Chapter 42

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Shiva's POV:

I have a lot of things to work on right now, winning Tanvi's trust back makes the top of the list. I know I have made a couple of decisions in haste such as arranging my marriage with Tanu within a day, but I don't regret it. In fact, I feel I should have planned our marriage earlier. This feeling of getting married to someone we love is blissful. The thing I like the most is sense of belongingness we feel after getting married. Although, I and Tanu were dating for almost a decade this feeling is irreplaceable, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

There is something nagging in me to talk to Tanu about Alia and clear things with her. I want to know how Tanu feels about her. I feel this is something I should have talked long back with her. I need Tanu to feel secure with me and our marriage. Hence, before going to bed, I wanted to discuss this topic with her. I took her to the garden.

"Come on, let's sit and talk together. It has been so long since we did it." Her face looked confused.

"How was your day?" I asked her.

"It was fine and I had a lot of catching up to do." 

"Good to hear. Let me know if the work is too much. I don't want you to stress about anything." I didn't want to stress her about anything be it in personal life or professional life. To be honest I didn't want her to work at all during her pregnancy. She gives her all to the work she does and if that means skipping her meals or working overtime. But I couldn't argue with her when she said she wanted to work so I started to work in her building to make sure she doesn't neglect herself while working.

"No Shiva, I am fine. How was your day?"

"It was special, I had lunch with you. It feels nice to know that I can see you anytime I want, unlike before." Indeed, it was a special day to me. She cracked a smile at my comment.

"Aren't you being cheesy these days." she commented.

"Well, what can I say? My wife brings it out of me, every time I look at her. I wanted to ask you something Tanu."

"Ask me about what?"

"It is about Alia." Her face became straight again at the mention of Alia's name. 

"Tanu, I want to know how you feel about mine and Alia's friendship?"

"I feel that you both are best friends, and you would jeopardize anything in the world for her." Her face was void of any emotions when she said that. I knew that she was talking about me jeopardizing our relationship in the past.

"That is not true Tanu. You are always my first priority. I have already explained you about the situation I was in previously."

"Action speaks louder than words. The actions in the past have spoken otherwise. And I don't think we treat our priorities according to the situation. Priority is something that stays the same irrespective of the situation. Don't tell something if you don't mean it Shiva."

"Tanu, I agree that I have made a mistake in the past. But that doesn't mean I love you any less or you are not my priority at all. I don't want my friendship with someone to affect our marriage. I am ready to let go of that friendship if it makes you insecure. Are you insecure about my friendship with Tanu?" 

"Let me put it this way, how would you feel if my parents had arranged my marriage with some other guy and I had agreed to it, without letting you know irrespective of under what circumstance I had agreed to that marriage. But somehow, we both get married but if I want to maintain friendship with that guy, will you be ok with it?"

 "OfCourse not." my words came out harsher than I intended them to be. Her words were enraging me. I can never imagine someone else next to her other than me. 

"Then you have your answer I guess."

"Tanu, I am ready to cut off my friendship with Alia. You are my priority. Your happiness is what matters to me the most." her mouth parted at my words, but nothing came out of it.

"Will you be happy with this?" she asked after being silent for sometime.

"I wouldn't have told it to you if I am not sure about it."


"Is that all you have to say?"

"Shiva saying something is so easy to you. I won't tell anything until you prove them with your actions. Let's call it a night." she got up from the couch and I woke up following her.

Her words made sense to me, I will be patient and prove her that my words are true with my actions.

"One more thing, tomorrow we have doctor appointment at 12 P.M, I hope you have cleared your schedule during that time." she stopped and asked me.

"Yes, I have a meeting in the morning and free after 11 P.M."

She nodded at my words. We wished each other good night and slept.


As usual, we got ready and left for office together. My meeting extended till 11:30 and had just got over. I picked my phone to call Tanu and right then Kishore barged into my cabin.

"Sir there is a problem."

"What's wrong?"

"Board of Directors have called a meeting after your sudden marriage with Tanvi mam right after you announced your marriage with Alia."

"I think we have already given a statement regarding that."

"But some of them are not satisfied with it, sir. They want to talk to you regarding it, they have called a meeting in 10 min."

"But I have a doctor's appointment at 12. Can't we reschedule it?"

"I am afraid not."

I thought for a minute, I cannot miss the appointment, nor can I miss the meeting.

"Ok Kishore, tell them I will be connecting virtually from here. Setup the call, I will be back in 5 minutes."

"Yes sir."

I went to Tanu's cabin, she was working on something. 

"Shiva, this will take two minutes. We will leave to the hospital after that."

"Actually Tanu, there is an urgent meeting from board of directors. I have arranged the car for you. I will join you as soon as the meeting is over." She lifted her face and looked at me. She closed her laptop and got up.

"Don't bother. I can manage on my own. I should have known." she picked her bag and left.

"Tanu, please try to understand. It won't happen again." She left without replying to me.

I feel like smashing all those board members face. I make my way to my cabin.

The meeting starts, I ask them about the issue. After 40 minutes of discussing the issue, I finally made them understand that I married Tanu because my marriage announcement with Alia made me realize that I was in love with Tanu all along and I hadn't realized that until then. And that doesn't mean that I am indecisive. They didn't have to know the background details of our relationship as it does more harm to the issue than make it any better. This was also the official statement that was issued to all the press. But these board members had to call a meeting to listen all this from my mouth. This meeting was pointless from the beginning, I wonder why they called it in the first place.

After the meeting got over, I rushed outside only to find out that Tanu had went to the hospital on her own despite of me telling her to take the car. I was so near to firing the driver for letting her go on her own, but he had no mistake in it. He was stuck between me and Tanu. And I know how hard it can be to convince Tanu otherwise when she makes up her mind on something.

I asked him start the car and we started towards the hospital. Guess what!!! The car tyre got punchered when the hospital was 2 Km away.

Can My day get any worse???

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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