Hurt ( Nikki Sixx x Vince Neil)

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Vince couldn't take this. He felt so much self heated. He wasn't who he used to be and it was starting to show after all these years. He was trying his best to pretty he was ok and that nothing got to him, he really was but it was so hard.

But no matter what, he came back to haunt himself. Fat vince sat on his google search bar, the parallel blinking bar on the computer screen taunted him to hit enter. He didn't want to see it, but he kinda did. All over, he's heard people making jokes and calling him Fat Vince with a bad voice, who should of just quit by now, some said he should leave the band as his voice is bringing them down. Vince himself only saw a few, but he didn't really care. But he really did.

There he was, on the screen. But it wasn't him. This wasn't him. He was used to people not liking him, he was used to being hated ever since the car crash. He had gotten shit thrown at him his whole life, but this hurt like no other. It really shouldn't bother him but it does.

"Fuck this!" He shouted, grabbing his laptop and tossing it across the room, the machine hitting the ground with a thump. "Fuck everyone! No one knows me! No one ever will! Fuck!" He was sobbing, fucking crying like a baby. His face buried in his worn out hands, crying his tears out in tremors.

No one knew how much he hated this. No one knew he hated himself and how he looked, every time he looked in the goddamn mirror, he was reminded of his beautiful long blonde hair and the thin skinny body he missed so much and his amazing voice but that was the past and it was behind him. He fucking hated this.

The crüe had just got back together after blowing up the contract. He was just starting to get back into his grove. They had the whole band back in one room and getting along without fighting. He was getting better. He was getting better.  

No one, not his family nor band and especially not his best friend Nikki, knew how much he hated himself now. He would look back at pictures of him and his three best friends. His three family members. How they would laugh and drink booze, fuck girls, sing and play their hearts out as they earned the most money they every had. He fucking missed everything.

He would give up everything. Just to go back in time to go back to when it all started, back to a time where he liked himself. He'd give Anything and Everything. He stood up and went into the hotel bathroom him and his band were staying in.

He went to the cupboard and pretended not to know what he was looking for till he found them. He pulled out a razor blade. He knew what he was thinking was bad and that he should talk to someone but he didn't want to bother anyone. He felt that he was pathetic as this wasn't a big deal, Nikki had been through more shit then him so had Mars and Lee. So Vince just shut himself away. He put the blade to his skin and applied some pressure.

The door opened.

"Hey Vinny? Are you-" Nikki was breathless as he ran into the hotel room, only to be met with one of his best friend with a razor pressed against his wrist. "What the fuck are you doing!? DROP THAT NOW!" The bassist screamed, causing the singer to jump and drop the blade to the tile floor out of shock.

"What has gotten into yo, your acting like mentor hiding yourself away and been different Vince? What's wrong? Vinny talk to me!" Nikki was panicking, grabbing Vince's shoulders and shaking him with tears hanging onto the brim of his eyes. He had an idea what Vince was feeling, he could understand self hatred. But he never thought Vince would go this far.

"Speak to me." Nikki gently whispered, collapsing onto the ground and dragging his long time friend with him. Vince looked Nikki in his deep Green eyes with a blank stare, not saying or doing anything. " com on Vin... you can tell me anything. Please. Talk to me. I'm right here." Nikki croaked, his head spinning with confusion and grief. "I miss the old days." Vince stated in a hushed voice, staring at Nikki's messy dyed hair.

His bottom lip trembled and he let out a sob, collapsing into Nikki's arms. The man stayed silent, wrapping strong arms around his best friend. "I'm fat,n ugly now and my voice isn't all that it was, I'm not who I was. I hate myself." "Stop it, Vince." Nikki was crying now too, he grabbed the back of Vince's head and pushed it into his chest, leaning into him and pulling the smaller man close.

"You aren't ugly or fat or whatever anyone says you are. You're fucking beautiful." "N-No I'm not. I-I'm worthless." "This isn't about those pictures and what the interviewer said bout your voice, isn't it?" Nikki pulled away from Vince, still holding his arms but looking back and looking into his eyes. Vince stayed silent, peeling lips trembling as he bit them to keep from crying. He nodded.

"No. No no no, baby. I knew this would happen." Nikki sighed, shaking his head and grabbing his best friends face. "Those people? They don't know you. The media doesn't know you. Nobody knows you like I do."

"B-But, Nik-Nikki-" "Hush, babe. You are Vince fucking Neil. We're Mötley crüe! When have you gave any fucks about what people say about you?" Nikki laughs a little, trying to lighten up the situation as tears trickled down his tan face.

"Hell none of us are the same v, Tommys gardening now for starters, Mars isn't all he was he can't most stuff anymore with how much more pain his in and me well ya know, but my point is we've aged and changed n all that shit." Nikki cooed, ignoring his own tears and brushing Vince's away with his thumb, hands still cupping the singers face.

"None of us are, and that's just the way it's going to be, all right?, we can't change that it's how life works." Nikki smiled sweetly, blinking and staring into his best friend's eyes, trying to make sense of it all. "I'm not the same. I've changed a hell of a lot. Shit, I fucking died!" Vince giggled a little at that.

Nikki took a hand off of Vince's face and picked up one of his dropped wrist, examining it. Thankfully, the razor didn't break the skin and there didn't seem to be any scars. "Baby, why'd you try and hurt yourself?" Nikki whispered, looking up at him with sad eyes. "B-Because I feel u-useless, fat, ugly and I-I'm worthless Nik." Vince stumbled out, sniffing and taking a deep breath to keep from crying.

"I know how that feels Vinny but you should never ever feel that way because your not any of those things, I know you won't believe me but I mean your not." Nikki sighed and stood up, picking up Vince by the hand and leading him to one of the hotel beds. He kicked off his boots and crawled under the covers, turning off the lights and pulling Vince with him. Nikki wrapped his arms around the younger man, pulling him close and tangling his legs with the other.

"Don't ever change, Vince." Nikki sighed, smiling as Vince smushed his face against his best friend's chest, breathing in the familiar smell he's known for so many years.

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