Chapter 31

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Tanu's POV:

My mom rubbed my back as I started crying. She took me to a corner.

"Mom, what is happening here? When did he plan this marriage?"

"Chinnu please stop crying. Even I didn't know about this thing until last night. He went to our town and talked to your father. By the time I got to know, your father was already aware of the marriage. I was not able to do anything my child. Still there is time, we can stop this marriage."

"I met dad outside. He is so happy mom. How can I snatch that away from him?"

"I know Chinnu, but what about you?"

"It is my mistake after all. I should be the one to go through it. Let's not discuss about it now."

"I am always there for you remember it, Chinnu. Come on, let's go."

Shiva was waiting for us in some distance. When we started walking towards him, he too walked towards us and said, "Aunty, makeup artists are ready whenever you are ready. I will show you the room." We followed him. 

We stood in front of a room, "You can leave now." mom said quite rudely.

He nodded before leaving from there.

I noticed one thing, I have not seen his mom since I came. And I have not seen Isha as well.

"Mom where is Isha?"

"She is getting ready in another room. She doesn't know anything other than what your dad knows. She is happy that her sister is getting married." I nodded at her.

Inside the bathroom, I saw turmeric paste beside the bathtub.

"Mom, is this all necessary? If we don't do something whole heartedly then there is no need to do it itself."

"Chinnu, no matter what the circumstances are, a wedding is a wedding. We should respect the rituals and follow them."

"Ok mom." she smiled at me weakly and started applying turmeric paste on my body.

She bathed me in rose water after that. "Tanu, the make-up artist is waiting for you. I will get ready in another room. I will come and see you after I get ready."

I nodded at her. She left from there. I wore a bath robe and went out of the bathroom. Indeed, two make-up artists were waiting for me. They smiled at me. I did the same.

After almost an hour, I was ready. Only hair accessories were remaining. 

Someone knocked on the door, it opened I was not able to turn as the artist was doing my hair style.

"Can I talk to my daughter in law for two minutes." I knew who it was, the one and only Varsha Goenka. By listening to her authoritative tone, one of the artist shivered and left from there in a second.

"Mam, can I finish this braid and leave?" another one asked.

"I am sure you can continue that later. I won't take long."

"OfCourse mam" she too left from there.

The door closed behind. It was only me and her now. She slowly walked towards me.

 She slowly walked towards me

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