Not important(vince neil X mick Mars)

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"Oh, my fucking god! It's Vince Neil!" Some red haired chick and her blonde haired friend had somehow found the Mötley Crüe's tour bus after the show and saw the shimmery bleach blonde hair of the singer. 

Vince turned around with a grin right before he was about to walk into the bus to sleep for the night. Two security guards came up and were about to grab the girls, but being the horny fuck Vince was, he shooed the men away and greeted the two girls with a hug. 

"Holy fuck! It's Mötley Crüe! Could we get a picture?" The red haired friend begged, running her hands up and down the mans arm.

Mick heard the ruckus and peeked out of the bus. The sight made him throw up a little bit. "Of course, my pretty ladies. Would you like Tommy and Mick to come out as well, sorry if you wanted Nikki his em a bit busy but the other guys ca come out if ya want?" Vince smirked, watching the girls' eyes light up at the names.

Okay, maybe ONE name. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind." "OH MY GOD, Tommy!" The girls screamed in delight at the idea. Once they finished freaking out, the slightly tall blonde friend frowned and cocked her head.  

"Who's Mick?" 

Is she fucking serious right now? Mick face turned beat red as he ducked his head into the tour bus, hiding so he was peeking out of the window, gripping the curtains in anger. Who's Mick? I'm the guitarist! I write the fucking songs with Nikki!

Mick was furiously, and was actually considering if he should pull a Vince Neil or Axl Rose and run out yelling and screaming like a five year old being told no, but he took a deep breath and continued watching.

"Oh-Uh..." Vince scratched the back of his neck, face turning red at the dumb question. "He-He's nothing important." 

Mick's heart stopped. His face drooped. His knuckles turned white, gripping the fabric harder. "Come on, babes. Let's take a picture." Vince grinned, glad the girl's faces perked up and he started grinning as he soon realised he might have two good fucks tonight to pound the rest of the adrenaline in his veins from the concert into.

The girls giggle, forgetting about Tommy and most of all, Mick. The black haired guitarist frowned, gritting his teeth together and pulling the curtains closed with such anger he was sure Vince noticed out of the corner of his lust filled eyes. 

He stomped into the back of the tour bus, stripping into his boxers and flopping onto the bed, groaning in annoyance into the soft pillow of his bunk in the back of the tour bus.

When he closed his eyes and was on the brink of sleep, he heard giggling and footsteps stumbling into the room full of beds that the boys used on tour. "H-Hey, Mick?" Mick head shot up and he narrowed his eyes, lips pursed into a straight line as he came eye to eye with Vince fucking Neil, the two girls clinging onto him. "Em, Do you mind if we, uh, use this room for a bit?"

The moonlight from outside of the bus bounced off of Vince's eyes, making them sparkle even more then normal. He's fucking gorgeous. Mick thought in anger. Vince must've saw how intense Mick was staring because he gave a slight smile and shifted a little.

"Is that a yes?" "Whatever blondie." The guitarist grumbled, hauling a couple blankets off his bed and moving to the next room to make a bed on the couch. Vince looked a little guilty and Mick swore he was about to apologize, but one of the girls palmed his crotch and Mick was forgotten again.

"Thank God it's morning." Mick huffed to himself as he felt the sunlight warm his pale face. He got up, stretching his muscles, then froze when he heard a loud ass knock on the door. One of his managers peeked in with a sweaty face.

"Hey, man. Think you could wake up those girls in the back?" The man grunted, rolling his eyes. "We gotta get back on the road and I would get them myself but I'm dealing with the studio shit Nikki and Tommy did last night." Mick nodded, obeying with a snort and standing up, hand on the handle of the door to the bunks with a hesitant sigh.

He walked in, greeted by three figures snoring on one of the bunks. His bunk. Fuck Vince Neil. All three of the people were naked as Mick shook the two girls awake.

"Hey. Wake up." Mick said bluntly, shaking the girls out of their slumbers. They mumbled, groaning and blinking their eyes open. "We need you to get out of here." "Ughhh, but why?" The red head exaggerated, sitting up and putting a hand on Vince's bruised and bitten chest.

He was still sleeping, chest rising and falling in little puffs, drool seeping out of his mouth and onto Mick's pillow. "Just-Just get the fuck out, okay?" Mick growled. He had enough of these girls. He had enough of Vince.

Vince and his damn good looking body, charming smile, deep voice and smooth hair. "Geez, no need to be rude." The other girl snapped, throwing on some clothes and walking out of the room with the red head girl trailing behind her.

Mick sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching Vince. He seemed so peaceful, like nothing bad could happen in the world.

The black haired man yawned, eyes drooping as he realized how tired he was. The three were making so much noise last night, he couldn't sleep at all. Not to mention the pain he was in for sleeping in the sofa. He laid down gently, laying his head on the singer's chest, listening to the sound of his heart.

He felt Vince shift under him, but he didn't wake, only moved so he was spooning Mick, gently wrapping his tattooed arms around the smaller man. 

After a couple minutes, Mick grumbled, shaking his head. What was he doing? He was supposed to be mad at him! Vince had said he wasn't important! Mick sat up, throwing Vince's soft arms off him. Now that woke up the blonde man. 

Vince groaned, sitting up and running his hand through his long hair, blinking and grinning at Mick. 

"Hey, Mick." Vince croaked, smiling at the now flustered man. Mick's sight flickered down to his friends lap, catching a glance at the mans dick. The guitarist gulped, not looking away as his face turned red. Oh, the thing he would do to that cock.

"See something you like?" Vince smirked. "S-Shut up." Mick stumbled, reaching up to play with a strand of his black hair. It was a nervous quirk of his.

"Just, stop." "Stop what?" Vince cocked his head to the side and widened his eyes, staring at Mick and blinking twice. "Stop being so god damn hot!" Mick spat out, not caring how stupid and childish that sounded. Vince snorted.

"Stop being so attractive and making me forgive you so easily! I'm supposed to be mad at you." "Why are you mad?" "You said I wasn't important."

Vince's smile drooped into a frown and he dropped his gaze to look at his hands. "I-I didn't mean that, Mick. You know that."  "No-No you did mean it. You always do. I'm sick of not getting fucking credit when I'm the one writing the fucking songs with Nikki and keeping you and Tommy from killing each other!" He was yelling now, eyes watering as he scrunched his nose and frowned at his singer.  

"Mick... I'm sorry. You-You do tons of stuff for me and for the band, I really haven't been a good friend or a good bandmate. I really am sorry." Vince sighed. He really did mean it. When Mick didn't say anything, Vince leaned over, gently grabbing his friend, pulling him into his arms and wrapping him in a tight hug.  

"S-Stop!" Mick squirmed, trying to escape the man's grasp. "I'm mad at you!" "Mhm, sure you are." "No-really, I am!" Vince grinned, pulling them both down and wrapping their bodies into the covers.

Mick grumbled, burrying his head into Vince's bare chest, enjoying the heat radiating from the other mans body.  "Mick, I'm really sorry." Vince whispered, pulling him closer and stroking the guitarists soft, raven like hair. 

"It's okay." Mick sighed, wrapping his legs around Vince's waist. "I'm still mad though." "Whatever you say marsy."

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