Higher take me higher (Duff Mckagan X Slash) smut ish

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Slash couldn't remember the last time he'd been this high an not because of smack. Being a guitarist was hard work but putting up with Axl was a serious business, an a very annoying one at time.

A random thought suddenly occurred to him, was it even humanly possible to be this god dam high, when you're sitting on the floor? Then he snorted, an laughed an then laughed some more until the ceiling started spinning above him.

Duff had dropped onto the floor right next to him, looking over at Slash who was still a giggling mess. Duff was already laughing at the joke he wasn't privy to. "What's so funny?" he asked, his words stretched out long.

Once the the giggles were finished wizzing out of Slash, who's curls were bouncing side to side with every little giggle, and his body melted halfway into the red hotel carpet again. Slash wasn't sure he could even move anymore, he truly believed that he had just become one with the carpet beneath him. "I don't know," Slash sighed. "I don't remember man."

Duff started laughing all over again. "Dam Slash You make a terrible stoner, man, is this what your like when ya don't take smack with shit." Duff finished his sentence with a little laugh. Slash was laughing again at that, but he wasn't sure what the reason to his giggles was. "I guess so, I haven't just smoked since I was like 15 dude, an why do I make a terrible stoner?"

"Cuz you're supposed to share these things before you forget Slashy. It's deep shit comes out of good hash." "Oohhh! I'll remember that." "No you won't man, we both know ya won't!" Duff was still laughing.

Slash swung his fist twice in the general direction of the blonde, he missed both times. However Slash was strangely fascinated by how slowly his arm moved. Slash watched it carefully as it moved through the air, as if the air had the viscosity of water, and when it finally landed with a thunk on the stained rug, he caught Duff's green eyes, watching him. The older man was wearing a half-smile that, in Slash's wonderfully dazed state, seemed a little... to inviting to slash

Slash talked to try to wash the thought from his mind.

"Which album is this? I've forget which one this man."


"It's too hard to remember. Appetite for destruction, now there's an album name nobody will forget."

"Slash, I thought you like Led Zeppelin."

"I do, It's just that... come on. II? III? I can't--" Slash paused, while Duff's comment diffused through his brain, time-released, and he snorted again, laughed.

"Your one stupid motherfucker."

"Who you callin' a stupid motherfucker man?" Duff gasped, his own laughter ignited again by his band mate. "You're the one who can't fucking remember shit anymore. Your the stupid motherfucker, Bad stoner, man."

"I know, I know, bad Slash," Slash said, grinning. "Hmm do ya w-wanna spank me now Duffles?" He closed his eyes, let the magic of Plant and Page ripple beneath his skin, while his heart attempted to pound out of his ribs. That inviting smile Duff was pretty much always wearing round him was under his skin, too, humming there like the music.

After a few seconds, or possibly several hours, he noticed Duff hadn't responded. Duff wasn't even laughing anymore, just sitting there looking like he was thinking. Slash was just about to make the effort to roll his head back in Duff's general direction when the other man said,

"Bend over."

This time, Slash actually manage to swivel his head, even though it now weighed six hundred pounds. "What?"

Duff's green eyes were narrowed, and the half-smile bent his lips again. He pulled an elbow up beneath him. "Bend. Over."

Briefly wondering why that delirious laughter wasn't kicking in, Slash forced a small chuckle. "What are you asking?"

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