chapter 12

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The test came positive.  Oh my god, I dropped my phone.

"Tanu where are you?" I heard Shiva. Calling me from the garden. I picked up my phone and went there.

He was already sitting on the sofa, I went and sat beside him. He cuddled me and picked the cups from the table and gave me mine.
We were having our breakfast enjoying each other's company. I thought this was the right time to tell Shiva about my pregnancy.
"Shiva there is something I need to tell you. I..."

I was interrupted by his mom, who was calling him. He picked the call.

"Good morning ma, had breakfast?"

"What?? I'll be right there" he started to get ready.

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" I asked him.

"Tanu, I am going to Aggarwal's house. It's urgent. I'll let you know more after I get back."

"Okay, take care. I'll be waiting." He kissed my forehead and got ready before leaving.

I decided to do a bit of house cleaning and ironing my clothes. It was afternoon when I was done with chores and the lunch was ready. I ate it and decided to call Shiva, the call went unanswered.

I opened my laptop and started searching for pregnancy articles.
I read the do's and don'ts during pregnancy. I want to keep this baby. Yes, I am scared as hell but I will not give up in on him or her. I will love this baby to the end of the world. About breaking the news to my parents, I don't know how I am going to do it. They might disown me as well if I give birth to this child without wedlock. I think it's high time I discuss about the marriage with Shiva.

I waited till 9 pm. After no signs of Shiva. I called him, he answered,

"Tanu, I'll be home late. Have your dinner and sleep."

"Okay, Shiva. Take care " I guess he is busy.

I had my dinner and slept.


I woke up the next morning and saw that Shiva had not returned home last night.

I woke up and got ready for my new job. 

Tanvi's look

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Tanvi's look

The breakfast was ready.  Ramya aunty served me after we greeted eachother and I was busy having it when bile started rising my throat. I stopped eating and asked her, "Aunty can I have some lemon juice?"
I read in the article yesterday that lemon juice can help me with the nausea.

I stopped eating and went to garden for fresh air, aunty came there after sometime with the juice and asked me,

"Putta, what did the doctor say?"

I didn't want to lie to aunty but at the same time I cannot tell her the truth yet, "Nothing much aunty, the doctor told that I will get well. Nothing to worry about."

I looked at the clock and realized it was time for me to leave for my new job.After drinking the lemon juice I felt better so I finished the breakfast remaining in my plate before leaving for the work.

I drove to my new workplace in my car and since it was the first day, I didn't have my ID card yet, so I had to show the security guards my offer letter. I went in, everybody were busy with their own work. I asked the receptionist for the HR dpartment.

I reported to the HR director, who gladly gave me a tour of the office. Her name was Ritu singh.

After finishing the tour, she showed me my office cabin and, "So Ms.Tanvi this will be your cabin, your laptop and ID card is present on the table. 

Our senior Director wanted to have a teams call with you at 12pm. You will be introduced to all the team leads in the meeting.

Don't worry I have already set up your calender on Outlook so, you can just join the call. If you face any issues, you can contact the IT department. The extension is available on your table phone. Have a nice day."

"Thank you so much. Have a great day you too."

She left after giving me a smile. I turned on my new MacBook provided to me.

There was a sheet present along with the other things to assist me to setup the computer. After setting up the whole thing. I looked at the time and it was 11:30 already.

I still had sometime for the meeting so I decided to call Shiva. He picked the call after 3 rings. "Hey Tanu, good morning."

"Good morning Shiva. You didn't come home last night. Is everything ok?"

"Yes baby, I sorted it out. The thing is we are merging on of our industries with Aggarwal's and I am investing in Alia's new clothing line. That was the emergency yesterday. Their investor suddenly pulled out at the end moment so they asked for my help. What are you doing?"

"Today is my first day at my new workplace. I called you yesterday to tell you about it but you didn't pick my call and you didn't come home last night."

"Oh shoot Tanu, I am so sorry about that. I was consoling Alia, she was upset about the investor pulling out. By the way you still haven't told me where you have got your new job?"

Oh so, all the while I was worrying about him, he was busy with his so called best friend. He could have called me back but yet he didn't do so. Why do I have a feeling that he is keeping something from me.

"I think it would be better to break it to you in person."

"As you say baby, I see you at home."

"ok Shiva see ya."

After I ended the call with Shiva I joined my teams call that I had with my senior director. He was very welcoming and introduced me to all the team leads.

The meeting ended at 1pm. A beautiful flower bouquet was sent to me from the company as a welcoming gift. It felt good.

I went to the cafeteria to have lunch. I wanted to have my food on time, maybe it was a mother instinct but I didn't want to take any risk when it comes to my child.

I had a salad and some rice. After lunch I went through some of the projects, the company was dealing with right now. 

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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