Chapter 30

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Tanvi's POV:

Sunrays were falling on my face. My eyes were still closed, I felt as if I was moving. I got scared and suddenly opened my eyes. I was in a car and Shiva was beside me. I was sleeping on his shoulders.

What is happening in my life? I was in hospital last night. Why am I here now? Where is mom? I sat straight and Shiva got to know that I was awake.

"Tanu, How are you feeling?"

"Where are you taking me? Why am I travelling with you? Where is my mom?"

"Easy there tiger!! One question at a time." he laughed.

"What is so much funny here? Did you kidnap me?"

"Nope, I have a surprise for you. Your mom is with your dad and Isha."

"Where are we?"

"We are in Bangalore."

I cannot take this anymore he is acting as if everything is normal between us. But there is nothing normal between me and Shiva. 

"Why are you with me? Stop the car right now!!"

"Tanu calm down."

"Don't ask me to calm down!! Stop the fucking car right now." I tried opening the car door.

The car stopped.

"What is wrong with you?" he asked me.

"I should be the one to ask that question. Why are acting as if nothing happened between us?"

"Tanu I am trying to correct my mistakes."

"By doing what?" why is he talking skeptically. 

"You will get to know in sometime."

"Stop beating around the bush Shiva. Come to the point. Why am I travelling with you? I was supposed to be in a hospital."

"If I had not picked you up, then they would have started the abortion. You will get your answers, I promise." he sighed.

"If this baby is aborted, it would make your life easier. By the way, I don't believe in your promises anymore."

"It is my child for god's sake Tanu. Start driving the car, we need to reach there in half an hour. Keep quiet till then." He ordered the driver while talking to me.

"What if I don't keep quiet?"

"I know variety of ways to shut your pretty mouth." he winked at me.

"You disgust me."

He started kissing me by hovering on me. My eyes widened. I started throwing him punches. He was unaffected by them. 

He pulled away and said, "I told you to keep quiet."

I was about to start scolding him when, he continued "I don't mind doing it again."

I turned towards the window and my mind flashed with something. I started searching for my phone in my pocket. I was still in yesterday's dress. I didn't find it.

"Your phone is with your mom."

We reached his parents mansion. I turned to look at him. Why has he brought me here?

The driver got out of the car. Shiva started speaking, "Tanu, I love you so much. You mean a lot to me. More than you ever know. I don't want to lose you or this child. I want to get married to you. Yesterday your mom told me that she is getting you an abortion. I cannot let this happen. I didn't know of any other option. So, I arranged marriage for us today. Your father is also here. He arrived this morning along with Isha. He still doesn't know about the pregnancy. I convinced him that the announcement was just a misunderstanding. I.."

I slapped him, I couldn't hear anymore. 

"What are you trying to do? With whose permission did you arrange this marriage? I can never marry you after what you did to me. I can never trust you in my life. You never cared about this child when I broke the news about it to you and now you want to stop the abortion? What are you trying to prove now? That you care about me, that you love me? It doesn't matter anymore. It stopped mattering the moment you said yes to that marriage your mom arranged. What are you trying to do by marrying me now? We will never be the same again Shiva. By aborting this child, we are saving it from us, from this messed up relationship we have. Even now you have arranged everything without asking me whether I am ok with it. What will your mom tell now?"

"Tanu, please don't say that. Give me one chance, I will prove you how much you mean to me. Please Tanu, I know you too don't want to abort this child. So, please let's get married today. I will take care of mom."

"No Shiva. It is too late now. I have already decided that I don't want you near me."

"Tanu, please..."

Shiva was interrupted with a knock on the window. I turned towards it to see my dad. I opened the door and hugged him tightly. I started crying, it had been so long since I had seen him.

"Happy birthday my Chinnu." he wished me while hugging me.

"Thank you, dad." I had forgotten again that it was my birthday today.

"What was the urgency for this marriage Chinnu? Is everything alright?" How shall I tell him that nothing is right. 

Shiva spoke, "Uncle I wanted to surprise her, if I would have told you guys before then she would have come to know. So, I kept it as a secret and did all the arrangements without anyone knowing."

"But still Shiva, we wanted to invite a lot of people for Tanu's marriage. She is our first daughter. Every father has a dream of making his daughter's marriage like a grand fair."

"Uncle I am sorry all of this is happening so fast. But Tanu always wanted a simple wedding."

"Yes Shiva, I know that she always wanted a simple wedding. Anyways, I am happy that you agreed for me to hold you guys a reception at our hometown."

"Uncle it is my pleasure."

"I must say, you have chosen a nice man Chinnu." dad said turning towards me. Only if you knew dad.

I smiled weakly at him. I was tongue-tied now. I cannot tell him the truth, not after knowing that he is a heart patient. Why is the fate so cruel on me? I then noticed that he was in ethnic wear.

 Why is the fate so cruel on me? I then noticed that he was in ethnic wear

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Prakash's (Tanvi's dad) Outfit

I was happy to see him ethnic wear after so long. "You look so handsome dad."

"I know right. I wanted to impress your mom." He chuckled.

I smiled at him. Their love was so pure, I always wanted to have something like that with my husband but here I am marrying the guy who betrayed me.

"Go and get ready soon." He said showing towards the main door. Shiva was watching us like a silent spectator. 

He held my hands and walked inside the door. I had to act along as dad was watching.

"I will never forgive you for this." I tell him.

"I am sorry Jaan, I am helpless too." he said in a weak tone.

I saw my mom inside the living room, I ran to her and hugged her. 

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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