Last a lifetime (Duff mckagan X Steven Adler)

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It took only took one cigarette for Steven to become a drunk giggling mess that begin to talk.

Steven didn't want to talk about the girl with the big tits at the bar, nor about the last rant of there's Singer or what stupid thing they did last that pissed off Izzy, but there was a glint in his eyes, it was his classic mischievous smirk but at the same time it had a hesitant look attached to it.

Giving Steven a barely polite glance, Duff pulled out his second cigarette while he took a shot outta the bottle they shared.

"Crash and burn." Steven said.

"Hmm what?" Duff ducked his head, letting the cigarette catch the flame.

They were extremely close like always, shoulder to shoulder, legs hanging over the edge of the wall, an to Duff, Steven smelled like drink an cigarettes with a hint of chocolate for some reason. He liked, no he loved it but would never say it aloud, Steven didn't need the ego boost.

Steven gestured in the air. "I mean that's what gonna happen, it's just what happens in life right Duffie? People burn so bright they crash and burn. Just Like the stars above us." He said.

Duff suddenly felt like he was missing something very important for the conversation. However Duff was never one to ask and have people think he was an idiot, so he didn't ask. Instead, he peered at the smaller blond from underneath his messy hair that covered his eyes and tried to make out how drunk he was.

"I mean, it's what gonna happen to us. Right?" Steven continued.

"The band?" Is what Slipped outta Duff's mouth first, before he could really stop himself.

Steven just slowly shook his head. "No, not the band, us Duff, me an you. Us." He motioned between them. "We're gonna crash and burn and then I'm not sure ya know, what happens next Duffy?" Steven sounded so genuinely distraught by the thought of them crashing an burning.

So, as Duff tried to fight back his own anxiety, because the words that Steven was speaking were so unlike Steven an his own. They two were perpetually optimistic, like a child, both Duff an Steven rarely spoke like this.

They rarely spoke like they were dreading the future. Duff reached out for the other man's hand and managed to grasp it tightly as some kinda 'I'm here were ok'.

"But Stevie don't the Stars last thousands of years, they burn bright an last a life time right?" Duff said back trying to get through to Steven.

After a second Duff still holding on to Steven hand, looked Steven dead in the eyes an spoke fondly "we're gonna be like the stars Stevie, we're gonna burn brightly an last a lifetime."

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