fucking terrified of 'em (Duff x Steven)

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It was two in the morning on a stormy October day. Duff was staring out the small window in his room, unable to get to sleep as usual however his was strangely calmed by the bright flashes of lighting and loud thuds of thunder.

He closed his eyes, listening to the sound of raindrops splattering on the window. Abruptly, the bassist's serenity was broken by a shriek from the next room an said shriek was just as loud as the thunder itself. Thunder counited to boom followed by what sounded like quite whimpering.

The room next to his was Steven's. Arching his back in a weird stretch like position, Duff got up and ventured out into the hall of the shitty hell house. The whimpering had turned into full blown crying by this time.

Duff gently nudged the door open, only to find Steven curled up in a tight ball, knees pulled as close to his chest as physically possible and the blanket pulled so far up that it looked like a hood. His arms were folded over his head in an attempt to block out the noise of the ongoing storm.

Duff felt a pang in his heart as he looked at Steven who reminded him of a young boy having a nightmare. Steven looked absolutely terrified.

"Duff..." Steven jerked slightly when Duff sat down next to him, looking over fondly at Steven to reveal his dishevelled blond hair sticking up at all kinds of weird angles and a tear stained face. "D-Duff, I-I-"Steven cut himself off with a loud scream, throwing himself into Duff arms literally as another thunderclap sounded through the small bedroom.

Duff offered a small comforting smile in hopes of calming the smaller blonde down while slowly wrapping his arms around the him, "Oh Popcorn, your shaking like a leaf. You really don't like thunderstorms do you, Stevie?" He rubbed Steven back gently, whispering sweet nothings into the blonde's ear. "N-n-n-o I-I'm fucking terrified of 'em!" Steven exclaims, fisting Duff's shirt in his fingers as tight as humanly possible, like a child clinging to there mother.

Steven looks up at the bassist and Duff feels his breath hitch. Steven's eyes dam near stared right at his soul, large and innocent like a child or puppy. Duff couldn't help but think how pretty the blonde's sapphire blue eye were and his beautiful blonde hair that framed the alluring face he loved so much.

Duff slid his hands down to the younger man's hips. Steven had such a unique figure: A narrow chest, sloping waist and slightly curvy hips. Steven blushed as the bassist squeezed his hips, "Mm~D-Duff what a-?"

Duff locked eyes with him, then flicked his gaze to the drummers sweet, full lips. Then back again. Leaning in closer, their lips were inches apart. "How have I never told you how beautiful you are, Stevie?" He brushed a strand of blonde hair from the drummer's eyes, making Steven blush even more if that was actually possible at this point.

"Would this be a odd timing to say that...oh em actually never mind," Steven looked down, busying himself by running a hand along Duff's thigh.

Duff tilted the blonde's chin up, making Steven look at him, "No no, Stevie. Go ahead. You can tell me anything, you know that, baby boy."

'Baby boy' Steven smiled at the pet name, gazing into Duff's seafoam green eyes, "Well, I...shit, I really wanted to tell you this under better circumstances ya know maybe even do something nice...but em, oh well...I love you. I love you Duffy and I will say it over and over because it true. I love you, I love you, I love you!"

Duff was shocked, "Really? A...Are you serious? I never thought myself worthy o-mmmph!" Steven grabbed Duff's face, pulling him into a rough, sloppy kiss. Duff groaned, pushing Steven so the younger man lay flat on the bed. He ran his hands along Steven's body before breaking the kiss briefly to gasp out, "I love you, too, Stevie. I love you so fucking much more then anything even more then my bass and vodka."

Not giving Steven a chance to reply he smashed his lips against the blonde's again, this time shoving his tongue into his mouth. "Mmm~Mm!" Steven moaned, tangling his hands in Duff's dyed blonde hair. Much too soon the bassist pulled away, a string of saliva connecting their mouths.

Steven licked his lips as Duff smiled resting their foreheads together, "Stevie...my love, my adorable drummer my sweet baby boy I love you." He moved to lay next to Steven, pulling the drummer close and nuzzling his face. "You smell like cake and taste sweet like it to, baby. Oh, the storm's stopped."

Sure enough, the sky was still dark but the thunder had ceased, leaving the two lover's content in each other's embrace. All the could be heard was the patter of rain on the windows.

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