Sharing a bed (Duff Mckagan X Steven Adler) smut

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Steven shifted uncomfortably. Even though he was in his own bed, in his own house, in his own room, he was nervous.


Well his nerves were because of a tall ass blonde giraffes named Duff Roes motherfucking Mckagan. The two had been friends for a long time by now, Duff was completely clueless of Steven's feelings.

Even Slash, Izzy and Axl, had pointed out how obvious he was being, yet, Duff didn't notice. It shattered the smaller blonde's heart every single dam time he saw the older man, because he knew they would only ever to be friends. They were doomed to be just friends, nothing more, nothing less, they were doomed to be just friends forever.

Steven swore to himself and the other guys that he wouldn't give up, he would continue dropping little hints every now and then. Even though, it proved to absolutely pointless. Axl had decided to make it harder on his poor friend by forcing him to sleep in the same bed as Duff, which he did not want. He was already uncomfortable just to be in his presence outside of recording. But staying in the same bed could possibly be the most uncomfortable he'd ever been in his life.

Time skip to earlier that day brought to you by,
Axl snake dancing across world trying to find the perfect jungle.

"You guys will have to share a bed." Axl sighed, pretending to be a bit quieter with his words, but winking at Steven who flushed a deep Crimson. Slash, snorted and continued eating his pizza at the table. Usually when Duff had to move back in because his broke up with his girlfriend, he slept on the couch or with Slash as he was never single for to long. However this time he'd been single for two months and he couldn't sleep on the couch as it fucked with his back to much. Slash had refused to sleep with Duff anymore as Duff sleep talks and it was starting to piss also off an freaked him out as Duff would talk bout really random stuff.

Duff never complained about sleeping on the couch, or when slash would kick him in the night, because he didn't want to come off as rude. As after all the band did take him back in. "But Ax..." Steven said in a harsh whisper, making sure Duff couldn't hear him, "He probably doesn't want to-" "It's fine." Duff chuckled, "No need to make a big deal about it, we're shared hotels rooms before Stevie." Axl smiled at Steven and replied in a mocking tone, "Yeah, you're shared hotel rooms before."

"Yeah but there were two bed in that room, I have one bed and it's small there probably isn't even enough room." Steven huffed, crossing his arms, "I have a twin sized bed and Duff isn't exactly a small person." Duff eye twitched at that. Axl just smiled evilly Steven, a glint flashing through his eyes. The younger blonde gave Axl a pleading look, begging for him not to make him do this, but he pretended not to notice.

Time skip to the preset by
Steven's cute adorable smile, that could make anyone fall in love with him.

So here Steven was now, squished against Duff's tall lanky body and basically hyperventilating. He never really liked to get very close to the taller male, it made him uncomfortable, and it made the relationship they had even more awkward. Duff always noticed how fidgety Steven was when he was around, but he dismissed it for some odd reason. He never really thought about it deeply. The light talking that came from Duff about something to do with a pet rhino made Steven blush and laugh a little. Steven tried to scoot say from him.

Duff could be cute without even trying, and it was so hard for Steven not to just come out right then and there, telling him about his feelings. But of course, the smaller blonde restrained. He didn't want to risk their friendship, it was all that he could have at the moment. And that was okay. For now.

"Steven." Duff mumbled out in his sleep. "Yes?" Steven asked, straightening ever so slightly, thinking that the taller male needed something or had woken up. After a few minutes he realized that Duff just talking in his asleep again and he concluded that the taller man was having a dream about him.

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