Little(Nikki sixx x Tommy Lee)

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This is age regression, anxiety This request, if you don't like it don't read, it's ok and this is not sexual. In which Tommy gets so worried about how his boyfriend will take him being little that he goes into littlespace

"Just tell him! I'm sure Nikki won't mind especially if he's naturally dominant what he is. If he isn't willing to look after you than perhaps he isn't the one for you T-bone. I hope this helps but where all here" Vince said with Mick nodding his head in agreement behind him.

Tommy had known for a few months that he was a little. He regressed into a childlike mind-set when he was overly stressed out. It worked as a coping mechanism mainly. However he really wanted to tell his boyfriend. He'd cancelled plans with Nikki and had to skip a sound check or a rehearsal multiple times because he was little and he felt bad because they didn't get much time off. 

Sure Nikki was dominant when they had sex, but nonsexual was an entirely different thing wasn't it? What if he was grossed out by it? What if he left Tommy because of it?  What if he kicked him outta the band!? Tommy was so stressed out as he made it through the recording studio, he was worried he'd fall into little space.

Doc had suggest the band should go to the café for lunch. When they got to the small café Tommy sat beside Nikki who wrapped his arm around Tommy's taller frame and kissed him on the cheek. All Tommy wanted was to sink into little space and cuddle with Nikki.  "You okay, baby?" Nikki murmured as he kissed Tommy on the head, in the middle of his flower crown that Vince had given him that morning. 

Tommy just nodded, snuggling further into his boyfriend's arms. Nikki just held him close and continued his conversation with the others. Soon enough lunch was over and Nikki was reluctantly pushing Tommy off of him. "Baby, we gotta go back to recording." He spoke gently, pulling Tommy to his feet. Tommy fell back into his arms and whined something incoherent into his chest. 

Nikki smiled a little at how adorable his boyfriend was being. "Hey I'ma be there with you in the studio." He promised. Tommy nodded but didn't pull away, arms wrapping around Nikki's waist and nuzzling his face into Nikki's chest. Nikki smiled and hugged the younger man back. He pulled back and gave Tommy a smile.  "Hey." He spoke, tilting Tommy's chin down so there could see eye to eye.

Mysterious green eyes meet Puppy dog brown ones, "I love you." He whispered like it was a secret. Tommy giggled and looked down. "I love you too."  Nikki softly grabbed he's chin to steal a soft kiss. "We haven't got long left T-bone, then you can have all the hugs you want ok." Nikki promised, before walking off to his pick up his base. 

Tommy sighed as he walked over to his drums, left on the verge of little space still. He'd have to tell Nikki the truth when they got home. His boyfriend would understand. Nikki loved him. Sure Nikki could be a bit  judgmental and a bit rude to most, but Tommy was the exception.

He was behind Tommy no matter what. Nikki backed him up whenever someone wanted to comment on the way he dressed or acted. He was there when Tommy tried wearing skirts and dresses, only commenting on how pretty Tommy was and how lucky he was to have Tommy. Nikki was there for him.

Nikki was worried about Tommy as he had been quiet all day, clinging to him whenever he had the chance. Hopefully no one had bothered him. Nikki would fuck them up. No one messed with his baby.

Finally they finished recording and he met Tommy outside. Tommy was leaning on the wall, tugging at the sleeves of his leather jacket nervously.  "Tom?" Nikki asked, concern growing. 

Tommy just stared at him with big brown puppy dog eyes and lips sealed.  Nikki set down his base and slowly approached Tommy. He brushed the younger man's hair to the side. "Baby?" He asked gently. Tommy threw himself into Nikki's arms. "N-need ta t-tell you somefin." Tommy mumbled against his chest.

Nikki bit his lip at that.

Maybe that was why Tommy was so nervous all day. "Ok Pumpkin, let's gets out of here yeah? You wanna go to your place?"  Tommy shook his head. "Yours." He mumbled.  Nikki kissed him on the forehead and led the distressed man to his car, nearly pushing Tommy in to the passenger seat.

Tommy was losing himself to his headspace and he hadn't even told Nikki yet. Just the thoughts of Nikki possibly rejecting him had him tumbling into a little mindset.

Nikki was being so gentle and understanding, Tommy just wanted to curl up into his side and suck on his thumb and make him read him a story. 

Nikki led Tommy inside and sat him down on the couch. "What's wrong, love?"  "I- I wanna tell you..." Tommy started, burying his face in his hands. Nikki moved so he was kneeling in front of Tommy. "Go on then."  Tommy eyes scanned over his boyfriend's face. He was frowning, obviously concerned and annoyed by Tommy reluctance to speak. 

"Tom, why are you so scared? If you're breaking up with me, you can tell me." He spoke, looking down. "No!" Tommy exclaimed brown puppy dog eyes going wide. "Do you want to bweak up?! I don want want you to leave me, daddy! Please don leave me!" Tommy panicked, his little space blowing things out of proportion and his own worries about what being little would do to their relationship coming out. 

Nikki's eyes widened at his boyfriend's panic. He immediately gathered Tommy into his arms, sitting on the couch. "Sh, sh, sh, I'm not going anywhere. I'm sorry. Of course I won't leave you, I would never leave you." Nikki mumbled as Tommy buried his face in Nikki's neck. Nikki left kisses on Tommy's head as he rubbed at his back.

"Tommy, baby, what did you call me just then?" Nikki had a suspicion about what was happening but he wanted to talk it out with Tommy.  "N-nothing." Tommy replied softly.  Nikki moved Tommy so he was sat in his lap facing forward. He looked him in the eyes. "pumpkin, did you call me daddy?"  "No..." Tommy replied. 

"Why would you call me that outside of the bedroom baby boy?" Nikki asked softly, stroking Tommy's arm.  "I dunno..." Tommy lied, tracing the tattoo's on Nikki's arm before burying his face in to his chest.  Nikki just smiled a bit. "Is it maybe because you want me to be your daddy even outside of the bedroom pumpkin?" Nikki asked, voice gentle and understanding. Tommy slowly nodded against Nikki's chest.

"Hey baby boy," Nikki spoke softly, kissing Tommy on the cheek. "That's okay." He promised. Tommy pulled back, "Weally?"  "Of course, cutie. Are you little right now?" Nikki asked.  He remembered everything he'd read online about this, years back. His suspicions when Tommy would cancel plans over the phone, slurring his words, and when he'd find colouring books and stuffed animals hastily shoved around the his house, years before his nephews where born.

Tommy was the perfect candidate to be a little. Nikki almost found himself hoping he was. However he'd pushed aside the thoughts. If Tommy wasn't into it he didn't want to get his hopes up. But here he was.  "You know about wittles and stuffs daddy?" Tommy asked, surprised.  "I do." Nikki answered. "And it's okay for you to be little around me, pumpkin. I'd love to be your daddy." Nikki mumbled, still relieved Tommy didn't want to end things.

Tommy buried himself in Nikki's chest. "I was so scawed to tell you daddy." He mumbled. Nikki kissed Tommy on the head once more, adjusting his purple flower crown. "Don't be afraid to tell me anything. Okay? I want to know all of you. As cheesy as it sounds."  Tommy giggled and smiled at him. 

"What?" Nikki asked, brushing Tommy's overgrown messy hair aside. "You look an act all scawy but daddy you'we jus a big softie." Tommy giggled, burrowing further into Nikki's chest. 

Nikki rolled his eyes unable to suppress a fond smile as he lifted the younger man up to bring him upstairs. "Only for you pumkin."

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