. But now, that witch has made him take that away from me.

After he took over the Goenka Industries, he strived day and night for it, that left him with very little time to think about himself and decide on stuff regarding his personal life. I always made those decisions, be it getting his suits custom-made for him or setting up charity events in his name and organising them. Tanvi will pay for this and I planned on deciding his bride as well. To think of what happened yesterday still boils my blood.

Yesterday Late Afternoon

I was sitting in the living room looking at the catalogue of wedding decorations. I will be planning for Shiva's wedding with sweetie. If everything works according to my plan, then
Sweetie will be the daughter in law of this house.

The very thought of her being my daughter in law made me happy. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a phone call. I kept the catalogue on the cabinet in the living room and took my phone to see who had called me.

It was Shiva's call. Why has he called me so suddenly? Is something wrong?

"Hello mom. Are you free right now?" he asked. He sounded worried.

I asked him " What's the matter? You sound worried?"

"I met Tanvi today."

"Where did you meet her?"

"In the office. She works in Goenka Infrastructure. Can you believe it? That explains why she got to know the news of my wedding announcement so fast."

"Is it? That's surprising to me as well." I knew that she worked there. That was the reason why I made sure she gets the news before the media. But I acted like I was surprised with the news.

"She fainted in the morning. I admitted her to the hospital. I came to know that she is getting
the baby aborted." This is what I wanted. Even if I get Shiva married to Sweety, this baby will always come in between them. It might be my grandchild but the fact that it's mother is Tanvi is enough for my hatred towards that child.

"What are you going to do now?"

"What else? Get married to her."


This is not something I expected. This will fail all my plans. I cannot let this happen. I cannot let that woman become the daughter in law of this house.

"Are you serious Shiva?"

"Yes mom, why do you ask?"

"Are you out of your mind? We have announced your marriage with Sweety and now you want to get married to Tanvi? How will we answer the paps? What will we tell Sweety? This is ridiculous."

"No mom, this is not ridiculous. What is ridiculous is me losing my child because I want to help my friend when I can help her in some other way. Or she can postpone it till she has a reliable investor for her company but once I lose my child and Tanvi, I cannot get them back. I will definitely help Alia but not at the cost of my child and this is my final decision." he shot
back at me.

This is the first time he has talked back to me in such a tone. It shook me. I felt like my son is going away from me and the reason for that is that witch Tanvi.

"Calm down son. Is there no other way to stop her from aborting?" I tried to calm him down.

It looks like he is not going to back down. If I press more to stop this marriage then it might raise doubts in him about me and he will move further away from me.

"I am sorry about my tone mom. I am worried about my child and Tanvi. Tell me mom, if you are about to lose me right now, how will you feel?"

"Shiva, don't talk like that. I cannot even imagine that."

"Mom, I am feeling the same thing. Please try to understand. This is the only way. Even if there was some other way to stop this, I don't have enough time. I will never be able to forgive myself if something happens to my child and if Tanvi leaves me. I hope you understand this and accept Tanvi as your daughter in law." what other choice has he left me with?

"Ok Shivu, as you wish. So when will you arrange this marriage?"


"What!!! Do you realise what you are saying? You hardly have a few hours to arrange the whole thing. How are you going to do it?"

"Mom, don't worry about it. I will take care of it. I just wanted to let you know about this information. I have some stuff to do. I will send the location to you. The designers are working on the dresses. Take care."

Saying that he left, leaving me to think about my failure in stopping my son from getting married to that woman.

Present Day

My thoughts were broken by the call from Sweety. I was avoiding her call since morning. She knew about the marriage as we had invited Aggarwal's as well.

Although none of them had
questioned me or Raj in the marriage today as to why we had arranged the marriage suddenly. I didn't know what I would say to Sweety if I received the call. She must be heartbroken listening to the news. I promised her that she would be my daughter in law.
The call got disconnected and before I could take another breath, it started ringing again.

She is not going to stop calling until I receive the call so I picked her call and heard her sniffing on the other end. I felt bad for her. She had many dreams about marrying Shiva and leading a life with him and all of it was shattered today. When she didn't speak for sometime.

"Hello Sweetie. Are you there?"

"How did this happen mom? I am sorry, I can no longer call you that. You are just an aunt to me now. Your son has taken that away from me."

"Sweety please don't talk like that. I tried my best to stop him but he was hellbent to marry her. I failed you. I am sorry Sweety."

I explained to her the conversation I had with Shiva and how adamant he was about getting
married to Tanvi.

"I will get rid of her Sweety. You don't worry. Shiva will be yours. Don't lose hope, my child."

"I don't know what to do anymore. I am not able to leave the house because of the paps. I cannot talk about this to anyone other than you. Because according to everyone including my parents none of this is wrong. I felt like someone was tearing my heart apart when I heard the news of my marriage. I cannot see him playing family with that Tanvi, please do something as soon as possible."

"Okay Sweety. I will call you tomorrow. Good night and take rest."

"Good night aunty."
I went to my room thinking about how to separate Tanvi and Shiva.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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