Chibitalia x HRE Fanfiction

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Guys, rate it please from one to ten! This fanfic may give you sadness and make you sweat from your eyes


As the cozy and warm summer breeze approached the young blonde man and the unidentified Italian homosexual slash boy slash girl slash gender neutral chibi thing that were having a conversation before the blonde would travel away from the brown haired boy slash girl, Chibitalia waddled towards HRE with tears in his slash her brown hazelnut eyes.

The Italian said softly as he or she or he-she held the hand of the other standing in front of him

"Please don't go...

Holy Rome...

I love you so much...

I can't bear..

to live a life without you...

Please, Holy Rome....

Stay with me.."

The other German sighed as he replied in a soft and calm voice that lingered in the ears of the other once it was spoken.

"Oh, Italy..."

He then smiled a bit as he looked at him slash her straight into the eyes. Blue sapphire irises meting the other brown hazelnut irises of the other.







"If only there was someone who loved you."

🎶 Mm... Whatcha say....🎶

*HRE leaves like a baos in black in white*




GOT YE!!!!

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