Get your mind off it(Joe Ellitott X Phil Collen)smut

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Another night of not missing Steve. He just can't get over his death. He went to the bar again, doing what he's been doing best.... drinking. He's been drinking every day for 3 months straight.

Some people would call him a drunk, but better than being on drugs he thought. It soothes his mind, well his laughing to himself, after a few. He didn't care if the others were looking for him again. He needed space, and listening to them say, "You will get over it in time." wasn't what he wanted to hear.

He orders his first drink. The bartender gives it to him. "Wait... wait.. give me a shot of your strongest liquor." Bartender nodded and handed him a shot glass and Phil downed it and yelled. "FUCK!!!" The bartender laughs, "You asked for the strongest liquor, right?" Phil shakes his head, "What the fuck was that shit?" The bartender shows him, "Its Everclear, hard going down but numbs you after a few shots." he laughs. "Damn, leave it here...not bad at all." he laughs and pours his self another one.

After a few shots and few beers, he was finally feeling numb. He was talking to his self, "I will get over you I will I... I can!" Soon Joe found him, he was staggering to the bathroom laughing at his self. He went to the bar and sat down and ordered a beer. He knew Phil was sitting there cause of the liquor and beer. He shakes his head and chuckles. Phil does his business and heads back out, seeing Joe he sighs. Hitting into chairs and laughing. Finally making his self-back to the bar, he automatically poured his self another shot looking at Joe.

"Wanna shot Joe, it's the best," Phil slurring his words. Joe shakes his head, "Nah, I'm good man." Phil laughs, "Yeah me too!" Joe chuckles and looks at him, "You mean you feel good." "Yeah...that too." he laughs. Joe drinks his beer, gets up, "Let's go Phil, time to head back." Phil sighs, looks at him chugs the rest of his beer, poured his self another shot and drinks it. He throws some money on the counter, gets up and staggers and laughs again.

Joe catches him and Phil looks at him. "I got this...really I do." Phil knew he didn't but tries again, falls on his ass. He looks up at Joe and extends his hand, "Ok, ok I don't got this." Joe laughs and helps him up, "Hold on to me." Phil takes him hand, holds onto him. They headed to Joe's car, helping him into the car. He buckles him in, then heads back to the hotel. He heard Phil mumble to his self and looks over at him.

"I can't get over him, no matter what I do I can't. I need a drink Joe...pull over at the liquor store." Phil looks at him after he lifts his head off the window. "You have a drinking problem Phil, so no alright. You need to sleep it off." Phil looks at him and anger fills him, "I don't have a drinking fucking problem! Even if I did, that's no reason to stop drinking. It helps me think damn it, so back off."

Joe shakes his head and turns into the hotel parking lot. Shuts the car off and looks at him. "I am only trying to help you Phil." Phil sighs, "Well it's a solution and numbs me, Joe. I need to get it off my mind."

"Come to me and I will help you get it off your mind." Joe states at him. Phil leans to Joe and grabs his face and kisses him. Phil pulls away when he was done, smirking at him. Joe takes Phil by the back of his neck and kisses him back. He deepens it and hears Phil moan into the kiss. He knew Phil was drunk, but he wanted to help him get Steve off his mind. Phil finally stops it, breathing heavy.

"Let's finish this upstairs." Phil gets out the car and staggers again, falling at the process groaning. Joe comes from around the car helping him up.

They headed in and to their room. Joe unlocks it, shutting the door. He turns around and only to be attacked by Phil and his lips. "Mmmm." Phil moans in the kiss as he deepens it. Joe kisses him back, picking him up to the bed. He takes off his shirt, then his. He then kisses his neck down to his chest.

He was trying to take off Phil pants, but he was laughing as he touched his sides. He finally got them unzipped and took them off and his boxers. He got up and took his off, he went back down and kisses him. He licks around his nipples, to his stomach, his hips, now thighs. He got to his member, and slowly licks around the head and sucking up Phil precum. He licks into his slit, hearing Phil moan.

His warm wet lips went down on Phil and started sucking him. He tasted so great, he comes up hallowing his cheeks, making a popping noise coming off his member. Even though he was drunk, feeling numb he felt everything Joe was doing to him. His hot breath on his member was driving him crazy. He lifts up his hips, only to have Joe push him back down, now holding him. He pulls on Joe's hair and started moving about. Joe kept bobbing his head up and down on his member.

Soon he felt Phil cum, he took it all. He smirks as he heard him moan louder. He comes back up, kissing him, and Phil kissing him again. He positions his self between Phil legs. He slowly pushes in, while kissing him. He finally got his member all in, waits for Phil to adjust. Just because he is drunk and numb, he didn't want to hurt him.

"Fuck Joe, just go." Phil slurs his words but knew what he wanted. Joe slowly goes at a slow pace. He kisses his neck and sucking on his neck easily not to leave marks. It was hard not to, but he contained his self. He went a little faster once he felt Phil hands on his waist and digging his nails into him. Soon he was pacing his thrusts, he was hitting his soft spot every time.

"M'fuck Joe!" Joe felt his self-ready to cum, going faster. He soon cums and giving him a few lazy thrusts, them stops. Both of them panting heavy, sweating. He looks down at Phil, who was feeling good at this moment. "Told you I would get your mind off him." he pecks his lips, pulling out easy.

Phil chuckles and looks at him. "Every fucking time right." Joe lays next to him laughing, "I think this is the best part you like after drinking yourself numb." Phil turns over on his side, smiling, "Yeah, I like this part, but only with you Joe...only with you." Phil lays his head on Joe chest, falling fast sleep with a smile on his face. Joe holds him tight, covering them both up falling asleep.

Sorry it's another short and shitty one.

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