Tour bus fun (Slash X Duff) smut

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It was hard for any of the guys to get any time alone while on tour. They were constantly being rushed through meet and greets, to sound check or to the shows or shoved to another hotel. 

When they got the tour bus it was a little better because they had a whole lounge to themselves and there was a door to block it off from everyone else. It was pretty much Duffs and Slash's room, nobody else but occasionally Steven went back there anyway and that's where all of their stuff was kept. 

Duff walked into the room, not looking forward to being on a moving bus again. Slash followed him in and slid the door shut behind them, locking it so they could have a minute to breathe without interruption. "I'm exhausted."

Duff yawns as he lets his body collapse onto one of the sofas. He sprawls out on it and sighs heavily. Slash looks at Duff and a small smile quirks at the corner of his mouth, "I love you." Duff turns his head and gives slash a wearily confused look, "What?" "I said I love you, I know your the height of a giraffe but ya ain't deaf." Playful says Slash while rolls his eyes. 

Duff rolls his eyes right back at slash before closing his eyes and letting his body relax against the sofa. "You alright?" Slash asks, sounding a little worried. He knew Duff was easily burnt out and this tour had taken a lot of energy from him, he always needed a few days to recharge but he couldn't catch a break.

Slash was kind of the same way but his attitude didn't change much when he was burnt out, Duff on the other hand did, he always got grumpier and he snapped at Slash n the guys a lot more, like Axl would. Slash hated seeing Duff so stressed out. "I'm fine, I just want quiet." Duff says, not bothering to open his eyes. 

Slash sits on the other sofa without a word, letting Duff have a bit of silence because he deserves that much. "You can be the exception though." Duff mumbles, he sounded tired. "What do you mean 'exception'?" "I mean I like your voice, it's relaxing. Well when you and Axl aren't screaming at each other over dumb pointless shit."

Duff cracks an eye open to smirk at Slash who was glaring at him. "So you want me to talk to you?" "That's exactly what I'm saying." Duff replies, "I thought you were intelligent Slasher." "Hey now, no need for bullying." Slash fakes being offended, "What do you want me to talk about."  "Just tell me you love me." Duff turns onto his side and smiles sleepily at Slash. 

"I love you." Slash says fondly, staring at Duff like that's all he ever wanted to look at. "More." Duff hums, he leans his head on his folded arms so his cheek was all squished and he looked super small. "I love how cute you can be Duffels." Slash says, "and I love how warm your arms are, when you hold me it's like being in our warm cozy bed back at home." "Cheesy." Duff yawns again. 

"You like it." "No, I love it." "Now who's being cheesy?" Slash crosses his arms and quirks an eyebrow at Duff, he still has that fond look on his face. "Shh, come here." Duff sits up so Slash can come over and sit beside him. "Ugh."

Slash pushes himself up off of the sofa and walks to Duff , he straddles his lap instead of sitting next to him. Duff laughs lightly, wrapping his arms around Slash's back. "Alright you big baby." "Shut up, 'm your baby." Slash mumbles into the crook of Duff's neck.

" I know ya shorter then me but this can't be good for your spine." Duff mumbles into Slash's shoulder, Slash was hunched over so he could cuddle into Duff's neck and to Duff it looked really

"You've seen the way I sleep on these bunks." Slash replies. Duff squeezes slash tighter, he was so warm and slightly squishy and Duff just loved him so much. "You know you're actually the cutest thing." Duff speaks softly. "Am I?" Slash was glad Duff couldn't see his face because he was definitely blushing. 

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