Heartbreak station (Tom Keifer x Eric Brittingham)

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Made up girlfriend also changed lyrics too!!!!

Waiting at the station
Tears filling up my eyes
Sometimes the pain you hide
Burns like a fire inside

Tom smiled wanly at Eric as he continued to talk about this new girl he was dating. Raven was her name and Tom already hated her guts even without ever meeting her. But Eric could never know that though. He was so excited for her to meet the band and he hoped they liked her. Apparently, she was everything that Eric had ever wanted and so much more. Tom turned away from him and tuned out the rest of the conversation as he started to write something he hoped to turn into a song.

Lookin' out my window
Sometimes it's hard to see
The things you want in life
Come and go so easily

How could he hate her without even meeting her? Simple. She had the one thing he couldn't never have, she Eric's heart and Tom didn't. He had fallen in love with Eric a long time ago, the first time he had met him he had developed a crush and a few weeks later had decided his fear had came true, that he was in love with his band mate. That's the affect Eric had on him and he didn't even know it. Now there never would be a chance for Tom to ever tell him his true feelings. That wouldn't be fair to Eric, Tom wasn't going to ruin his happiness.

He took the last train out of my heart
The last train
And now I think I'll make a brand new start
The last train out of my heart

He had tried dating others, but that had never worked out. He it wouldn't before he went on the dates, he knew he could never give his heart to anyone but Eric and it was useless to even try. He cherished the little moments when it was just the two of them, out in a bar, the studio, or when Eric threw his arm around him onstage at the end of the show. He had built up a collection of moments between the two of them in his memory because that would be all he ever had. The closest he had come to dating Eric. To have Eric love Tom like Tom loved him.

Watching the days go by
Thinking 'bout the plans we made
Days turn into years
Funny how they fade away

Tom hated it when Eric brought Raven on tour with him. He had to see them be a happy couple, he had to watch as the love of his life loved another. He was also forced to listen to them have sex then whisper sweet nothings to each other. That was the consequences of sleeping over Eric's bed on the bus. Tears filled his eyes and he buried his face in his pillow, muffling them. They ran down his face leaving hot, wet tracks in their wake. He thought about what it would be like if it was him down there with Eric, instead of her. That only made a wave of fresh tears hit him.

Sometimes I think of those days
Sometimes I just hide away
I'm waiting on that 9:20 train
I'm waiting on a memory

Eric was the reason Tom's heart was broken, and he didn't know it. Tom knew it was stupid, but he still held on to the hope that one day Eric would be his and he would be Eric's. That tiny spark of hope was the one thing that got him through most days when he was ready to just go to sleep and never wake up, so he would never have to face reality. Never have to face the fact that Eric loved him as nothing more than a friend, a bandmate. Still, he had his hope and he held on to it.

He took the last train out of my heart
The last train
And now I think I'll make a brand new start
The last train out of my heart, yeah

Eric brushes up against Tom as he runs around the stage. Tom holds his breath and prays that Eric or anyone else for that matter doesn't notice the reaction his body has to Eric being so close to him. Tom watches as Eric plays gracefully on stage. This was Eric at his finest. On stage with his bandmates, playing amazingly, and having a great time doing what he loved. Tom wished he had that easy grace that Eric did without having to try. Everything he did and the way he moved was flawless in Tom's eyes.

My Man's on the fly
And He's never coming back
My love is like a steam train
Rolling down the tracks, yeah, yeah

He watches as Eric picks her up and twirls her in his arms. She laughs as she runs her fingers through his hair. The pain that slices through his heart leaves him breathless as he struggles to control it. He watches as Eric kisses her lovingly and they break apart. She stares into his eyes and tells him that she loves him. Tom doesn't doubt it, he just wishes she didn't. For his own sake. At least Eric was happy. Without him.

The last train out of my heart
The last train
And now I think I'll make a brand new start
Took the last train out of my heart, yeah

Tom sighs as he swirls the amber liquid around in his cup. Jeff notices and places a hand on his shoulder. Tom glances up and smiles, Jeff isn't fooled. He knows how much Tom loves Eric, he also know just how much seeing Eric with someone else is killing him. "You want to talk?" he offers. Tom shakes his head. He isn't in the talking mood because he know that if he does, he'll break down and he doesn't want to cry for once tonight.

He took the last train, out of my heart
(The last train)
He took the last train

Tom leaves the after party earlier as they where finally staying in hotels. He couldn't bare to watch them anymore and left without even saying goodbye. He walks into his hotel room and reaches into his notebook that he left on top of his suit case just before leaving for the party.

The picture he pulls out is his most favorite. In it Eric has his arms around Tom's waist as Tom sits in his lap. They had been goofing off that day and just looked so comfortable in each other's company. That's why it was one of Tom's favourite. It was a natural picture. Not a posing one. A teardrop hit the picture and Tom wiped it away. He placed the picture back in his note book before laying it on the nightstand and crawled into bed, his heart heavy in his chest. He tried not to think of Eric. He wanted to sleep tonight.

And now I think I'll make a new start
Last train out of my heart

Eric was the only person who could make him feel like this. So in love, but in so much pain all at the same time. Eric could make his whole day just by smiling at him. He could break his heart just by getting angry with him. He had so much power over Tom and he was so clueless. Tom thought some days, that being in love just wasn't worth it. Not when it made him feel like this.

He took the last train, out of my heart
(The last train) he took the last train

Then Eric looks at him with those eyes and Tom just loses himself. He falls into Eric and never wants to come out, because here he can pretend that Eric loves him and they are happy together and Raven doesn't exsist. Eric seems to have less and less time for him as the days go by. Raven demands more of his time as they start planning the wedding. Tom doesn't want to even go, but knows he has too to go to keep anyone from asking any unwanted questions. There's never enough time and Tom mourns the loss of it.

And now I think I'll make a new start
Last train out of my heart

Another smile and a nod of his head, Tom's heart breaks just a little more. He wonders if Eric can tell it's all a lie. He wonders how much more his heart can take. Then realises he will do anything for Eric. Even suffer this broken heart, as long as Eric is happy. No matter if Tom himself isn't.

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