Our little game (Steven Tyler x Joe Perry) smut

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Another request I hope you enjoyed and I hope it's what you wanted. This will be the last one for awhile coz life's a bitch. I will get round to do the other request they just maybe short n shitty. I hope you guys don't mind but I will be a few week before I'm publishing again!! But enjoy this one !!

Steven's arms are high above his head. His stretched tall and long, exposed. Just way Joe likes Steven.

The rope itches his wrists, digging in despite its smooth, shining surface. The two go through a lot of these in there special play, but there luxuries, even the ones fulled by lust, are no object of price.

Steven is vulnerable. He's naked in more ways than one tonight, extended upwards, restrained. All Steven can do is wait for Joe to arrive but he doesn't mind waiting it's part of the game, the frill. He's been made blind, but Steven has no fear. As Joe has always and always will be good to him, Steven has never expect cruelty or foul play.

Steven adore just how much Joe makes him feel loved, even when his dishing out punishments. Steven's sightlessness only gives him something to remember the night by. Something to make him bubble with lewd excitement, in desirous recollection on stage, smirking to himself, the crowd none the wiser to the fantastical images that play in his mind while his singing his heart out, that tingle on Steven's flesh when Joe see him looking over at him with that look. Sometimes Steven get caught by Joe when his staring, lost in his thought, and sometimes he grins at Steven.

Those fuckers in the crowd don't know what they're missing. He's so beautiful to Steven, especially when his in control. Steven's skin ripples with goosebumps as he hears the door open, all his hairs on end. Steven knows it wouldn't be long as Joe's never gone long, just enough to prepare, to leave Steven yearning.

Steven's head turns to the door way, his mouth slowly spreading with a smile. His cheeks turning a deep velvet red with anticipation. His bare hands are tender on Steven, caressing his hips, lips so gentle on Steven's throat. "Hey, baby..." His voice makes Steven sizzle with desire and admiration. So deep, so soft-spoken, so sweet to Steven's ears. "Are you ready baby?" "Yes." Steven nods against his lips. Even Joe's smallest kisses can makes Steven's heart pound in his throat, making Steven want to reach out for him, to hold him, however unable to as his bounds won't allow him.

Steven wishes he could see, wishes he could see what Joe's doing the instant his body heat abandons him leaving Steven needing and wanting more. Steven wonders how the room is lit, if there's candlelight making his skin glow with warmth or if it's the moonlight making his skin shine. Is his hair down or up? Is his face bare, beautifully exposed, or is it hidden behind his usual curls, curls that shine with such high gloss in the sunlight? Is he clothed in leather or is he nude?

To Steven there are so many mysteries, but it's all part of there little game. For Joe to know and for Steven to find out. A single enigma is put to rest as he touch Steven again, a broad stroke of Joe's rough calluses palm down Steven's chest, his warmth leaking into Steven through the smooth, cold leather that wasn't there seconds before. Steven can't help the soft moan that slipped out his mouth as Joe's fingertips gently trace Steven's hips, a faint breath, a puff through Stevens's parted lips.

Steven instantly aches with need, rising up on his toes towards Joe's touch, thankful for the tiniest freedom that falls to aid him. The leather glides around Steven's waist, Joe's mouth gentle on Steven neck and collarbones, slow and sensual. Steve's head falls back, jaw dropping in a subdued gasp as the tip of his tongue deftly flicks over Steven's hardening nipple, his teeth gently nipping, making Steven writhe and whine, already tugging hard at his bounds. A single hand tangles in Steven's hair, stopping the wispy ends from tickling his back.

Joe pulls hard, to hard just hard enough for Steven to protest, to emit a hushed sound of pained pleasure, a firm bite sinking into Steven's flesh, marking the lower right side of his throat. Steven silences himself by biting his lip so hard it starts to bleed. His being Joe's good little toy. Steven leans to the other side, exposing the other side of his neck, grinning through his heavy breaths as a Joe's leaves a trail of tiny kisses along his neck making, Steven softly moan.

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