Stupid, I'm sorry (Axl Rose X Sabastian Bach)

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"You're such a moron, Sabastian! How could you do that on fucking live tv! You're such a whore!" Axl spat meanly.

Sebastian stepped back, trembling, "Ax, I... I said I was sorry-" Axl cut him off, slapping him full force in the face. "Shut your fucking mouth you faggot! I can't believe you, thinking I would love such a dumb, reckless, idiotic waste of space!" Sebastian felt the world go dark around him. His heart slowly ripping apart, eyes widening, filling with tears.

Axl felt ice settle in his stomach as he realized what he had just said, "S-Sabastain...I-" The other singer shook his head, cutting him off as he choked out, "Save it, Rose. Just fucking save it."

Sebastian turned around and disappeared into the hall. Now what did he do, you might ask?  He'd kissed him during a filmed interview about there upcoming tour that Skid row was joining them on.

Axl had had his arm around his shoulders laughing at something the interviewer had said about their antics and other stuff. He looked down at Axl and his heart near stopped at the singer's radiant, sharp smile. His angular face and soft, silky, red hair. Axl had such a pretty mouth too, sweet, succulent lips painted red.

He had meant for it to be just an innocent peck on the cheek, nothing out of the ordinary. They had done that a few times in the past. But when Rose turned to speak to him, he'd already closed his eyes. His eyes flew open as he felt his lips press against Axl's.

Shocked, Sebastian jumped back immediately. Axl's face was devoid of any emotion, as was his voice as cold as ice as he said, "This interview is over."  The rest Sebastian didn't want to bother reliving.

When he got back to his room, he slammed his hotel bedroom door shut and dropped to sit on the floor.

Why was he so upset by Axl's reaction? It wasn't like he.... 'But you're crying. Just admit love him.' the tiny voice in his head says.  'No, I don't I... I'm just shaken that's all.'  The voice seemed to scoff at him,' You've faced much worse without batting an eye. Plus, you seem to notice the little things about him.'

Sebastian looked at his bare feet, curling his toes in the ragged, stained red carpet. He thought about all the times he'd snaked his arms around Axl when out drinking, feeling the smooth skin and litheness of the singer's absolutely exotic body. All the times he'd make jokes about Vince and Kurt or just said a bad joke just to hear Axl's laughter and see his smile. More and more tears ran down his face as he sobbed quietly.  There was no denying it.

"I love Axl Rose," Sebastian mumbles. But what good did coming to terms do for him. Axl hated him now.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" Sebastian stood up and picked an empty bottle of the floor, hurling into the wall. The glass exploded against the plaster, drowning out the man's sobbing scream, "STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!"  "I'm so stupid.. so fucking.. stupid.. Axl's right...I really am a dumb, waste of space."

Little did he know Axl sat outside the door, head resting against the wooden door, legs folded neatly under him. One hand clamped over his mouth as he choked on his own sobs, tears running down his face while the other was pulling at his strawberry blonde hair.

'Why the hell am I crying? He embarrassed the fuck out of me!' Axl was shaking in both confusion and anger. 

His own little voice chimed in, 'Because you love him, and you feel awful for the way you treated him. Get with the program, Rosie. You are head over heels and there is nothing you can do other than go in there and accept it.'

Axl sat in silence for a while, staring at the doorknob. Finally, the torture of listening to Sebastain's loud cry was too much. He stood up and ripped the door open, which the Sebastian had forgotten to lock.

Sebastian bolted upright and scrambled back when he saw who'd come in. Without giving him time to react Axl practically threw his arms around the man, pulling him impossibly close.

Sebastian sat stiff, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide, a blush spreading across his tear-streaked face.  He could feel Axl shaking and hiccupping into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, so, so fucking sorry. I was just shocked, I would never be ashamed to love you. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I love you, Bass. I love you, baby. I love you, darling. I love you, I'm so sorry. I love you so much."

Sebastian didn't know what to think. Was Axl just saying this to shut his whining ass up? Would he spit in his face if he said, 'I love you too'?

" you really mean all that?" Sebastian voice was near emotionless.  Axl pulled back to look up at him. "Of course, I mean it, Sebastian! Every word, every fucking word of it, my love!" This time, Sabastain hugged him as tightly as he could as the other singer tearfully whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Bass. Please, forgive me."  "I already have, baby I love you, Axie." Sabastain pushed Axl back so he could look at the redhead.

He smiled as he brushed Axl's hair from his eyes. "I don't know why you hide your eyes so much," He whispered softly, "They're so fucking pretty."

He moved his arms to wrap around Axl's hips as he pulled the man closer.   He leaned it, eyes flicking from those beautiful green irises to those delicious looking lips. Axl gentle whisper nearly startled him.  "Do you want to kiss me? I won't be angry, I'm not fucking with you. I promise I will never hurt you like that again. Please, I want this just as much as you do, love. I want to be with you, Sebastian. I love you without a fucking sliver of doubt."

Sebastian gives a wobbly smile, tears falling from his eyes as he grabbed Axl's face and pushed their lips together over and over in desperate, frantic kisses.

"Mmph, m-S-Seb let m-mmph~" Sebastian pulled away, a giggling, blushing mess. "I'm sorry it's.... fuck, I've just come to terms that I've been wanting to do this for so fucking long, Rosie. Now shut up and let me kiss that beautiful mouth of yours."  Sebastian threw himself forward, pinning Axl to the bed as he moulded their mouths together lips rubbing against one another.

Axl let a breath out through his nose, letting out a soft, high-pitched moan as he desperately explored the Man's body. Sebastian shuddered as Axl's cool hands pushed his shirt up. He moaned and pushed his tongue between Axl's lips. Axl opened up eagerly, tangling their tongues together and licking at the roof of Sabastain mouth.

Sebastian needed to breath, but he just couldn't break away from Axl, not just yet. Sebastian opened his mouth wide, so their lips disconnected. Their tongue's wrapped around each other, gliding smoothly. Sebastian slid his under Axl's and thrust into the other singer's hot mouth.

Axl moaned, tongue flicking Sebastian's upper lip. "Mmph~" Axl arched his back, pressing into Sebastian. After several more minutes of making out, Sebastian pulled back gasping. A few thin trails of saliva connected them.

Sebastian bent down and delivered a long lick across Axl's abused mouth.  "Fuck, Seb. You don't know how much I love you," Axl breathed. Sebastian smirked, pinning the Axl's arms above his head.

"Want me to show you, baby?"  "Fuck yes~"  "Good, because you look fucking delectable, darling."

Sorry it's another short shit one but there will be longer and better ones soon I'm working on two longer one shorts right now

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