Can't be dead!! (Slash x Steven Adler)

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"What?!" Seven bolted form laying down on the floor to sitting up, tears gathering in his sky-blue eyes as the small blonde listened the message he got from Axl.

"Steven, Slash is dead I think, em he was found outside the lift, he wasn't breathing from an apparent drug overdose."

The drummer quickly jumped off the floor an rang Duff. All he could think of during the ringing was he friend.

He saw flashes of his childhood best friend in his mind. His beautiful dark brown eyes, that he always hid behind his mass of untameable Curlys, that smile, that sultry voice, that laugh. His loving nature, his sarcasm, his badass well... just everything.

Finally, Duff picked up. Sobbing, Steven bearly managed to get words out, "D-Duffy, tell me it isn't true, please! Tell me it's..." He could hear the bassist crying on the other end, "I'm sorry, Stevie." "Slash h-his gone." Steven dropped the phone, ignoring Duff's calls as he fell to his knees.

", this can't be happening. Oh god, please...please. It can't be true, it can't be fucking true. Please, you can't be dead, Slashy. I...I never even got to tell you I love you." With that Steven broke down, screaming in agony as hot tears ran down his face.

He stayed like that for hours, laying on the floor, wanting nothing more than to die as he sobbed quietly, mourning the love of his life an his best friend.

A knock at the door startled him. He walked to the door, and opened it, not bothering to wipe the tearstains off his face. They're stood Izzy.

"Thank fucking god your alive! I've been trying to get a hold of you for hours! Slash is okay, they revied him." Steven stared at him, mouth slightly open, "H-he's alive?" "Yeah, come on let's get to the hospital!"

When the got to the hospital, poor Steven was shaking like a leaf as they meet up with the other two guys. Izzy, Axl and Duff asked for Slash's room number. When they stepped through the door, everything seemed to disappear except well Slash, alive and well, sitting up in the hospital bed.

"Hey, gu-" Steven cut Slash off by throwing his arms around his beloved guitarist, pulling him as close as humanly possible, "Fuck, I thought you were gone, Slash. You have no idea, I-goddamn it!" The drummer cursed himself as he'd started crying all over again.

"I love you, Slash. I don't care if you feel the same way or not but, I...I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I never told you. I love you, I love you, I love you. You give me a reason to live, a reason to smile, a reason to even like who I am, Damm it I've loved you since the day I meet you!"

He pulled back to look at Slash  smiling an blushing. "Saul Hudson, I love you, so, so, so much. More than anyone in the whole fucking world."

Slash smiled, "I love you too, Steveie. I'm so fucking sorry." "Don't you fucking dare apologize. All that matters is that you're safe."

Steven was barely able to wipe the smile off his face as he placed his hands along Slash's jaw, pulling the guitarist into a tear-filled kiss.

Slash was ordered to stay the night. "Steven, can you stay. I don't...I don't wanna be alone right now," Slash stared at the blonde with bright, swimming eyes.

Steven wrapped his arms around his waist, "Of course, I'll stay with you, Slashy. I wasn't gonna leave anyway." "You weren't." "How could I?! I thought you were dead. I thought the love of my life was gone," Steven hugged Slash tighter if that was posable, afraid he would start crying for the thousand time that day. Still, he was unable to keep the sob out of his voice.

It damm near broke Slash's heart to hear his Steveie like this, sounding so broken. "Steveie, baby. When I get discharged I-I'm going into rehab." Duff looked at the two lovers with wide eyes, "Slash...that's...really brave of you, dude."

Slash jumped outta his skin, making Axl and Izzy roll there eyes, "What didja forget we were here?" Steven blushed as he realized they'd all seen his confession to Slash just minutes prior, "Oh shut up you three assholes, my love almost died, what did you expect?" He grumbled.

"Even so. Slash, we'll help you through this. I promise," Izzy smiled as him and the other two got up to pull Slash and Steven into a group hug even Izzy, all while Steven still holding Slash's hands with a death grip. Slash let out a wet laugh, "Thank you guys, thank you so fucking much."

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