Chapter 20

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Shiva's POV:

Present Time

I reached my parent's house. My mom and dad were sitting in the living room. I walked to them and sat in the sofa in front of them.

"Shivu, what is the matter?" my mom started.

"Mom, I want to discuss something important."

Her face turned serious. "Is it about your marriage announcement with Alia?"

I nodded, "Mom, I cannot do it?"

I told her. She rose from her seat. "You got to be kidding me Shivu?"

"No mom, I am serious."

"Let me guess, your gold digger girlfriend didn't agree?"

"Mom, she is not a gold digger so don't call her that. Secondly I didn't get a chance to discuss it with her."

"If not her, then what is the reason? Remember Shivu, you have promised me and now you cannot go back on your word. If you do so, then forget that you have a mother."

Dad interrupted, "Varsha calm down, let us listen to his reasons."

"How can I calm down, If he backs out now? Then how can we show our faces to the Aggarwal's? Don't you remember who helped us during our hardtimes? it was not his girlfriend, but the Aggarwal's helped us out."

"Let him speak Varsha."

He nodded at me to continue, "I remember that Aggarwal's helped us during our hard time, but this involves the future of my child."

"What child?" mom was surprised. Dad was looking at me with a questioning eye.

"Tanu is pregnant. I want to get married to her as soon as possible. So I cannot agree to this arrangement."

Mom was shocked. Minutes passed, none of us spoke. I know this is not something that my parents expected but here I am standing in front of them.

Dad spoke, "Shiva, I need to talk to you alone. Come with me." He took me to his study.

"I did not expect this from you. How can you be so careless? How do you think her parents are going to react when they get to know about this? I never objected your relationship with her because she is a really nice girl. But your mom has never approved of her. Knowing you, I can tell that you will not get married to her until your mom approves. Then how can you be so careless? Whatever, has happened, we cannot change that. But remember, I do not want my grandchildren to be born out of wedlock. I want to know one thing. Do you want to get married to Tanvi?"

"Dad, why are you asking this question. I cannot imagine my life without her. She is the most important thing in my life dad. She was always supportive of me during our hard times. She is a blessing to me. She has already sacrificed so much to me. She has never put herself first in our relationship. I cannot make her go through this."

"If you say so. But remember one thing, if you don't prioritize her now, you may lose her forever. Then you will be left with nothing but regret. So, you will go meet her parents and ask for her hand in marriage as soon as possible. They should not know about this pregnancy Shiva. I will make all the preparations for the wedding as soon as they agree. Do not let me down again."

"Dad, thank you so much for understanding. I am sorry, that I let you down. I will never let this happen again."

"But there is a problem." his face was telling me that something was wrong.

"What dad?"

"The news of your marriage is going to be announced to tonight. The PR team will be announcing the news tomorrow morning. I will talk to the team and stop them. But I want you to talk to tanvi first. Don't worry we will figure something out for Alia's investment."

We came back to the living room and mom was not there.

"Shiva, it's almost midnight. Why don't you stay here tonight?"

"No dad, I have get back and talk to Tanu. I wanted to talk to mom before I leave."

"It is really late now. Stay back tonight, you can leave the first thing in the morning. Even if you return now, Tanvi will be sleeping so it's of no use."

"Ok dad, good night", he was right. I cannot wake her up now and talk to her. I will leave early in the morning. I went to my room and slept there.

Third Person POV:

Raj Goenka was walking back to his bedroom, when he heard his wife's voice coming from the guest room.

He went there and heard his wife talking to someone over the phone. He opened the door and went him. Varsha was startled to see her husband.

"Who are you talking to at this hour?" Raj asked.

"The PR team."

"At this hour why?"

"I asked them to release the notice of Shiva's marriage with Alia."

Raj was angered, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't want that witch to become my daughter in law."

"Why do you hate her so much?"

"She should stay where she belongs. She doesn't deserve to be the daughter in law of this house."

"Varsha, this is madness. You are not realizing that you are standing in the way of your own son's happiness."

"I am his mother, I know what is good and bad for him."

"I will not let you do that. I will call Shiva right away." Raj walked towards the door of the room.

"If you try to tell him, I will not hesitate to call Tanvi's parents and tell them that their dear daughter is pregnant. They will disown her. We all know how much they mean to her. Do you want that to happen Raj? " 

Raj was bewildered to hear his wife's words. He never thought his wife would stoop this low.

He felt as if he didn't know the woman standing in front of him. He knew Tanvi's parents are conservative and will disown her once they get to know that she is pregnant before marriage.  

"Remember, Shiva is never going to forgive you for this."

"You cannot stop me Raj. I know how to win my son over."

He felt as if Everything was in Shiva's hands now. How far will his son go for his love? Will he go against his mother for the love of his life? Only time will reveal it...

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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