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After my afternoon nap, I woke up and decided to go for a run. I wore my joggers with a  tank top. I check my phone to see that Shiva has not yet seen my message. I turn on my airpods and start running. It hits different when you run while listening to music. It has always been my soul soother. I run for 2 km and stop at a park. I decide to take a break, so I find a place in the park to sit. I start to have my reflective thinking there.

How is my life so far? It's has been one hell of a ride. Born in a middle class family, I was not endowed with luxurious things in life. I have had my share of struggles in my live to reach where I am now. From securing a merit seat in a prestigious college to giving interview in a huge company like Goenka Infrastructure for assistant director position, I have paved my way . I am proud of myself for that.

Am I really happy with my love life? Shiva is a wonderful man,but he is busy all the time. He doesn't have time for his family or me. 

Right now, we are in a dating stage so it doesn't really affect much, but later when we have children in our lives we should be able to give them our time and attention. we have not really discussed about kids yet. But I want to be a mother in the future. Will he be able to give our children attention and time? 

Am I doing the right thing dating Shiva? Will shiva's mother ever be able to accept me as her daughter-in law? Yesterday when I had been to their house, Varsha aunty didn't talk with me even once. 

This is not the first time she is doing this, she always sees me as someone unwanted in her family. Shiva always lets this issue slide away. 

I can't keep complaining every single time his mother treats me like that. So I decided to act ignorant of it. But what will happen to my children? Will they ever get the love of his/her grandparents? What if she makes them feel unwanted too? I can not and will not tolerate that.

I am brought back from my thinking when I receive a call from Shiva and I pick his call,

"Hey Tanu, how did your interview go" he asks.

"Shiva, my interview went well. I called you in the afternoon to tell you this. I am out for a run now".

"Good, good. Sorry Tanu, I was in a meeting when you called. Baby something urgent came up, I'll call you later" 

"Ok bye" I cut his call.

Enough of reflective thinking for today, I get up from the seat in park and run back home.

As soon as I reach home, I run a bath for myself. I wear my pyjamas and open calendar on my phone and see that I have to get my things from my previous working place tomorrow. They have organised a send off party to me tomorrow. I pick out outfit for it. 

My stomach growls, then I remember that I have not eaten anything in the afternoon. I walk into the kitchen and weirdly I feel like eating apple. 

What is wrong with me, I hate apples. Although Shiva loves them and that is why they are always there in the kitchen.

 He grabs them on his way and eats them every time. I was never a fan of them before and I don't know why I am feeling like eating them now, maybe because I am staying with Shiva for too long that I have started to pick on his choices.

 Anyways I grab an apple and wash it before I start to eat it. I like it. I grab another one to eat. 

So, on till I finish all the apples in the basket. I need to see a doctor I guess, weird things are happening to me, first I vomit then I finish a whole basket of the fruit I hate the most. 

The front door opens and Ramya aunty enters, she smiles at me. 

"Hey putta, what happened with the interview?" she asks me. She is not just a mother figure to Shiva, but also to me. She reminds me of my mom, every time she calls me with affection and the food she makes tastes so heavenly. 

"Hello aunty, it went well. I will be receiving a  mail from them tomorrow if I get selected"

"Of course you will get selected putta, don't worry. What shall I prepare for dinner"

" Can you prepare ragi ball aunty? I feel like eating it. It has been so long since I ate it"

"Sure putta. Dinner will be ready by 8 pm"

"Ok aunty, I'll make a call to my father and come back"

"okay putta", she leaves to kitchen.

I move to mine and Shiva's room to call my father. I dial his number,

"Hi papa, I missed you. How are you?" I ask him.

"Hi Chinnu, it has been almost a week since I called you. I am fine Chinnu, how are you? I heard your mom telling our neighbor that you vomited in the morning"

"Oh god papa, she told our neighbor aunty that?? she never leaves a chance to humiliate me. What was the need to tell that aunty about it" I whine.

"You know your mother Chinnu. Anyways how are you now?"

"I am good papa, it was just a minor indigestion I guess"

"OK Chinnu. I have transferred some money into your account, buy anything you want for your birthday" 

Then I remember that I have my birthday coming in 3 weeks.

"Papa, I am a big girl now, Your love and blessings is all I want. Why did you transfer money? You might need it"

"Chinnu, no matter how big you grow, you are still a little princess to me. Don't worry, we have enough money for our expenses, you don't worry about it. When are you visiting us again?"

"I am not sure papa, I will have a probation period in my new company, so I won't be able to take any leave. I will see what I can do"

"Ok chinnu. Take care, I'll call you later"

"Ok bye papa" he cuts the call. 

The bedroom door creaks open and Shiva walks in, "Hey Tanu, I'll get freshen up and be with you in 5 minutes" 

"Ok, I'll go and help Ramya aunty"

I go to kitchen and see Ramya aunty was already setting the table. I told her, "Aunty I'll take it from here, you can retreat for the night and don't forget to take dinner for you and uncle".

Saying, "Ok putta, goodnight" aunty left.

 After a minute shiva enters the dining room and gasps. What's wrong???

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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