Surprise on stage (Richie Sambora x Jon)

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This is a request and I hope you guys like it! Sorry it start of a bit shit!
I'm also sorry it took song long to do this life has been a shit show, form me being in hospital to one of my grandparents and a bunch of other shit. I do apologise if there any fuck ups, as I did not write all of this, a friend finished it an I do believe she finished it on a note where I can continue with this, maybe a wedding or a few years latter! I hope you enjoy!!

Richie had been pacing around the small dressing room for half hour trying to calm his nerves but no matter what he did he couldn't clam down. So Richie had settled on brushing through his hair nervously in front of the mirror in his dressing room, "Fuckin' hell I can't do this!" He whispered shouted to himself as he fiddled nervously with the small red velvet box on the table.

He had been preparing for this moment for months and months, he wanted it to be perfect but now the day and time was actually here, the guitarist was absolutely terrified. He was sure he was going to fuck everything up and make a foul of hisself.

"Richie! Honey, we gotta go it's stage time!" Jon voice rang through the door as the singer knocked anxiously.  "C-coming!" Richie grabbed the box and shoved it into his pocket. He opened the door and threw his arms around his lover's neck, kissing him. "Sorry, darling. I was em uh... I couldn't get hair to cooperate with me today, it Looks terrible today."  "That a load of crap Rich, your hair is gorgeous, as always," Jon laughed, flicking one of his loose locks.

Richie felt the blush spread across his cheeks as he sighed. "Ahh your smile always makes me weak, Jon. It's so radiant and beautiful god your so cute." Jon laughed as he picked Richie up and followed Phil and David to the stage as the other's where waiting stage side, carrying Richie onto the stage. The audience was screaming as the singer set the guitarist on the stage.

Richie couldn't help the small cute giggled as picked up his beloved guitar. David quickly stammered up to the microphone before Jon had the chance. "WHAT'S UP! HOW YA DOIN' NEW JERSEYS?!" The crowd screamed in response. 'God they love us,' Richie thought, grinning. Jon turned around looking confused as to why David was talking.

David looked over at Richie who nodded so he put the mic back to his lips.  "BEFORE I LET JON BEGIN...I WANNA INTRODUCE YOU TO OUR GUITARIST, MR RICHIE SAMBORA, HE'S GOT SOMETHIN' REAL IMPORTANT TO SAY!!"  David stepped away letting Richie have the mic, looking over at Jon who was confused as hell to what was going on.

Richie hopped across the stage, gently passing his beloved guitar to David to hold. Jon looked puzzled, staring at Phil with a questioning look as to ask what the Fuck is going on but Phil only smiled at him and motioned for him to go over to Richie. The singer still confuse as he slowly walked up to the older man he loved so much. "What going on?" Jon's asked, eyes glazed with concern as he studied Richie for any signs that could tell him what was going on but, there were none apart from Richie being nervous.

Jon could tell he was nervous by the way Richie was biting his lip and darting his eyes from Jon, to David to the floor then back to Jon. After a few seconds Richie managed to calm himself down a bit, he'd calmed down enough to give Jon a small smile as he reached out taking Jon's hands in his own. The big screens on the sides of the stage showed the two as Jon blushed still looking confused but to Richie he just looked super cute.

"Jon...I love you. More than anything else in this whole world. Your gorgeous hair, your piercing, exotic eyes. Your beautiful body. I am so inspired by your musical talent, aroused by your angelic voice. You are everything to me without you I'd be lost. If I ever lost you, i wouldn't know what to do and if I'm one hundred percent honest, I'm not sure I could live on with my life without you by my side. You give me a reason to live, your my happiness and my sadness. Your always by my side no matter what, if I'm sick your there looking after, me if I'm happy your there laughing with me and, if I'm sad your there wiping away my tears. You mean everything to me, baby," Richie slowly got down on one knee, pulling out the red velvet box that he hide in his pocket. Richie looks up at Jon with a loving expression but his was still nervous as hell hoping and praying he can have this man forever.

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