Play time(Nikki Sixx X Tommy Lee) smut!

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Nikki gives a test to the restraints holding him down. He's not really sure why. An instinct, maybe. The need to struggle. To feel the helplessness of no escape while still being safe.

The ropes dig into his skin. Unforgiving. They pull his arms behind his back, the strain enough to cause discomfort. Tommy did a good job tonight. Took great care in making sure the ropes would keep Nikki strapped down. They even loop down into the custom made hooks that are bolted to the floor of their bedroom. 

The kick to his inner thigh forces him to spread his knees even further apart. Nikki huffs, a small sound that gets past his lips before he has a chance to keep it from escaping. A trickle of delicious fear ripples down his spine and pools in his belly when the younger man stops what he's doing.

He gives Nikki a moment to speak. To safeword out of the stretch. And when Nikki does nothing but fold his lips in, Tommy gives another tiny kick to push Nikki's knees that much more apart.  This time Nikki whimpers, tears building in his eyes behind the thick red bannda. The warm, soothing touch to his back, Tommy's hand rubbing up and down, assuring him, he's there, he's got him, has Nikki releasing the heavy breath from his lungs.

Tommy kisses the base of his spine and gets back to work. Ties more ropes around Sixx's thick ass thighs, to Keep them where he wants them.  Nikki's cock is already so hard. Throbbing with the need for someone —no, not someone, his Tommy — to touch it.

He knows better than to ask. Asking comes later. Comes with begging and pleading and sobbing. Even without words.

Behind him, Nikki hears Tommy move away, the ropes now completely secure around his thighs and keeping him down. He tests again. Tommy chuckles at his handy work. At Nikki's struggling -- which stops completely when Tommy's fingers begin walking along his ass. Instead of moving, Nikki goes perfectly still.

"What'm I gonna do with you?" Tommy murmurs. Hand opening flat over Nikki's right cheek and just resting there. Leaving Nikki in tormenting anticipation. "Look at you. So perfect. I could do anything right now, can't I?"  Nikki opens his mouth to answer, but the first thing that comes out it is a gasp when Tommy lifts his hand and lets it hover just slightly. Eyes slamming closed, he waits. Waits for something that never comes.

"Hm?" Tommy says. "I can't hear you, Nik. You're not gonna make me punish you already, are you?"  The thought actually crosses his mind. Although Nikki doesn't know what Tommy's has planned for tonight. He's sure it's something good. It's always something good when Nikki's done something great like today as today marks one month clean form drugs.

Nikki takes in a deep breath. "Yes," he answers. Nikki Swallows the hard rock in his throat. "Yes, sir." Tommy's body rests over his. Not his full weight but enough of it that Nikki feels engulfed. Swallowed by the surety of his safety in Tommy's hands. Tommy takes hold of Nikki's chin as he leans down to whisper in Nikki's ear.

"No toys tonight," he tells him. Voice heated. "Just my skin against yours. Got it?" All Nikki can do is nod, Tommy lets go is his chin. The first slap to Nikki's ass stings like fire and spreads just as quickly, pulling a yelp from his lungs. He gets no time to prepare for the next. Tommy immediately strikes the same spot again. Two more times before moving to the other cheek. 

Nikki tries to keep count, really, he does. But, as usual, he loses the numbers somewhere as early as the mid-teens. Maybe the twenties. They can go on like this for hours. With Tommy's hand slapping across his skin. Leaving marks and bruises and welts. 

Sweat sticks to his dyed hair. Tears roll down his down his cheeks. He can't even lift his head anymore. Nikki's been biting down on his lip so hard trying to keep back the screams. So hard that Tommy reached over and pulled it out from under his teeth and now Nikki's unable to hold back. He just yells out into oblivion.

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