Truth or Dare 7 ~Mexico-chan~

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User: Goddamn wifi, hates me for God knows why.
Finland: We have a dare! Yay! Umm, *reads dare* Huh? *stares in horror* N-No, this can't happen!
User: *reads paper* Alright! China, *throws Shinatty doll in SPECIAL closet* Fetch!
China: MINE ARU!!!!! aru *goes into SPECIAL closet*
User: Japan, go in the closet.
Japan: Okay, I know the mission already, ChinaPan. *goes in SPECIAL closet like a ninja on drugs*
User: *locks closet* There! *opens computer linked to the cameras in the closet* Let's watch!
[This part has been flagged as spam]
User: GERDAMMNIT. Just check out the pairing for better info!

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