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Tanvi's POV 

After breakfast, Shiva and I went to grocery shopping. No, we didn't do any naughty business before going to shopping although he urged me to. Right now we are getting ready to go to his parent's home for lunch.

"I don't understand why we need to do the grocery shopping ourselves when we have people to get them for us?" Shiva asks me.

"That is because, I like hanging out with you but you are always busy, so this grocery shopping is a reason for us to hang out together. Something like a mini date"

"I'm sorry that I am not able to give you time Tanu. I wish I could give you more time Tanu" 

"I understand that Shiva, so I came up with these mini date ideas. " 

I have the interview for assistant director's position in Goenka Infrastructure tomorrow. If I am able to obtain job in that interview, then I'll surprise him with the news. I smile to myself thinking about it.

"Why are you smiling like that?" he eyes me skeptically.

"I have an interview in a big company tomorrow, I hope I get the job" I say and start to do my makeup.

" Really? You can always come and work with me as assistant vice president. Why don't you listen to me Tanu? " 

" Shiva, I want to climb the corporate ladder with my merit, not just because I'm dating the CEO"

"But Tanu, you deserve that position. If not for your office politics, then you would have been a senior director by now.  what is mine is also yours, so you have right for that position in my company" 

I can't argue with him on the office politics part, because that is one of the main reasons for me to quit my current job, there is a lot of gender politics in the company and I don't see myself growing professionally or personally in that company, so I am quitting it. 

Goenka Infrastructure is one of the best options I have right now, although I have given interviews in two other companies, but here in Goenka's there are a lot of employee benefits. You might ask why I would need them when I am dating the CEO himself but, I am an independent woman and I want to earn my own living and support my parents.

"Well that right  is only applicable if you marry me in the future. But what if you grow tired of me and ditch me one day? " I pause for a second and look at him.

He seems to be taken back by my words, he comes near the dresser where I was doing my makeup and  takes my hand, "Tanu, I am serious about us, about this relationship. And I want to marry you in the future. This is my promise to you. Please don't say such words again, it hurts a lot to hear them from you". 

I was startled with his promise, we had never talked about our marriage before. It felt good to hear it from his mouth that he wants to marry me.

"I didn't say that to hurt you, I was just messing with you Shiva. Can we come home early? I want to prepare for my interview" I say to him as I hug him.

" Hmm sure. Are you done getting ready?" 

"yes, how do I look?"

                                                                             (Tanvi's look)

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                                                                             (Tanvi's look)

                                                                               (Shiva's look)

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                                                                               (Shiva's look)

"You look like an angel. How lucky am I to have you in my life? I will never finish falling in love with you " 

I blush at his words, he is such a sweet talker sometimes, I still feel shy when I hear him say such things.

"You don't look bad yourself Shiva. Let's leave now"

We went to the garage and started our ride to his parent's place in his Bugatti Chiron.

                                                                                    (Shiva's car)

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                                                                                    (Shiva's car)

"I forgot to tell you, do you remember my cousin Divya?" I ask Shiva

"Yea, you had been to her wedding right, some three months ago if I'm not wrong?"

"Yes, the same girl. Guess what she is pregnant already!! I can't believe it Shiva, I mean they just got married and she is already pregnant. Her husband's jizz must really be strong"

"Congratulations to her. Are you trying to enunciate that my jizz is not strong enough? I'll show you how strong mine is tonight"

"I didn't say that, I was just talking about her pregnancy. Why are you getting offended?"

"Baby girl, whatever said is said. Bear the consequences of your words tonight" he smirks 

I quiver at his words. We arrive at his parents place. I can see a new car in the driveway of their bungalow.

" Whose car is it Shiva? Did your parents buy a new car?" I ask him

"No tanu, not that I know of. Maybe the car belongs to someone else. Anyway lets go in"

He gets down and opens the car door for me. Always a gentleman I tell you. He takes my hand and starts to walk towards the door. He rings the bell.

Some woman of my age opens the door and suddenly hugs Shiva. He hugs her back.

What's going on here????

-------**END OF CHAPTER**-------

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