Stay (Bobby Dall x CC Deville)

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Sorry it kinda shit
I've been busy lately and I've ran out of pre written ones. So this is a quick one so I'll I'll apologise again for it being shit! I've got a few days coming up where I'm free, so I'm hoping to get a few wrote out and done ready to be published. Please comment who you wanna read bout!!

"I DONT EVEN GET WHY YOUR MAD AT ME" Cc shouted clearly high. "YOU SLEPT WITH MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND DEVILLIE!" Rikki shouted his normal bright eyes where dark and swimming with pure rage.

"WHY DOES IT MATTER SO MUCH, SHE'S ONLY SOMETHING YOU FUCK, YOU CAN FIND ANOTHER FUCKING SLUT TO PUT YOUR DICK IN!" Cc shouted again stepping closer to Rikki "SHE NOT JUST A THING OR A SLUT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE I-i was going to propose to her you asshole" Rikki borderline screamed but it died out at the end as he's tears where streaming down his face, Cc's blue eyes widened.

"Rikki im-" he started before he got cut off. "No, just fucking save it dont fucking talk to me" Rikki said before turning around and storming out of the door before, Cc heard Rikki's motorcycle engine rev up and slowly disappear as she drove away.

Cc turned away from the door looking at his once very nice home but now it looked like a mess resembling the mess in his head. There where various cans and bottles of alcohol littered all over the place, white powder was everywhere on the couch, floor and counters, various paper balls where thrown around and ripped up and now it was time for Cc to do what he does best, Forget everything how you may ask ?

With his one true love, coke.

He walked up the stairs and into his bedroom carefully avoiding the anything that could have poked his feet as he stumbled onto his bed. It was quite a sight to see really, the media portrayed him as some music genius and a millionaire rockstar when in reality he was a fuck up, a shell of what he once was.

The worst part to him was that he continued to prove that he was a Fuck up to himself everyday as he pushes away everyone who cares about him, his band is sick of him. He knows they wanna replace him. Cc was watching the Coke fall out of one of the small baggie he had, on the bed side table, the last thing he remembered was snorting the coke then walking to the bathroom as he was feeling nauseous then passing out

Bobby was heading over to CC's house, Bret had ask him to check on CC after Rikki had turned up at his, in tears explaining their fight. Don't get Bobby wrong he did understand why Rikki flipped out on CC but he still worried about CC, especially now, as Cc was using and heavily relying on coke now.

Bobby arrived at Cc's house and as usual just went straight in instead of knocking "Cc " Bobby called out to no response, deciding he was most likely passed out somewhere upstairs, Bobby went upstairs glass and fuck knows what else cracking under his feet as he walked.

However when Bobby made it upstairs he expected to see CC passed out on the bed with a baggie or some powder next to him maybe with a bottle of jack to but instead he found the bed with the baggie on but no CC.

CC's bathroom door was slightly open so he must have passed out in here then, Bobby thoughtfully stepping in but what he saw terrified him. There was more coke laying on the sink with a half empty of Jack. The glass to the shower was smashed and CC was laying in the pile of glass, where some of the glass was stuck into CC's skin, he was pale but his chest was no longer rising and falling he'd overdosed.

Bobby ran over to the phone on CC's bedside table and dialed 999 and broke down sobbing as he gave the information to the operator. The thought of never being able to look at CC's piercing baby blue eyes or admire the way he talked about his favourite guitar riff or the way he smiled, or how he could make people laugh so easily, but the worst of them was that Bobby would never be able to call the guitarist his own.

Paramedics soon arrived to the house along with Rikki and Bret who had been informed by Bobby after he called 999.

Bret and Rikki walked over to Bobby and pulled the eldest into a group hug "Oh god Bobby what have i done" Rikki sobbed into Bobby's shoulder his wild hair was sticking out in every direction, his eyes where bloodshot.

" Rikki, don't blame yourself, as much as i love him he shouldn't have slept with your girlfriend" Bobby said as he own tears were streaming down his face "The worst part is that i know you love him, Bobby you never got to tell him either. You two would be so perfect together and now I've just made you miserable" Rikki said still gripping onto Bobby and Bret as they all cried.

Soon after paramedics arrived CC was loaded onto a stretcher and was sent too the hospital where they where waiting ages for an update on CC, a nurse came in to the waiting room after what felt like entirety. All three of the guys looked up at the nurse straight way, "we lost him for few minutes but he's ok and awake if you would like to see him" she said.

As soon as she said that Bobby and Rikki raced to the room Cc was in, Bret couldn't help a small smile at as he watched the two grown ass man running down the hall, almost knocking over multiple children in the process.

When they saw Cc for the first time Rikki's face went frighteningly pale. Cc was sickly pale and he was so skinny it looked like you could snap him in half his eyes looked deep, dark and sunken his lips where blue and overall he just looked dead "Holy mother of go-" Rikki couldn't finish his sentence as he passed out on the spot most likely from shock Bret's mouth formed an o shape as he watched Rikki's body fall to the floor.

Bobby looked around awkwardly before carefully lifting Rikki up and plonking him on a chair in what looked like the most uncomfortable sitting position possible.  Bret whispered something bout going and getting a drink and a chocolate bar for when Rikki woke up to Bobby and quickly left.

"Is he ok?" Cc asked his voice coming out raspy, Bobby's whipped his head around faster then lightning as he glaring at Cc "I swear to god if you ever do something like that again i will leave this band and you! Do you have any idea how worried i was you could've fucking died and left us all behind do have any idea how fucked we would be if we lost you, How I would feel if I I los-"

During Bobby's ongoing rant CC looked down god Deville your so fucking selfish whats your problem CC had to bite his tounge to stop the tears, deep down he wanted this all too stop and deep inside of him apart of him wished they hadn't revived him.

However at the same time he would've been leaving the only things that ever mattered to him, the band, the fans, his family and Bobby. Bobby had long since finished his rant and was staring at CC like an expectant parent.

CC slowly raised his head to looked back at up at Bobby, as tears threatened to fall at any minute "I'm so sorry" was all the younger man could say as the tears finally fell outta his blue eyes like waterfalls, the guilt he held inside eating away at him even more. Bobby couldn't help but to  wrap his arms around Cc, what only made CC immediately relaxed

"Don't apologies just promise me you'll get clean at least of the drugs" Bobby was practically begging Cc. "Bobby I-I don't think I can but I promise I'll try." Cc Spoke softly as he cuddled into Bobby even more.

Surprisingly CC kept true to his word. Now Bobby can proudly say that his boyfriend is 2 years clean and off the drugs, Bobby walked over to CC his footsteps echoing of the walls in their new house.

"I love you Ces" Bobby said hugging him "I love you too" CC said both happy and content but most importantly they are together with nothing pushing them apart.

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