My little boy (CC Deville x Bobby Dall)

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Part one maybe, this is based off of another story that I was reading.This is a little space one but near the end he kinda is pulled outta his regression into subspace. If you want a part two let me know!! Don't read if ya don't like!!

"Are you sure you wanna try this Cc? This is going to be a bit different then our normal 'playtimes'." Bobby spoke with worry laced in his voice. "Yes I'm sure. Jerry told me that it's a very...uhm... well he said it's a very pleasant experience. He thinks I'd like it." CC softly spoke back, nervously scratching his neck. "If you're ready for it than I'm glad to try it and just to be sure you still wanna try the nappy yes?" Bobby tells him reassuringly. Cc doesn't answer, he just looked down slightly embarrassed then slowly lifting his head as he lightly nodded.

Bobby helped CC get the nappy on and tape it in place properly, along with the adult-sized onesie. Cc found both to be surprisingly comfortable. Bobby slowly got up form there place on the couch to go and get one of baby bottles, that they had bought beforehand at a baby store.

Bobby had gone to the kitchen, with Cc trailing behind him like a lost puppy, so he could warm up the milk to the right temperature, before going back into the living room with CC still trailing behind him. Once Bobby had sat down on the couch he placed CC on his lap sideways. Supporting Cc's head and neck with his left arm as he brought the bottle near the blonde's face with his right. 

"Are you sure you're okay with this, CC?" He asked one more time, to be safe.  "Yes, I'm sure! Stop as-" Cc couldn't finish his snappy remark because Bobby had shoved the nipple of the bottle into his mouth. Cc look up at him only to see a smirk on his face, but he couldn't bring himself to care as the sweet milk started gliding down his throat, relaxing his whole body.

One of CC's hands moved to gently grip at the hand feeding him the bottle, while his other hand latched onto Bobby's shirt gently. CC still looking up at the smirk on Bobby's face as it morph into an adoring smile akin to that of a loving parent. Cc's eyelids grew droopy as the warm milk made him even more tired the he already was. He slowly let them slide shut as he was content in happily suckling away on the bottle. 

His limbs started to grow tired too as he finish the bottle, soon being pulled into a deep sleep. No more conscious, adult thoughts. When Cc slowly opened his eye, he was brought back from his sleep by his Daddy's voice.  "Hey, baby boy. How was your nap?" Bobby asks softly.  "Good." Cc respond with a cute little yawn. "Do you wanna go watch cartoons, Angel?"  "Yeah!" Cc says with excitement twinkling in his blue eyes.

Cc jumped up and started running over to the TV nearly tripping on his own feet on the way there. "Careful Angel, we don't need you getting a booboo now do we!" Bobby yells after the cute stumbling baby.  "Yes, Daddy!" Cc answer as he plop down on the floor in front of the Tv. Cc grabbed the remote and turn on the TV as he cuddled into his Daddy's side, when Bobby sat next to him down.

Cc flip the channel to one of his absolute favorites, Disney. The theme song of his favorite show comes on, he squeal in excitement and he energetically sings along at the top of his lungs. "They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight Shunting trucks and hauling freight Red and green and brown and blue They're the Really Useful crew!"

"What the fuck is going on?" Bret asks as he appears in the doorway then he slowly walked into the living room to get a better look, however CC seems to take little to no notice. Bret just looked at him a little longer with a blank expression before walking backwards back to his room, saying "Nope. Nope. Nope, Not today." Bobby couldn't help the smile on his face as he stared laughing hysterically as Cc just continues to sing his favorite TV show's theme. 

"All with different roles to play 'round Tidmouth Sheds or far away Down the hills and round the bends Thomas and his friends!!!" Cc sings the rest of the theme as the episode starts, being very invested in the plot and shushing Bobby whenever he made the slightest noise. The next show starts much the same, CC singing the theme to Scooby doo.  After he watched two episodes of Scooby, Bobby flips the channel again and repeats the process one more time with Roary the racing car. 

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