Chapter 38

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Tanvi's POV:

When I woke up the next morning it was 6 A.M. I freshened up and wore a saree. I did minimal make-up. Today I will be going to my parents' house after visiting a temple. I am excited to go there after a long time. I was drying my hair on the balcony. I don't like to blow-dry my hair. I like sitting in the morning sun to dry them. I was doing the same when I felt like someone was staring at me.

Shiva was sleeping when I had come to the balcony, so I turned back and was greeted with Shiva's morning husky voice, "Good morning Wifey

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Shiva was sleeping when I had come to the balcony, so I turned back and was greeted with Shiva's morning husky voice, "Good morning Wifey."

Why does he call me with different names each time? I didn't bother to ask. If I do then he will give me some cheesy answer.

I resumed sun drying my hair while facing him.

He stretched his arms and walked towards me. I scooted away from him.

"Don't come near me. I have taken a bath. We have to leave in an hour. Go get ready."

"But I haven't given you a morning kiss yet, wifey."

"Didn't you just hear what I just said? Go take a bath first."

"Will you give me a kiss after I take a bath?"

"We will see about that."

"Promise me first only then I will leave."

"Do whatever you want, I am not in a mood to play lovey-dovey with you."

"You are such a mood spoiler you know."

"Do I look like I care?" saying that I got up and left the room. It should be my dialogue. I was peacefully drying my hair until he woke up.

I went to the kitchen and saw that there were 2 middle-aged women cooking something.

"Good morning. Can I join you guys?"

"What!!! No, how can we let you cook? You are the daughter in law of this house. We will take care of this madam."

"Ok. What are you cooking for breakfast today?"

"Chapati with Lady's finger curry."

"That's my favourite." I exclaimed.

"We thought so when Shiva sir asked us to specifically prepare that." one of them said.

"I will take my leave now." I said and left from there. I was surprised with the new information.

During breakfast.

All four of us were seated. On the head of the table, dad was seated, my mother-in-law to his right and Shiva to his left. Next to Shiva I sat.

We started having our breakfast. Shiva came near my ears and started whispering.

"Did you like breakfast?"

"Yes. The cooks have done a wonderful job preparing them."

"Of Course, they have. I asked them to prepare it for you."

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